A curated list of awesome fiducial marker resources for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Augmented Reality (AR).
- [2023] VuMark (paper 📃, code 💻, docs 📂) | Customized marker designs with data encoding
- [2021] Topotag (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | Robust and scalable topological marker system
- [2021] Seedmarkers (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | Embeddable Markers for Physical Objects
- [2019] STag (paper 📃, github 💻, ros 🤖, docs 📂) | A marker robust against jitter factors
- [2017] ChromaTag (paper 📃, github 💻) | A colored marker with a fast detection algorithm
- [2016] ARTTag (paper 📃) | Aesthetic fiducial markers based on circle pairs
- [2010] Nishino-1 (paper 📃) | A 6DoF tracking method based on topological adjacency
- [2012] Farkas et. al (paper 📃) | Aesthetic marker design for home robot localization
- [2010] Nishino-2 (paper 📃) | | A shape-free, designable 6-DoF marker tracking method
- [2010] Topolo Surface (paper 📃) | Topological region adjacency and angle information
- [2009] SIFTTag (paper 📃) | Maximum detector response markers for SIFT and SURF
- [2007] ReacTIVision (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | A framework for table-based tangible interaction
- [2004] Visual Code (paper 📃) | Markers for interaction with camera phones
- [2003] D-touch (paper 📃) | A consumer-grade tangible interface module
- [2000] Cybercode (paper 📃) | A visual tagging system based on a 2D-barcode technology
- [2018] RandomDot (paper 📃, code 💻, docs 📂) | Markers printed on transparent sheets
- [2012] Pi-Tag (paper 📃, github 💻, ros 🤖) | A fast image-space marker design based on projective invariants
- [2011] RUNE-Tag (paper 📃, github 💻, code 💻) | An accurate fiducial marker with strong occlusion resilience
- [2017] WhyCode (paper 📃, github 💻, ros 🤖) | A precise, efficient, and low-cost localization system
- [2015] WhyCon (paper 📃, github 💻, ros 🤖) | A precise, efficient, and low-cost localization system
- [2014] BullsEye (paper 📃, web-page 🌐) | High-precision fiducial tracking for table-based tangible interaction
- [2012] CC-Tag (paper 📃, paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | A concentric circular marker for camera tracking
- [2011] FourierTag (paper 📃, github 💻) | A smoothly degradable marker with configurable payload capacity
- [2006] Cantag (paper 📃, code 💻, docs 📂) | An open source software toolkit for marker-based vision systems
- [2002] Intersense (paper 📃) | A circular data matrix marker for wearable vision-inertial tracking
- [1992] CCC (paper 📃) | Using concentric contrasting circles for feature extraction
- [2019] Fractal Marker (paper 📃, code 💻, docs 📂) | Nested markers with several square markers
- [2014] ArUco Marker (paper 📃, code 💻, ros 🤖, docs 📂) | Highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion
- [2011] AprilTag (paper 📃, github 💻, ros 🤖, docs 📂) | A visual fiducial system popular in robotics
- [2010] CALTag (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | High precision markers for camera calibration
- [2007] BinARyID (paper 📃) | An ID-based extension for marker tracking systems
- [2007] ARToolKitPlus (paper 📃, github 💻) | Pose tracking system on mobile devices
- [2005] ARTag (paper 📃, github (not-official) 💻) | A fiducial marker system using digital techniques
- [1999] ARToolKit (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | A marker tracking and HMD calibration tool
- [1998] Matrix (paper 📃) | Real-time object identification for augmented reality
- [2023] DeepTag (paper 📃, github 💻, docs 📂) | A framework for robust fiducial marker design and detection
- [2022] DynaTags (paper 📃, github 💻, web-page 🌐) | A low-cost dynamic paper-based fiducial marker
- [2021] LiDARTag (paper 📃, github 💻) | A real-time fiducial tag system for point clouds
Please feel free to open pull requests to update the list.