Implementations of the GJK and EPA algorithm for performing proximity queries on pair of convex shapes
- ali-robot
- andreacasalinoLondon, United Kingdom
- AvidJoyceXu
- ba-robo
- chen-tianjianAmazon Robotics
- DaleChen0351
- damengziuuGuangdong, Guangzhou
- FWY51
- giuseppecalderaroLondon
- HeechanShinKAIST
- hydranovia999
- ImmortalBLGRussia
- janbridleyUniversity of Michigan
- KTRosenbergNew York University
- li-haojiaHKUST Aerial Robotics Group
- lirenzhi
- lishangls
- longhouyunhhh
- lyd00116TianJin University
- mentalAdventurerAustria
- nabla27Okayama Univ.
- Panlayn
- qwerty35SeoulTech
- sentomarcoTurin, Italy
- SmorodovRussian Federation
- sunrui19941128保密
- Swarm-lzyUniversity of Manchester
- tenhjo@TUM
- USE-jx