Bioconda is a distribution of bioinformatics software realized as a channel for the versatile package manager Conda.
- apastore
- bgrueningUniversity of Freiburg
- cbrueffer@insilicoconsulting
- chapmanbGinkgo Bioworks
- cmeestersUniversity of Mainz
- ConYelLaboratoire Canther – Institut ONCOLille
- dalerNational Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
- dpryan79Genedata AG
- druvusSweden
- eemailme
- epruesseDenver, CO, USA
- jhcloos
- johanneskoesterUniversity of Duisburg-Essen
- matthiaskoenigHumboldt University
- mbargull
- ramakrishnas
- rpetit3Wyoming Public Health Laboratory
- tomkinscBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard