
Basic robot simluation that detects and follow a white ball. Use it as a template to create your own robot simulation.

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


Chase_it is basic robot simulation of a simple robot that follows a white ball. This project can be used as a base/template project to start your own modified project.

It is basically composed by two different components:

  • The simulation of the robot that holds a world and a very simple robot inside.
  • A ROS package that enables the robot to detect and follow a ball in the world.


This simulation have been created and tested in:

Create a catkin workspace to compile and run the simulation

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src # create 2 folders
cd catkin_ws/src
catkin_init_workspace # createa CMakeLists.txt
cd catkin_ws # go to main folder
catkin_make # create some automatic folders and files
cd src # go to source folder
git clone git@github.com:daniel-lopez-puig/chase_it.git #clone this repository
cd .. # go back to catkin_ws

Run the simulation

This will open two windows, gazebo and rviz.

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch my_robot daniel.world

In gazebo you can see all the simulated world with the robot, a building and a white ball. gazebo_world

On the other hand you will have a rviz window thats shows what the robot sees using the laser (red lines) and the front camera (bottom right image). gazebo_world

Run the ROS package

Now to run the ROS package that runs the logic, open a second terminal, and run the following commands

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch

Let the robot see the ball

Move the ball in a place that the camera can detect it and see how the robot chase it!



This package is mainly composed by two folders, my_robot (responsible to simulate a world, the robot and all the physics) and the ball_chaser that creates the logic.



This project have been done entirely for me while coursing the Roftware Software Engineer nando degree program in Udacity. Please feel free to fork and create your own branch with your personalized projects.


Feel free to use this repository to create your own simulation following the MIT license attached.


Do not hesitate to contact me via mail (daniel.lopez.puig@gmail.com) or by Linkedin to give any suggestion or possible colaboration project realated to robotics.