
A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, with a bias towards data and machine learning

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Crazy Awesome Python

A selection of 1073 curated Python libraries and frameworks ordered by stars.

Checkout the interactive version that you can filter and sort: https://www.awesomepython.org/


tensorflow: An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
448 stars per week over 383 weeks
172,024 stars, 87,942 forks, 7,747 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-11-07, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, distributed, machine-learning, ml, neural-network, tensorflow

transformers by huggingface

🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
371 stars per week over 228 weeks
84,726 stars, 18,503 forks, 919 watches
nlp category, created 2018-10-29, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
bert, deep-learning, flax, hacktoberfest, jax, language-model, language-models, machine-learning, model-hub, natural-language-processing, nlp, nlp-library, pretrained-models, pytorch, pytorch-transformers, seq2seq, speech-recognition, tensorflow, transformer


pytorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
185 stars per week over 343 weeks
63,645 stars, 17,662 forks, 1,628 watches
ml-dl category, created 2016-08-13, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++
autograd, deep-learning, gpu, machine-learning, neural-network, numpy, tensor

cpython by python

cpython: The Python programming language
161 stars per week over 317 weeks
51,162 stars, 26,074 forks, 1,473 watches
util category, created 2017-02-10, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

core by home-assistant

core: 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
118 stars per week over 494 weeks
58,743 stars, 22,351 forks, 1,353 watches
util category, created 2013-09-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
asyncio, hacktoberfest, home-automation, internet-of-things, iot, mqtt, raspberry-pi

InvokeAI by invoke-ai

InvokeAI is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The solution offers an industry leading WebUI, supports terminal use through a CLI, and serves as the foundation for multiple commercial products.
394 stars per week over 29 weeks
11,718 stars, 1,328 forks, 130 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-08-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai-art, artificial-intelligence, generative-art, image-generation, img2img, inpainting, latent-diffusion, linux, macos, outpainting, stable-diffusion, txt2img, windows

ruff by charliermarsh

ruff: An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
338 stars per week over 30 weeks
10,458 stars, 332 forks, 51 watches
util category, created 2022-08-09, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Rust
linter, pep8, ruff, rust, rustpython, static-analysis, static-code-analysis, style-guide, styleguide

Open-Assistant by laion-ai

Open-Assistant: OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
1435 stars per week over 12 weeks
18,454 stars, 1,393 forks, 277 watches
chatgpt category, created 2022-12-13, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
ai, assistant, chatgpt, discord-bot, language-model, machine-learning, nextjs, rlhf

Python by thealgorithms

Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python
446 stars per week over 347 weeks
155,165 stars, 39,300 forks, 5,964 watches
study category, created 2016-07-16, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
algorithm, algorithm-competitions, algorithms-implemented, algos, community-driven, education, hacktoberfest, interview, learn, practice, searches, sorting-algorithms, sorts


django: The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
122 stars per week over 567 weeks
69,256 stars, 28,798 forks, 2,268 watches
web category, created 2012-04-28, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
apps, django, framework, models, orm, templates, views, web

rich by willmcgugan

Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
243 stars per week over 174 weeks
42,458 stars, 1,515 forks, 544 watches
term category, created 2019-11-10, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python
ansi-colors, emoji, markdown, progress-bar, progress-bar-python, rich, syntax-highlighting, tables, terminal, terminal-color, traceback, tracebacks-rich, tui

diffusers by huggingface

🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image and audio generation in PyTorch
283 stars per week over 41 weeks
11,635 stars, 2,303 forks, 124 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-05-30, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
deep-learning, diffusion, hacktoberfest, image-generation, image2image, pytorch, score-based-generative-modeling, stable-diffusion, text2image

ChatGPT by acheong08

ChatGPT: Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
1454 stars per week over 14 weeks
20,773 stars, 3,236 forks, 219 watches
chatgpt category, created 2022-12-03, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
chatgpt, cli, gpt-35-turbo, gptchat, pypi-package, revchatgpt

langchain by hwchase17

langchain: Building applications with LLMs through composability
512 stars per week over 21 weeks
10,765 stars, 958 forks, 146 watches
nlp category, created 2022-10-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

airflow by apache

airflow: Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
71 stars per week over 413 weeks
29,438 stars, 12,044 forks, 756 watches
ml-ops category, created 2015-04-13, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
airflow, apache, apache-airflow, hacktoberfest, scheduler, workflow

keras by keras-team

keras: Deep Learning for humans
138 stars per week over 415 weeks
57,558 stars, 19,304 forks, 1,924 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-03-28, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, machine-learning, neural-networks, tensorflow

ColossalAI by hpcaitech

ColossalAI: Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
258 stars per week over 71 weeks
18,472 stars, 1,971 forks, 214 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-10-28, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
ai, big-model, data-parallelism, deep-learning, distributed-computing, foundation-models, heterogeneous-training, hpc, inference, large-scale, model-parallelism, pipeline-parallelism


scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
81 stars per week over 655 weeks
53,325 stars, 24,056 forks, 2,163 watches
ml category, created 2010-08-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, machine-learning, statistics

fastapi by tiangolo

FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
249 stars per week over 222 weeks
55,392 stars, 4,585 forks, 619 watches
web category, created 2018-12-08, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
api, async, asyncio, fastapi, framework, json, json-schema, openapi, openapi3, pydantic, python-types, redoc, rest, starlette, swagger, swagger-ui, uvicorn, web

textual by willmcgugan

Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
181 stars per week over 100 weeks
18,232 stars, 526 forks, 158 watches
term category, created 2021-04-08, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
cli, framework, rich, terminal, tui

stable-diffusion-webui by automatic1111

stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI
1624 stars per week over 29 weeks
47,112 stars, 8,708 forks, 442 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-08-22, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
ai, ai-art, deep-learning, diffusion, gradio, image-generation, image2image, img2img, pytorch, stable-diffusion, text2image, torch, txt2img, unstable, upscaling, web

lightning by pytorchlightning

lightning: Deep learning framework to train, deploy, and ship AI products Lightning fast.
106 stars per week over 206 weeks
21,896 stars, 2,769 forks, 229 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-03-31, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, data-science, deep-learning, machine-learning, pytorch

ray by ray-project

Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a toolkit of libraries (Ray AIR) for accelerating ML workloads.
73 stars per week over 332 weeks
24,535 stars, 4,272 forks, 443 watches
ml-ops category, created 2016-10-25, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
automl, data-science, deep-learning, deployment, distributed, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-search, java, machine-learning, model-selection, optimization, parallel, pytorch, ray, reinforcement-learning, rllib, serving, tensorflow

OpenBBTerminal by openbb-finance

OpenBBTerminal: Investment Research for Everyone, Anywhere.
173 stars per week over 116 weeks
20,129 stars, 2,046 forks, 244 watches
finance category, created 2020-12-20, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, crypto, cryptocurrency, economics, finance, investment, investment-research, machine-learning, openbb, quantitative-finance, stocks

pandas by pandas-dev

pandas: Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
56 stars per week over 654 weeks
37,205 stars, 15,909 forks, 1,116 watches
pandas category, created 2010-08-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
alignment, data-analysis, data-science, flexible, pandas

polars by pola-rs

polars: Fast multi-threaded, hybrid-out-of-core DataFrame library in Rust | Python | Node.js
102 stars per week over 147 weeks
15,193 stars, 764 forks, 125 watches
perf category, created 2020-05-13, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Rust
arrow, dataframe, dataframe-library, dataframes, out-of-core, rust

Paddle by paddlepaddle

Paddle: PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
57 stars per week over 343 weeks
19,768 stars, 5,027 forks, 733 watches
ml-dl category, created 2016-08-15, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++
deep-learning, distributed-training, efficiency, machine-learning, neural-network, paddlepaddle, scalability


freqtrade: Free, open source crypto trading bot
69 stars per week over 303 weeks
20,972 stars, 4,513 forks, 594 watches
crypto category, created 2017-05-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency, freqtrade, telegram-bot, trade, trading-bot


pyscript: Home Page: https://pyscript.net Examples: https://pyscript.net/examples
283 stars per week over 55 weeks
15,565 stars, 1,171 forks, 176 watches
web category, created 2022-02-21, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
html, javascript, wasm


ccxt: A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
90 stars per week over 304 weeks
27,499 stars, 6,754 forks, 938 watches
crypto category, created 2017-05-14, last commit 2023-03-13, main language JavaScript
altcoin, api, arbitrage, bitcoin, bot, btc, crypto, cryptocurrency, e-commerce, eth, ethereum, exchange, invest, market-data, merchant, strategy, trade, trading

black by psf

black: The uncompromising Python code formatter
121 stars per week over 260 weeks
31,627 stars, 2,030 forks, 231 watches
util category, created 2018-03-14, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
autopep8, code, codeformatter, formatter, gofmt, hacktoberfest, pre-commit-hook, yapf

EdgeGPT by acheong08

EdgeGPT: Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat
562 stars per week over 4 weeks
2,571 stars, 244 forks, 37 watches
chatgpt category, created 2023-02-09, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
binggpt, chatgpt, edge, edgegpt, gpt, reverse-engineering

datasets by huggingface

datasets: 🤗 The largest hub of ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools
100 stars per week over 154 weeks
15,478 stars, 2,055 forks, 263 watches
nlp category, created 2020-03-26, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
computer-vision, datasets, deep-learning, evaluation, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, metrics, natural-language-processing, nlp, numpy, pandas, pytorch, speech, tensorflow

pynecone by pynecone-io

pynecone: Web apps in pure Python.
288 stars per week over 19 weeks
5,732 stars, 199 forks, 60 watches
web category, created 2022-10-25, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
framework, fullstack, infrastructure, open-source, web, webdev

mmdetection by open-mmlab

mmdetection: OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
97 stars per week over 237 weeks
23,294 stars, 8,424 forks, 366 watches
ml category, created 2018-08-22, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
cascade-rcnn, convnext, detr, fast-rcnn, faster-rcnn, instance-segmentation, mask-rcnn, object-detection, panoptic-segmentation, pytorch, retinanet, rtmdet, semisupervised-learning, ssd, swin-transformer, transformer, vision-transformer, yolo

jax by google

jax: Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
97 stars per week over 228 weeks
22,220 stars, 2,080 forks, 308 watches
ml category, created 2018-10-25, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

poetry by python-poetry

poetry: Python packaging and dependency management made easy
91 stars per week over 262 weeks
24,144 stars, 1,926 forks, 186 watches
util category, created 2018-02-28, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
dependency-manager, package-manager, packaging, poetry


numpy: The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
35 stars per week over 652 weeks
22,913 stars, 7,847 forks, 581 watches
math category, created 2010-09-13, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

jina by jina-ai

jina: 🔮 Build multimodal AI services via cloud native technologies · Neural Search · Generative AI · Cloud Native
110 stars per week over 160 weeks
17,741 stars, 2,053 forks, 193 watches
ml category, created 2020-02-13, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
aiops, airflow, cloud-native, creative-ai, crossmodal, deep-learning, fastapi, framework, generative-ai, grpc, kubernetes, machine-learning, microservices, mlops, multimodal, neural-search, pipeline, semantic-search, vector-search-engine, workflow


Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
125 stars per week over 185 weeks
23,210 stars, 2,055 forks, 285 watches
viz category, created 2019-08-24, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, deep-learning, developer-tools, machine-learning, streamlit

memray by bloomberg

Memray is a memory profiler for Python
211 stars per week over 48 weeks
10,232 stars, 284 forks, 53 watches
profiling category, created 2022-04-08, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
hacktoberfest, memory, memory-leak, memory-leak-detection, memory-profiler, profiler

openai-cookbook by openai

openai-cookbook: Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
332 stars per week over 52 weeks
17,425 stars, 2,366 forks, 371 watches
ml category, created 2022-03-11, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook

pytorch-image-models by rwightman

pytorch-image-models: PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
112 stars per week over 214 weeks
24,029 stars, 3,964 forks, 298 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-02-02, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
augmix, cnn-classification, distributed-training, dual-path-networks, efficientnet, efficientnet-training, imagenet-classifier, mixnet, mnasnet, mobile-deep-learning, mobilenet-v2, mobilenetv3, nfnets, normalization-free-training, pretrained-models, pretrained-weights, pytorch, randaugment, resnet, vision-transformer-models

flask by pallets

flask: The Python micro framework for building web applications.
92 stars per week over 674 weeks
62,172 stars, 15,487 forks, 2,142 watches
web category, created 2010-04-06, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
flask, jinja, pallets, web-framework, werkzeug, wsgi

arrow by apache

arrow: Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
30 stars per week over 368 weeks
11,292 stars, 2,779 forks, 343 watches
data category, created 2016-02-17, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++

mediapipe by google

mediapipe: Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
106 stars per week over 195 weeks
20,851 stars, 4,359 forks, 503 watches
ml category, created 2019-06-13, last commit 2023-03-11, main language C++
android, audio-processing, c-plus-plus, calculator, computer-vision, deep-learning, framework, graph-based, graph-framework, inference, machine-learning, mediapipe, mobile-development, perception, pipeline-framework, stream-processing, video-processing

dgl by dmlc

dgl: Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
44 stars per week over 255 weeks
11,310 stars, 2,736 forks, 172 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-04-20, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
deep-learning, graph-neural-networks

PaLM-rlhf-pytorch by lucidrains

PaLM-rlhf-pytorch: Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM
421 stars per week over 13 weeks
5,663 stars, 444 forks, 110 watches
ml-rl category, created 2022-12-09, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, attention-mechanisms, deep-learning, human-feedback, reinforcement-learning, transformers

dream-textures by carson-katri

dream-textures: Stable Diffusion built-in to Blender
227 stars per week over 26 weeks
6,041 stars, 310 forks, 95 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-08, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
ai, blender, blender-addon, image-generation, stable-diffusion

sherlock by sherlock-project

sherlock: 🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
179 stars per week over 220 weeks
39,589 stars, 4,713 forks, 982 watches
web category, created 2018-12-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
cli, hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2022, information-gathering, linux, macos, osint, reconnaissance, redteam, sherlock, tools, windows

xgboost by dmlc

xgboost: Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
50 stars per week over 474 weeks
23,852 stars, 8,553 forks, 923 watches
ml category, created 2014-02-06, last commit 2023-03-11, main language C++
distributed-systems, gbdt, gbm, gbrt, machine-learning, xgboost

diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui by divamgupta

diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui: Diffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
315 stars per week over 26 weeks
8,482 stars, 344 forks, 78 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-06, last commit 2023-03-12, main language JavaScript
electron-app, macos, stable-diffusion

trivy by aquasecurity

trivy: Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
80 stars per week over 204 weeks
16,538 stars, 1,602 forks, 154 watches
security category, created 2019-04-11, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Go
containers, devsecops, docker, go, golang, hacktoberfest, iac, infrastructure-as-code, kubernetes, misconfiguration, security, security-tools, vulnerability, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-scanners


Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
68 stars per week over 681 weeks
46,441 stars, 9,890 forks, 1,783 watches
data category, created 2010-02-22, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
crawler, crawling, framework, hacktoberfest, scraping, web-scraping, web-scraping-python


JupyterLab computational environment.
35 stars per week over 353 weeks
12,694 stars, 2,586 forks, 310 watches
jupyter category, created 2016-06-03, last commit 2023-03-11, main language TypeScript
jupyter, jupyterlab


matplotlib: plotting with Python
27 stars per week over 629 weeks
16,991 stars, 6,761 forks, 594 watches
viz category, created 2011-02-19, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data-science, data-visualization, gtk, hacktoberfest, matplotlib, plotting, qt, tk, wx

gradio by gradio-app

gradio: Create UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
62 stars per week over 220 weeks
13,694 stars, 894 forks, 106 watches
viz category, created 2018-12-19, last commit 2023-03-12, main language HTML
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, deep-learning, deploy, gradio, gradio-interface, interface, machine-learning, models, python-notebook, ui, ui-components

pytorch_geometric by pyg-team

pytorch_geometric: Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
60 stars per week over 283 weeks
17,027 stars, 3,136 forks, 250 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-10-06, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
deep-learning, geometric-deep-learning, graph-convolutional-networks, graph-neural-networks, pytorch

system-design-primer by donnemartin

system-design-primer: Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
678 stars per week over 315 weeks
213,800 stars, 38,129 forks, 6,457 watches
study category, created 2017-02-26, last commit 2022-12-11, main language Python
design, design-patterns, design-system, development, interview, interview-practice, interview-questions, programming, system, web, web-application, webapp


mlflow: Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
55 stars per week over 248 weeks
13,828 stars, 3,234 forks, 288 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-06-05, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
ai, apache-spark, machine-learning, ml, mlflow, model-management


Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
68 stars per week over 434 weeks
29,705 stars, 3,333 forks, 762 watches
security category, created 2014-11-12, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
acme, acme-client, certbot, certificate, letsencrypt

pygwalker by kanaries

PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into a Tableau-style User Interface for visual analysis
1249 stars per week over 3 weeks
4,461 stars, 121 forks, 20 watches
pandas category, created 2023-02-16, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook
data-analysis, data-exploration, dataframe, pandas, tableau, tableau-alternative, visualization

ml-stable-diffusion by apple

ml-stable-diffusion: Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
351 stars per week over 16 weeks
5,876 stars, 284 forks, 69 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-11-16, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python

spaCy by explosion

spaCy: 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
56 stars per week over 453 weeks
25,477 stars, 4,045 forks, 550 watches
nlp category, created 2014-07-03, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, cython, data-science, deep-learning, entity-linking, machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, neural-network, neural-networks, nlp, nlp-library, spacy, text-classification, tokenization

gym by openai

gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
84 stars per week over 358 weeks
30,334 stars, 8,281 forks, 1,011 watches
ml-rl category, created 2016-04-27, last commit 2023-01-30, main language Python


DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System
36 stars per week over 245 weeks
8,970 stars, 828 forks, 138 watches
data category, created 2018-06-26, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++
analytics, database, embedded-database, olap, sql

pydantic by samuelcolvin

pydantic: Data validation using Python type hints
42 stars per week over 305 weeks
12,856 stars, 1,180 forks, 93 watches
util category, created 2017-05-03, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
hints, json-schema, parsing, pydantic, python310, python311, python37, python38, python39, validation


pyenv: Simple Python version management
56 stars per week over 549 weeks
30,961 stars, 2,733 forks, 386 watches
util category, created 2012-08-31, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Roff

imagen-pytorch by lucidrains

imagen-pytorch: Implementation of Imagen, Google's Text-to-Image Neural Network, in Pytorch
153 stars per week over 42 weeks
6,441 stars, 592 forks, 113 watches
ml-dl category, created 2022-05-23, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, imagination-machine, text-to-image, text-to-video

diagrams by mingrammer

diagrams: 🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
174 stars per week over 162 weeks
28,301 stars, 1,727 forks, 350 watches
util category, created 2020-02-02, last commit 2023-01-13, main language Python
architecture, diagram, diagram-as-code, graphviz

detectron2 by facebookresearch

Detectron2 is a platform for object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
129 stars per week over 183 weeks
23,846 stars, 6,527 forks, 366 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-09-05, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

lama-cleaner by sanster

lama-cleaner: Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.
123 stars per week over 69 weeks
8,487 stars, 763 forks, 63 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-11-15, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
inpainting, lama, latent-diffusion, mat, pytorch, stable-diffusion, zits

prefect by prefecthq

prefect: The easiest way to coordinate your dataflow
46 stars per week over 245 weeks
11,471 stars, 1,151 forks, 154 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-06-29, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
automation, data, data-engineering, data-ops, data-science, infrastructure, ml-ops, observability, orchestration, orion, pipeline, prefect, workflow, workflow-engine

llama by facebookresearch

llama: Inference code for LLaMA models
2672 stars per week over 3 weeks
10,307 stars, 1,555 forks, 114 watches
nlp category, created 2023-02-14, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python

d2l-en by d2l-ai

d2l-en: Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 400 universities from 60 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.
73 stars per week over 230 weeks
16,859 stars, 3,575 forks, 359 watches
study category, created 2018-10-09, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
book, computer-vision, data-science, deep-learning, gaussian-processes, hyperparameter-optimization, jax, kaggle, keras, machine-learning, mxnet, natural-language-processing, notebook, pytorch, recommender-system, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow

nebullvm by nebuly-ai

nebullvm: Plug and play modules to optimize the performances of your AI systems 🚀
113 stars per week over 56 weeks
6,397 stars, 461 forks, 82 watches
perf category, created 2022-02-12, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
compiler, computing, deep-learning, edge-computing, gpu, huggingface, inference, machine-learning, neural-network, onnx, openvino, optimization, pypi, pytorch, quantization, tensorflow, tensorrt, transformers, tvm

flatbuffers by google

FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
43 stars per week over 460 weeks
20,034 stars, 3,034 forks, 644 watches
perf category, created 2014-05-19, last commit 2023-03-09, main language C++
c, c-plus-plus, c-sharp, cross-platform, flatbuffers, go, grpc, java, javascript, json-parser, marshalling, mmap, protobuf, rpc, rust, serialization, serialization-library, typescript, zero-copy

sanic by huge-success

sanic: Accelerate your web app development | Build fast. Run fast.
47 stars per week over 354 weeks
16,904 stars, 1,491 forks, 412 watches
web category, created 2016-05-26, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
api-server, asgi, asyncio, framework, sanic, web, web-framework, web-server


sqlalchemy: The Database Toolkit for Python
30 stars per week over 223 weeks
6,915 stars, 1,093 forks, 89 watches
data category, created 2018-11-27, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
sql, sqlalchemy

requests by psf

requests: A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library.
78 stars per week over 630 weeks
49,194 stars, 8,999 forks, 1,353 watches
web category, created 2011-02-13, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
client, cookies, forhumans, http, humans, python-requests, requests

frigate by blakeblackshear

frigate: NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
33 stars per week over 215 weeks
7,316 stars, 753 forks, 126 watches
util category, created 2019-01-26, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
ai, camera, google-coral, home-assistant, home-automation, homeautomation, mqtt, nvr, object-detection, realtime, rtsp, tensorflow

visual-chatgpt by microsoft

visual-chatgpt: Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models
10191 stars per week over 1 weeks
16,015 stars, 1,160 forks, 135 watches
chatgpt category, created 2023-03-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

dalle-mini by borisdayma

dalle-mini: DALL·E Mini - Generate images from a text prompt
156 stars per week over 88 weeks
13,777 stars, 1,067 forks, 103 watches
diffusion category, created 2021-07-03, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python


SciPy library main repository
17 stars per week over 626 weeks
10,938 stars, 4,630 forks, 345 watches
math category, created 2011-03-09, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
algorithms, closember, scientific-computing, scipy

DALLE2-pytorch by lucidrains

DALLE2-pytorch: Implementation of DALL-E 2, OpenAI's updated text-to-image synthesis neural network, in Pytorch
187 stars per week over 48 weeks
9,127 stars, 803 forks, 122 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-04-07, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, text-to-image


bokeh: Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
30 stars per week over 572 weeks
17,345 stars, 4,067 forks, 448 watches
viz category, created 2012-03-26, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
bokeh, data-visualisation, interactive-plots, javascript, jupyter, notebooks, numfocus, plots, plotting, visualisation, visualization

pyright by microsoft

pyright: Static Type Checker for Python
47 stars per week over 208 weeks
9,841 stars, 876 forks, 95 watches
typing category, created 2019-03-12, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

DeepSpeed by microsoft

DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
57 stars per week over 163 weeks
9,402 stars, 1,126 forks, 150 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-01-23, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
billion-parameters, compression, data-parallelism, deep-learning, gpu, inference, machine-learning, mixture-of-experts, model-parallelism, pipeline-parallelism, pytorch, trillion-parameters, zero


Pyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly
36 stars per week over 263 weeks
9,723 stars, 630 forks, 126 watches
util category, created 2018-02-23, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

mypy by python

mypy: Optional static typing for Python
27 stars per week over 535 weeks
14,981 stars, 2,471 forks, 229 watches
typing category, created 2012-12-07, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
linter, typechecker, types, typing

dvc by iterative

dvc: 🦉Data Version Control | Git for Data & Models | ML Experiments Management
35 stars per week over 314 weeks
11,201 stars, 1,036 forks, 135 watches
data category, created 2017-03-04, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
ai, collaboration, data-science, data-version-control, developer-tools, git, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, reproducibility

AITemplate by facebookincubator

AITemplate is a Python framework which renders neural network into high performance CUDA/HIP C++ code. Specialized for FP16 TensorCore (NVIDIA GPU) and MatrixCore (AMD GPU) inference.
87 stars per week over 34 weeks
2,997 stars, 242 forks, 76 watches
ml-dl category, created 2022-07-15, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

flair by flairnlp

flair: A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
50 stars per week over 248 weeks
12,557 stars, 2,000 forks, 201 watches
nlp category, created 2018-06-11, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, semantic-role-labeling, sequence-labeling, word-embeddings


sktime: A unified framework for machine learning with time series
27 stars per week over 226 weeks
6,251 stars, 1,041 forks, 108 watches
time-series category, created 2018-11-06, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data-mining, data-science, forecasting, machine-learning, scikit-learn, time-series, time-series-analysis, time-series-classification, time-series-regression

dagster by dagster-io

dagster: An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
26 stars per week over 254 weeks
6,768 stars, 855 forks, 93 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-04-30, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
analytics, dagster, data-engineering, data-integration, data-orchestrator, data-pipelines, data-science, etl, metadata, mlops, orchestration, scheduler, workflow, workflow-automation

fairseq by pytorch

fairseq: Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
73 stars per week over 288 weeks
21,195 stars, 5,291 forks, 360 watches
nlp category, created 2017-08-29, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, pytorch


dask: Parallel computing with task scheduling
25 stars per week over 427 weeks
10,804 stars, 1,602 forks, 218 watches
perf category, created 2015-01-04, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
dask, numpy, pandas, pydata, scikit-learn, scipy


optuna: A hyperparameter optimization framework
29 stars per week over 263 weeks
7,747 stars, 811 forks, 123 watches
ml category, created 2018-02-21, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
distributed, hacktoberfest, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, parallel

locust by locustio

locust: Write scalable load tests in plain Python 🚗💨
33 stars per week over 629 weeks
20,861 stars, 2,647 forks, 433 watches
testing category, created 2011-02-17, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
benchmarking, http, load-generator, load-test, load-testing, load-tests, locust, performance, performance-testing

mkdocs-material by squidfunk

mkdocs-material: Documentation that simply works
35 stars per week over 371 weeks
13,059 stars, 2,846 forks, 112 watches
util category, created 2016-01-28, last commit 2023-03-11, main language TypeScript
documentation, material-design, mkdocs, static, template, theme

EasyOCR by jaidedai

EasyOCR: Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
110 stars per week over 156 weeks
17,253 stars, 2,494 forks, 283 watches
data category, created 2020-03-14, last commit 2023-01-06, main language Python
cnn, crnn, data-mining, deep-learning, easyocr, image-processing, information-retrieval, lstm, machine-learning, ocr, optical-character-recognition, pytorch, scene-text, scene-text-recognition

notebook by jupyter

notebook: Jupyter Interactive Notebook
23 stars per week over 413 weeks
9,839 stars, 4,025 forks, 322 watches
jupyter category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Jupyter Notebook
closember, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, notebook

faceswap by deepfakes

faceswap: Deepfakes Software For All
161 stars per week over 272 weeks
43,958 stars, 12,172 forks, 1,509 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-12-19, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Python
deep-face-swap, deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, deepface, deepfakes, deeplearning, face-swap, faceswap, fakeapp, machine-learning, myfakeapp, neural-nets, neural-networks, openfaceswap

great_expectations by great-expectations

great_expectations: Always know what to expect from your data.
28 stars per week over 287 weeks
8,078 stars, 1,250 forks, 70 watches
ml-ops category, created 2017-09-11, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
cleandata, data-engineering, data-profilers, data-profiling, data-quality, data-science, data-unit-tests, datacleaner, datacleaning, dataquality, dataunittest, eda, exploratory-analysis, exploratory-data-analysis, exploratorydataanalysis, mlops, pipeline, pipeline-debt, pipeline-testing, pipeline-tests

PySimpleGUI by pysimplegui

PySimpleGUI: Launched in 2018. It's 2023 and PySimpleGUI is actively developed & supported. Create complex windows simply. Supports tkinter, Qt, WxPython, Remi (in browser). Create GUI applications trivially with a full set of widgets. Multi-Window applications are also simple. 3.4 to 3.11 supported. 325+ Demo programs & Cookbook for rapid start. Extensive docs
46 stars per week over 243 weeks
11,344 stars, 1,693 forks, 219 watches
gui category, created 2018-07-11, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
beginner-friendly, datavisualization, games, gui, gui-framework, gui-programming, gui-window, pyside2, pysimplegui, python-gui, qt, qt-gui, remi, systemtray, tkinter, tkinter-gui, tkinter-python, user-interface, wxpython

clip-as-service by jina-ai

clip-as-service: 🏄 Embed/reason/rank images and sentences with CLIP models
50 stars per week over 226 weeks
11,414 stars, 2,017 forks, 219 watches
nlp category, created 2018-11-12, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
bert, bert-as-service, clip-as-service, clip-model, cross-modal-retrieval, cross-modality, deep-learning, image2vec, multi-modality, neural-search, onnx, openai, pytorch, sentence-encoding, sentence2vec

GFPGAN by tencentarc

GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
262 stars per week over 103 weeks
27,195 stars, 4,213 forks, 405 watches
ml category, created 2021-03-19, last commit 2022-09-16, main language Python
deep-learning, face-restoration, gan, gfpgan, image-restoration, pytorch, super-resolution


MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems
33 stars per week over 481 weeks
16,082 stars, 6,252 forks, 730 watches
util category, created 2013-12-20, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C
embedded, microcontroller, micropython


mage-ai: 🧙 The modern replacement for Airflow. Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and transforming data.
84 stars per week over 43 weeks
3,633 stars, 287 forks, 50 watches
ml-ops category, created 2022-05-16, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, data, data-engineering, data-integration, data-pipelines, data-science, dbt, elt, etl, machine-learning, orchestration, pipeline, pipelines, reverse-etl, spark, sql, transformation

Real-ESRGAN by xinntao

Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
216 stars per week over 86 weeks
18,657 stars, 2,022 forks, 190 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-07-19, last commit 2022-09-20, main language Python
amine, denoise, esrgan, image-restoration, jpeg-compression, pytorch, real-esrgan, super-resolution


celery: Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
29 stars per week over 724 weeks
21,097 stars, 4,444 forks, 476 watches
perf category, created 2009-04-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
amqp, queue-tasks, queue-workers, queued-jobs, redis, redis-queue, sqs, sqs-queue, task-manager, task-runner, task-scheduler


sympy: A computer algebra system written in pure Python
15 stars per week over 671 weeks
10,393 stars, 3,897 forks, 289 watches
math category, created 2010-04-30, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
computer-algebra, hacktoberfest, math, science

faker by joke2k

Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
28 stars per week over 539 weeks
15,495 stars, 1,735 forks, 222 watches
data category, created 2012-11-12, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
dataset, fake, fake-data, test-data, test-data-generator, testing

LightGBM by microsoft

LightGBM: A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
42 stars per week over 344 weeks
14,731 stars, 3,690 forks, 445 watches
ml category, created 2016-08-05, last commit 2023-03-11, main language C++
data-mining, decision-trees, distributed, gbdt, gbm, gbrt, gradient-boosting, kaggle, lightgbm, machine-learning, microsoft, parallel, r

autogluon by awslabs

AutoGluon: AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
28 stars per week over 189 weeks
5,436 stars, 703 forks, 90 watches
ml category, created 2019-07-29, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
autogluon, automated-machine-learning, automl, computer-vision, data-science, deep-learning, ensemble-learning, forecasting, gluon, hyperparameter-optimization, image-classification, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, object-detection, pytorch, scikit-learn, structured-data, tabular-data, time-series, transfer-learning

haystack by deepset-ai

haystack: 🔍 Haystack is an open source NLP framework to interact with your data using Transformer models and LLMs (GPT-3 and alike). Haystack offers production-ready tools to quickly build ChatGPT-like question answering, semantic search, text generation, and more.
42 stars per week over 173 weeks
7,292 stars, 1,082 forks, 103 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-11-14, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
ai, bert, chatgpt, elasticsearch, generative-ai, gpt-3, information-retrieval, language-model, large-language-models, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, question-answering, semantic-search, squad, summarization, transfer-learning, transformers


ipython: Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
23 stars per week over 670 weeks
15,728 stars, 4,416 forks, 768 watches
util category, created 2010-05-10, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
closember, data-science, hacktoberfest, ipython, jupyter, notebook, repl


speechbrain: A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
36 stars per week over 149 weeks
5,458 stars, 1,026 forks, 117 watches
nlp category, created 2020-04-28, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
asr, audio, audio-processing, deep-learning, huggingface, language-model, pytorch, speaker-diarization, speaker-recognition, speaker-verification, speech-enhancement, speech-processing, speech-recognition, speech-separation, speech-to-text, speech-toolkit, speechrecognition, spoken-language-understanding, transformers, voice-recognition

stable-diffusion by compvis

stable-diffusion: A latent text-to-image diffusion model
1478 stars per week over 30 weeks
45,407 stars, 7,083 forks, 424 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-08-10, last commit 2022-11-16, main language Jupyter Notebook

aiohttp by aio-libs

aiohttp: Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
27 stars per week over 492 weeks
13,348 stars, 1,874 forks, 228 watches
web category, created 2013-10-01, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
aiohttp, async, asyncio, hacktoberfest, http, http-client, http-server

YOLOX by megvii-basedetection

YOLOX is a high-performance anchor-free YOLO, exceeding yolov3~v5 with MegEngine, ONNX, TensorRT, ncnn, and OpenVINO supported. Documentation: https://yolox.readthedocs.io/
92 stars per week over 86 weeks
7,954 stars, 1,924 forks, 72 watches
ml category, created 2021-07-17, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
deep-learning, megengine, ncnn, object-detection, onnx, openvino, pytorch, tensorrt, yolo, yolov3, yolox

nni by microsoft

nni: An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
50 stars per week over 249 weeks
12,597 stars, 1,752 forks, 282 watches
ml category, created 2018-06-01, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, bayesian-optimization, data-science, deep-learning, deep-neural-network, distributed, feature-engineering, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-tuning, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, mlops, model-compression, nas, neural-architecture-search, neural-network, pytorch, tensorflow

prismer by nvlabs

The implementation of "Prismer: A Vision-Language Model with An Ensemble of Experts".
468 stars per week over 1 weeks
736 stars, 38 forks, 12 watches
diffusion category, created 2023-03-02, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
image-captioning, language-model, multi-modal-learning, multi-task-learning, vision-and-language, vision-language-model, vqa


espnet: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit
22 stars per week over 273 weeks
6,187 stars, 1,863 forks, 174 watches
nlp category, created 2017-12-13, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
chainer, deep-learning, end-to-end, kaldi, machine-translation, pytorch, singing-voice-synthesis, speaker-diarization, speech-enhancement, speech-recognition, speech-separation, speech-synthesis, speech-translation, spoken-language-understanding, voice-conversion

stable-dreamfusion by ashawkey

stable-dreamfusion: A pytorch implementation of text-to-3D dreamfusion, powered by stable diffusion.
178 stars per week over 22 weeks
4,031 stars, 354 forks, 88 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-10-06, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
dreamfusion, gui, nerf, stable-diffusion, text-to-3d

ludwig by uber

ludwig: Data-centric declarative deep learning framework
40 stars per week over 219 weeks
8,793 stars, 1,029 forks, 182 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-12-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
computer-vision, data-centric, data-science, datascience, deep, deep-learning, deeplearning, learning, machine, machine-learning, machinelearning, ml, natural-language, natural-language-processing, neural-network, pytorch

stable-diffusion-videos by nateraw

stable-diffusion-videos: Create 🔥 videos with Stable Diffusion by exploring the latent space and morphing between text prompts
83 stars per week over 26 weeks
2,243 stars, 215 forks, 29 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-06, last commit 2023-02-18, main language Python
ai-art, huggingface, huggingface-diffusers, machine-learning, stable-diffusion

Gymnasium by farama-foundation

Gymnasium: A standard API for single-agent reinforcement learning environments, with popular reference environments and related utilities (formerly Gym)
66 stars per week over 26 weeks
1,774 stars, 204 forks, 18 watches
ml-rl category, created 2022-09-08, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
api, gym, reinforcement-learning

vit-pytorch by lucidrains

vit-pytorch: Implementation of Vision Transformer, a simple way to achieve SOTA in vision classification with only a single transformer encoder, in Pytorch
103 stars per week over 127 weeks
13,224 stars, 2,193 forks, 134 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-10-03, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, attention-mechanism, computer-vision, image-classification, transformers

pybind11 by pybind

pybind11: Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
30 stars per week over 401 weeks
12,357 stars, 1,788 forks, 245 watches
perf category, created 2015-07-05, last commit 2023-03-09, main language C++


pycaret: An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python
40 stars per week over 172 weeks
6,999 stars, 1,586 forks, 128 watches
ml category, created 2019-11-23, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Jupyter Notebook
anomaly-detection, citizen-data-scientists, classification, clustering, data-science, gpu, machine-learning, ml, nlp, pycaret, regression, time-series

mxnet by apache

mxnet: Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
49 stars per week over 410 weeks
20,301 stars, 6,872 forks, 1,086 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-04-30, last commit 2023-01-26, main language C++

paper-qa by whitead

paper-qa: LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations
267 stars per week over 5 weeks
1,375 stars, 89 forks, 23 watches
nlp category, created 2023-02-05, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
chatgpt, nlp, question-answering

pytest by pytest-dev

pytest: The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
24 stars per week over 404 weeks
9,901 stars, 2,276 forks, 195 watches
testing category, created 2015-06-15, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
hacktoberfest, test, testing, unit-testing

sqlmodel by tiangolo

sqlmodel: SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
117 stars per week over 80 weeks
9,539 stars, 411 forks, 125 watches
data category, created 2021-08-24, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
fastapi, json, json-schema, pydantic, sql, sqlalchemy


onnx: Open standard for machine learning interoperability
49 stars per week over 287 weeks
14,236 stars, 3,374 forks, 431 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-07, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, dnn, keras, machine-learning, ml, mxnet, neural-network, onnx, pytorch, scikit-learn, tensorflow

dash by plotly

dash: Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.
44 stars per week over 413 weeks
18,267 stars, 1,854 forks, 410 watches
viz category, created 2015-04-10, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
bioinformatics, charting, dash, data-science, data-visualization, finance, flask, gui-framework, julia, jupyter, modeling, plotly, plotly-dash, productivity, r, react, rstats, technical-computing, web-app

qlib by microsoft

Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies. An increasing number of SOTA Quant research works/papers are released in Qlib.
77 stars per week over 134 weeks
10,479 stars, 1,869 forks, 251 watches
finance category, created 2020-08-14, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, auto-quant, deep-learning, finance, fintech, investment, machine-learning, paper, platform, quant, quant-dataset, quant-models, quantitative-finance, quantitative-trading, research, research-paper, stock-data


catboost: A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computation on CPU and GPU.
23 stars per week over 294 weeks
6,995 stars, 1,099 forks, 192 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-18, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C
big-data, catboost, categorical-features, coreml, cuda, data-mining, data-science, decision-trees, gbdt, gbm, gpu, gpu-computing, gradient-boosting, kaggle, machine-learning, r, tutorial

scalene by plasma-umass

Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals
44 stars per week over 168 weeks
7,471 stars, 249 forks, 71 watches
profiling category, created 2019-12-17, last commit 2023-03-11, main language JavaScript
cpu, cpu-profiling, gpu, gpu-programming, memory-allocation, memory-consumption, performance-analysis, performance-cpu, profiler, profiles-memory, profiling, python-profilers, scalene

accelerate by huggingface

accelerate: 🚀 A simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision
31 stars per week over 123 weeks
3,869 stars, 355 forks, 72 watches
ml category, created 2020-10-30, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

mmsegmentation by open-mmlab

mmsegmentation: OpenMMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark.
37 stars per week over 143 weeks
5,367 stars, 1,970 forks, 53 watches
ml category, created 2020-06-14, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
deeplabv3, image-segmentation, medical-image-segmentation, pspnet, pytorch, realtime-segmentation, retinal-vessel-segmentation, semantic-segmentation, swin-transformer, transformer, vessel-segmentation

musiclm-pytorch by lucidrains

musiclm-pytorch: Implementation of MusicLM, Google's new SOTA model for music generation using attention networks, in Pytorch
267 stars per week over 6 weeks
1,721 stars, 110 forks, 73 watches
ml category, created 2023-01-27, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, attention-mechanisms, deep-learning, music-synthesis, transformers

starlette by encode

starlette: The little ASGI framework that shines. 🌟
32 stars per week over 246 weeks
7,973 stars, 723 forks, 112 watches
web category, created 2018-06-25, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
async, http, websockets

kedro by kedro-org

kedro: A Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.
40 stars per week over 203 weeks
8,155 stars, 767 forks, 104 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-04-18, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
experiment-tracking, hacktoberfest, kedro, machine-learning, mlops, pipeline

httpx by encode

httpx: A next generation HTTP client for Python. 🦋
49 stars per week over 205 weeks
10,182 stars, 674 forks, 112 watches
web category, created 2019-04-04, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
asyncio, http, trio


kornia: Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library
33 stars per week over 237 weeks
7,859 stars, 797 forks, 119 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-08-22, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, computer-vision, deep-learning, image-processing, machine-learning, neural-network, pytorch

pytorch3d by facebookresearch

PyTorch3D is FAIR's library of reusable components for deep learning with 3D data
39 stars per week over 176 weeks
7,032 stars, 1,079 forks, 140 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-10-25, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

DearPyGui by hoffstadt

DearPyGui: Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
67 stars per week over 145 weeks
9,829 stars, 514 forks, 138 watches
gui category, created 2020-05-28, last commit 2023-03-02, main language C++
cpp, cross-platform, dearpygui, graphics, gui, imgui, linux, macos, native, python-gui, toolkit, tools, ui, windows

datasette by simonw

datasette: An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
25 stars per week over 281 weeks
7,233 stars, 507 forks, 101 watches
data category, created 2017-10-23, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
asgi, automatic-api, csv, datasets, datasette, datasette-io, docker, json, sql, sqlite

deck.gl by visgl

deck.gl: WebGL2 powered visualization framework
28 stars per week over 377 weeks
10,676 stars, 1,944 forks, 1,718 watches
viz category, created 2015-12-15, last commit 2023-03-13, main language JavaScript
data-visualization, geospatial-analysis, javascript, maps, visualization, webgl

marqo by marqo-ai

marqo: Tensor search for humans.
75 stars per week over 32 weeks
2,429 stars, 92 forks, 27 watches
ml category, created 2022-08-01, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
chatgpt, clip, deep-learning, gpt, hacktoberfest, hnsw, information-retrieval, knn, large-language-models, machine-learning, machinelearning, multi-modal, natural-language-processing, search-engine, semantic-search, tensor-search, transformers, vector-search, vision-language, visual-search

NeMo by nvidia

NeMo: a toolkit for conversational AI
31 stars per week over 188 weeks
5,860 stars, 1,420 forks, 141 watches
nlp category, created 2019-08-05, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
asr, deep-learning, language-model, machine-translation, neural-network, nlp, nlp-machine-learning, nmt, speaker-diarization, speaker-recognition, speech-recognition, speech-synthesis, speech-to-text, text-normalization, text-to-speech, tts

typer by tiangolo

Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
63 stars per week over 167 weeks
10,672 stars, 432 forks, 67 watches
term category, created 2019-12-24, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
cli, click, shell, terminal, typehints, typer

modin by modin-project

Modin: Scale your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code
34 stars per week over 246 weeks
8,439 stars, 596 forks, 108 watches
perf category, created 2018-06-21, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
analytics, data-science, dataframe, datascience, distributed, hacktoberfest, modin, pandas, sql


horovod: Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
44 stars per week over 291 weeks
13,104 stars, 2,161 forks, 330 watches
ml-ops category, created 2017-08-09, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Python
baidu, deep-learning, deeplearning, keras, machine-learning, machinelearning, mpi, mxnet, pytorch, ray, spark, tensorflow, uber

pylint by pycqa

pylint: It's not just a linter that annoys you!
12 stars per week over 378 weeks
4,560 stars, 981 forks, 75 watches
util category, created 2015-12-09, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
closember, code-quality, hacktoberfest, linter, pep8, static-analysis, static-code-analysis

plotly.py by plotly

plotly.py: The interactive graphing library for Python This project now includes Plotly Express!
26 stars per week over 485 weeks
13,078 stars, 2,308 forks, 275 watches
viz category, created 2013-11-21, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
d3, dashboard, declarative, graph-library, interactive, jupyter-notebook, plotly, plotly-dash, plotlyjs, regl, sparkles, visualization, webgl

Pillow by python-pillow

Pillow: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
19 stars per week over 554 weeks
10,607 stars, 1,994 forks, 219 watches
util category, created 2012-07-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
c, cross-platform, image, image-processing, pil, pillow

mamba by mamba-org

mamba: The Fast Cross-Platform Package Manager
20 stars per week over 209 weeks
4,313 stars, 249 forks, 45 watches
util category, created 2019-03-05, last commit 2023-03-08, main language C++

avatarify-python by alievk

avatarify-python: Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.
101 stars per week over 153 weeks
15,460 stars, 2,419 forks, 303 watches
util category, created 2020-04-06, last commit 2022-11-11, main language Python

serverless-application-model by aws

serverless-application-model: The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) transform is a AWS CloudFormation macro that transforms SAM templates into CloudFormation templates.
26 stars per week over 335 weeks
8,937 stars, 2,308 forks, 298 watches
util category, created 2016-10-10, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
aws, aws-sam, lambda, sam, sam-specification, serverless, serverless-application-model, serverless-applications

rembg by danielgatis

Rembg is a tool to remove images background
64 stars per week over 135 weeks
8,747 stars, 1,087 forks, 109 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-08-10, last commit 2022-12-28, main language Python
background-removal, image-processing

openai-python by openai

openai-python: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
46 stars per week over 124 weeks
5,794 stars, 860 forks, 129 watches
util category, created 2020-10-25, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python

yfinance by ranaroussi

yfinance: Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
30 stars per week over 303 weeks
9,098 stars, 1,841 forks, 223 watches
finance category, created 2017-05-21, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
financial-data, fix-yahoo-finance, market-data, pandas, stock-data, yahoo-finance, yahoo-finance-api

albumentations by albumentations-team

albumentations: Fast image augmentation library and an easy-to-use wrapper around other libraries. Documentation: https://albumentations.ai/docs/ Paper about the library: https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/11/2/125
47 stars per week over 248 weeks
11,694 stars, 1,482 forks, 124 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-06-06, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
augmentation, deep-learning, detection, fast-augmentations, image-augmentation, image-classification, image-processing, image-segmentation, machine-learning, object-detection, segmentation

python-fire by google

python-fire: Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
76 stars per week over 315 weeks
24,126 stars, 1,370 forks, 381 watches
term category, created 2017-02-21, last commit 2023-02-13, main language Python

deeplake by activeloopai

deeplake: Data Lake for Deep Learning. Build, manage, query, version, & visualize datasets. Stream data real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow. https://activeloop.ai
28 stars per week over 187 weeks
5,298 stars, 419 forks, 64 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-08-09, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
ai, computer-vision, cv, data-centric, data-processing, data-science, data-version-control, datalake, datasets, deep-learning, image-processing, jupyter-notebook, lakehouse, machine-learning, ml, mlops, pytorch, tensorflow


tqdm: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
59 stars per week over 405 weeks
24,216 stars, 1,226 forks, 208 watches
term category, created 2015-06-03, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
cli, closember, console, discord, gui, jupyter, keras, meter, pandas, parallel, progress, progress-bar, progressbar, progressmeter, rate, telegram, terminal, time, utilities


jupyterlite: Wasm powered Jupyter running in the browser 💡
30 stars per week over 102 weeks
3,117 stars, 195 forks, 42 watches
jupyter category, created 2021-03-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language TypeScript
jupyter, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, lite, pyodide, wasm, webassembly


kivy: Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
24 stars per week over 644 weeks
15,604 stars, 3,005 forks, 620 watches
util category, created 2010-11-03, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
android, app, ios, kivy, linux, macos, ui, windows

circuitpython by adafruit

CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
10 stars per week over 342 weeks
3,433 stars, 923 forks, 130 watches
util category, created 2016-08-20, last commit 2023-03-12, main language C
beginner, circuitpython, cpython, education, embedded, hacktoberfest, microcontroller, micropython

aws-sdk-pandas by aws

aws-sdk-pandas: pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, Neptune, OpenSearch, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).
15 stars per week over 210 weeks
3,353 stars, 586 forks, 60 watches
pandas category, created 2019-02-26, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
amazon-athena, amazon-sagemaker-notebook, apache-arrow, apache-parquet, athena, aws, aws-glue, aws-lambda, data-engineering, data-science, emr, etl, glue-catalog, lambda, mysql, pandas, redshift

flax by google

Flax is a neural network library for JAX that is designed for flexibility.
24 stars per week over 165 weeks
4,104 stars, 486 forks, 75 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-01-10, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python

prophet by facebook

prophet: Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
47 stars per week over 329 weeks
15,603 stars, 4,382 forks, 422 watches
time-series category, created 2016-11-16, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
forecasting, r


numba: NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
14 stars per week over 574 weeks
8,376 stars, 1,009 forks, 209 watches
perf category, created 2012-03-08, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
compiler, cuda, llvm, numpy, parallel

starlite by starlite-api

starlite: Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework | Effortlessly Build Performant APIs
27 stars per week over 66 weeks
1,839 stars, 175 forks, 26 watches
web category, created 2021-12-06, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
api, asgi, openapi, pydantic, redoc, rest, starlite, starlite-api, starlite-framework, swagger

dbt-core by dbt-labs

dbt-core: dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
18 stars per week over 365 weeks
6,661 stars, 1,182 forks, 136 watches
ml-ops category, created 2016-03-10, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
analytics, business-intelligence, data-modeling, dbt-viewpoint, elt, pypa, slack

altair by altair-viz

altair: Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
20 stars per week over 390 weeks
8,104 stars, 719 forks, 147 watches
viz category, created 2015-09-19, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python


networkx: Network Analysis in Python
18 stars per week over 653 weeks
12,330 stars, 2,869 forks, 282 watches
graph category, created 2010-09-06, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
complex-networks, graph-algorithms, graph-analysis, graph-generation, graph-theory, graph-visualization

composer by mosaicml

composer: Train neural networks up to 7x faster
41 stars per week over 73 weeks
3,045 stars, 198 forks, 27 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-10-12, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
deep-learning, machine-learning, ml-efficiency, ml-systems, ml-training, neural-network, neural-networks, pytorch


pre-commit: A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
21 stars per week over 469 weeks
9,958 stars, 711 forks, 89 watches
util category, created 2014-03-13, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
git, linter, pre-commit, refactoring

gensim by rare-technologies

gensim: Topic Modelling for Humans
22 stars per week over 630 weeks
14,053 stars, 4,329 forks, 430 watches
nlp category, created 2011-02-10, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
data-mining, data-science, document-similarity, fasttext, gensim, information-retrieval, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, neural-network, nlp, topic-modeling, word-embeddings, word-similarity, word2vec

unilm by microsoft

unilm: Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
55 stars per week over 189 weeks
10,574 stars, 1,645 forks, 257 watches
nlp category, created 2019-07-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
beit, beit-3, deepnet, document-ai, document-foundation-model, foundation-models, kosmos, layoutlm, layoutxlm, llm, minilm, mllm, multimodal, multimodal-pre-trained-model, nlp, pre-trained-model, trocr, unilm, xlm-e

tornado by tornadoweb

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
29 stars per week over 704 weeks
21,020 stars, 5,491 forks, 1,003 watches
web category, created 2009-09-09, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python

BERTopic by maartengr

BERTopic: Leveraging BERT and c-TF-IDF to create easily interpretable topics.
30 stars per week over 128 weeks
3,901 stars, 493 forks, 44 watches
nlp category, created 2020-09-22, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
bert, ldavis, machine-learning, nlp, sentence-embeddings, topic, topic-modeling, topic-modelling, topic-models, transformers

seaborn by mwaskom

seaborn: Statistical data visualization in Python
18 stars per week over 560 weeks
10,463 stars, 1,713 forks, 254 watches
viz category, created 2012-06-18, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
data-science, data-visualization, matplotlib, pandas

metaflow by netflix

metaflow: 🚀 Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease!
35 stars per week over 181 weeks
6,473 stars, 618 forks, 249 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-09-17, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
ai, aws, azure, data-science, datascience, gcp, high-performance-computing, kubernetes, machine-learning, ml, ml-infrastructure, ml-platform, mlops, model-management, productivity, r, r-package, reproducible-research, rstats


pyinstaller: Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executables
17 stars per week over 589 weeks
10,096 stars, 1,861 forks, 233 watches
util category, created 2011-11-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
bundle, package, py2app, py2exe, pyinstaller, python-to-exe


spack: A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
6.78 stars per week over 478 weeks
3,246 stars, 1,841 forks, 104 watches
util category, created 2014-01-08, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
build-tools, hpc, linux, macos, package-manager, radiuss, scientific-computing, spack

feast by feast-dev

feast: Feature Store for Machine Learning
18 stars per week over 222 weeks
4,060 stars, 753 forks, 74 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-12-10, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
big-data, data-engineering, data-quality, data-science, feature-store, features, machine-learning, ml, mlops

ParlAI by facebookresearch

ParlAI: A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialogue datasets.
32 stars per week over 307 weeks
9,854 stars, 2,006 forks, 291 watches
nlp category, created 2017-04-24, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python


doccano: Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
29 stars per week over 252 weeks
7,442 stars, 1,500 forks, 125 watches
nlp category, created 2018-05-09, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
annotation-tool, data-labeling, dataset, datasets, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nuxt, nuxtjs, text-annotation, vue, vuejs

pedalboard by spotify

pedalboard: 🎛 🔊 A Python library for working with audio.
46 stars per week over 87 weeks
4,048 stars, 172 forks, 53 watches
util category, created 2021-07-06, last commit 2023-03-08, main language C++
audio, audio-processing, audio-production, audio-research, audio-unit, juce, pybind11, tensorflow, vst3, vst3-host

ydata-profiling by ydataai

ydata-profiling: Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
27 stars per week over 374 weeks
10,335 stars, 1,455 forks, 150 watches
pandas category, created 2016-01-09, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
big-data-analytics, data-analysis, data-exploration, data-profiling, data-quality, data-science, deep-learning, eda, exploration, exploratory-data-analysis, hacktoberfest, html-report, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, pandas, pandas-dataframe, pandas-profiling, statistics

boto3 by boto

boto3: AWS SDK for Python
18 stars per week over 440 weeks
7,941 stars, 1,733 forks, 241 watches
util category, created 2014-10-03, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
aws, aws-sdk, cloud, cloud-management

maltrail by stamparm

maltrail: Malicious traffic detection system
11 stars per week over 431 weeks
5,000 stars, 938 forks, 216 watches
security category, created 2014-12-04, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
attack-detection, intrusion-detection, malware, network-monitoring, security, sensor

setfit by huggingface

setfit: Efficient few-shot learning with Sentence Transformers
32 stars per week over 36 weeks
1,188 stars, 123 forks, 17 watches
nlp category, created 2022-06-30, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Jupyter Notebook
few-shot-learning, nlp, sentence-transformers

mmcv by open-mmlab

mmcv: OpenMMLab Computer Vision Foundation
19 stars per week over 237 weeks
4,746 stars, 1,418 forks, 85 watches
ml category, created 2018-08-22, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python


robotframework: Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA
17 stars per week over 454 weeks
7,843 stars, 2,098 forks, 476 watches
testing category, created 2014-06-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
attd, automation, bdd, robotframework, rpa, testautomation, testing

pymc by pymc-devs

pymc: Bayesian Modeling in Python
10 stars per week over 722 weeks
7,376 stars, 1,753 forks, 228 watches
ml category, created 2009-05-05, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
bayesian-inference, mcmc, probabilistic-programming, pytensor, statistical-analysis, variational-inference

data-diff by datafold

data-diff: Efficiently diff data in or across relational databases
41 stars per week over 53 weeks
2,185 stars, 107 forks, 16 watches
data category, created 2022-03-07, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
data-engineering, data-quality, data-quality-monitoring, data-science, database, databricks-sql, dataengineering, dataquality, dbt, mysql, oracle-database, postgres, postgresql, rdbms, snowflake, sql, trino

MONAI by project-monai

MONAI: AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
21 stars per week over 178 weeks
3,838 stars, 743 forks, 88 watches
ml category, created 2019-10-11, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
deep-learning, healthcare-imaging, medical-image-computing, medical-image-processing, monai, pytorch

stablediffusion-infinity by lkwq007

stablediffusion-infinity: Outpainting with Stable Diffusion on an infinite canvas
112 stars per week over 27 weeks
3,096 stars, 241 forks, 32 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-02, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
outpainting, stablediffusion

river by online-ml

river: 🌊 Online machine learning in Python
19 stars per week over 215 weeks
4,130 stars, 460 forks, 84 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-24, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
concept-drift, data-science, incremental-learning, machine-learning, online-learning, online-machine-learning, online-statistics, real-time-processing, stream-processing, streaming, streaming-data

recommenders by microsoft

recommenders: Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
65 stars per week over 233 weeks
15,224 stars, 2,661 forks, 260 watches
study category, created 2018-09-19, last commit 2022-11-21, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, azure, data-science, deep-learning, jupyter-notebook, kubernetes, machine-learning, microsoft, operationalization, ranking, rating, recommendation, recommendation-algorithm, recommendation-engine, recommendation-system, recommender, tutorial

dowhy by py-why

DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions. DoWhy is based on a unified language for causal inference, combining causal graphical models and potential outcomes frameworks.
22 stars per week over 249 weeks
5,727 stars, 820 forks, 136 watches
ml category, created 2018-05-31, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
bayesian-networks, causal-inference, causal-machine-learning, causal-models, causality, data-science, do-calculus, graphical-models, machine-learning, treatment-effects

uvicorn by encode

uvicorn: An ASGI web server, for Python. 🦄
20 stars per week over 301 weeks
6,249 stars, 552 forks, 84 watches
web category, created 2017-05-31, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, http, http-server

sphinx by sphinx-doc

sphinx: The Sphinx documentation generator
12 stars per week over 427 weeks
5,264 stars, 1,879 forks, 142 watches
util category, created 2015-01-02, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
documentation, documentation-tool, markdown, restructuredtext, sphinx


astropy: Astronomy and astrophysics core library
6.09 stars per week over 607 weeks
3,699 stars, 1,575 forks, 138 watches
sim category, created 2011-07-21, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
astronomy, astrophysics, astropy, science

refurb by dosisod

refurb: A tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases
66 stars per week over 32 weeks
2,160 stars, 43 forks, 16 watches
util category, created 2022-07-27, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
cli, gplv3, hacktoberfest, mypy, python310, testing


wandb: 🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments. This repo contains the CLI and Python API.
18 stars per week over 311 weeks
5,617 stars, 446 forks, 44 watches
ml category, created 2017-03-24, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
collaboration, data-science, data-versioning, deep-learning, experiment-track, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-search, hyperparameter-tuning, keras, machine-learning, ml-platform, mlops, model-versioning, pytorch, reinforcement-learning, reproducibility, tensorflow

tensor2tensor by tensorflow

tensor2tensor: Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.
43 stars per week over 299 weeks
13,114 stars, 3,193 forks, 459 watches
ml category, created 2017-06-15, last commit 2023-02-17, main language Python
deep-learning, machine-learning, machine-translation, reinforcement-learning, tpu

Open3D by isl-org

Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
25 stars per week over 327 weeks
8,225 stars, 1,904 forks, 171 watches
sim category, created 2016-12-02, last commit 2023-03-08, main language C++
3d, 3d-perception, arm, computer-graphics, cpp, cuda, gpu, gui, machine-learning, mesh-processing, odometry, opengl, pointcloud, pytorch, reconstruction, registration, rendering, tensorflow, visualization

codon by exaloop

codon: A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM
82 stars per week over 76 weeks
6,232 stars, 201 forks, 54 watches
perf category, created 2021-09-27, last commit 2023-02-06, main language C++
compiler, gpu-programming, high-performance, llvm, parallel-programming


cython: The most widely used Python to C compiler
12 stars per week over 642 weeks
7,733 stars, 1,366 forks, 232 watches
util category, created 2010-11-21, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
big-data, c, cpp, cpython, cpython-extensions, cython, performance

loguru by delgan

loguru: Python logging made (stupidly) simple
49 stars per week over 290 weeks
14,337 stars, 587 forks, 120 watches
util category, created 2017-08-15, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
log, logger, logging

darts by unit8co

darts: A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series.
23 stars per week over 234 weeks
5,529 stars, 607 forks, 46 watches
time-series category, created 2018-09-13, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
anomaly-detection, data-science, deep-learning, forecasting, machine-learning, time-series

BioGPT by microsoft

115 stars per week over 30 weeks
3,463 stars, 328 forks, 67 watches
chatgpt category, created 2022-08-15, last commit 2023-02-13, main language Python

luigi by spotify

Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
29 stars per week over 546 weeks
16,388 stars, 2,353 forks, 483 watches
ml-ops category, created 2012-09-20, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python
hadoop, luigi, orchestration-framework, scheduling

hypothesis by hypothesisworks

Hypothesis is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use library for property-based testing.
12 stars per week over 522 weeks
6,566 stars, 550 forks, 69 watches
testing category, created 2013-03-10, last commit 2023-02-17, main language Python
fuzzing, property-based-testing, testing

prettymaps by marceloprates

prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
87 stars per week over 105 weeks
9,205 stars, 447 forks, 73 watches
viz category, created 2021-03-05, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Jupyter Notebook
cartography, generative-art, jupyter-notebook, maps, matplotlib, openstreetmap

PySnooper by cool-rr

PySnooper: Never use print for debugging again
77 stars per week over 203 weeks
15,714 stars, 936 forks, 234 watches
debug category, created 2019-04-18, last commit 2023-01-03, main language Python
debug, debugger, introspection, logging

hydra by facebookresearch

Hydra is a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications
35 stars per week over 195 weeks
6,863 stars, 563 forks, 87 watches
util category, created 2019-06-12, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python

txtai by neuml

txtai: 💡 Build AI-powered semantic search applications
26 stars per week over 135 weeks
3,547 stars, 304 forks, 62 watches
nlp category, created 2020-08-09, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
api, audio-search, cloud-native, contextual-search, deep-learning, document-search, image-search, machine-learning, machine-learning-pipelines, machine-learning-workflows, microservice, neural-search, nlp, search, semantic-search, similarity-search, txtai, vector-search, video-search


cookiecutter: A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects.
37 stars per week over 504 weeks
19,113 stars, 1,800 forks, 233 watches
template category, created 2013-07-14, last commit 2022-09-09, main language Python

VToonify by williamyang1991

[SIGGRAPH Asia 2022] VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer
112 stars per week over 26 weeks
2,979 stars, 364 forks, 60 watches
ml-dl category, created 2022-09-09, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Jupyter Notebook
face, siggraph-asia, style-transfer, stylegan2, toonify, video-style-transfer

sentence-transformers by ukplab

sentence-transformers: Multilingual Sentence & Image Embeddings with BERT
50 stars per week over 189 weeks
9,649 stars, 1,877 forks, 119 watches
nlp category, created 2019-07-24, last commit 2023-01-26, main language Python


orchest: Build data pipelines, the easy way 🛠️
25 stars per week over 146 weeks
3,759 stars, 224 forks, 39 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-05-21, last commit 2023-01-20, main language Python
airflow, cloud, dag, data-pipelines, data-science, deployment, docker, etl, etl-pipeline, ide, jupyter, jupyterlab, kubernetes, machine-learning, notebooks, orchest, pipelines, self-hosted

django-ninja by vitalik

django-ninja: 💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
28 stars per week over 146 weeks
4,136 stars, 264 forks, 62 watches
web category, created 2020-05-19, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
django, django-ninja, openapi, pydantic, rest-api, swagger, swagger-ui

gdal by osgeo

GDAL is an open source MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
6.74 stars per week over 543 weeks
3,665 stars, 2,029 forks, 165 watches
gis category, created 2012-10-09, last commit 2023-03-13, main language C++
geospatial-data, raster, remote-sensing, vector

ml-agents by unity-technologies

ml-agents: The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning.
49 stars per week over 287 weeks
14,258 stars, 3,746 forks, 549 watches
ml-rl category, created 2017-09-08, last commit 2023-01-25, main language C#
deep-learning, deep-reinforcement-learning, machine-learning, neural-networks, reinforcement-learning, unity, unity3d

shap by slundberg

shap: A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
57 stars per week over 328 weeks
18,756 stars, 2,827 forks, 262 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2016-11-22, last commit 2022-06-16, main language Jupyter Notebook
deep-learning, explainability, gradient-boosting, interpretability, machine-learning, shap, shapley

strawberry by strawberry-graphql

strawberry: A GraphQL library for Python that leverages type annotations 🍓
13 stars per week over 220 weeks
3,007 stars, 378 forks, 42 watches
web category, created 2018-12-21, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, django, graphql, graphql-library, graphql-schema, graphql-server, hacktoberfest, mypy, starlette, strawberry

gluonts by awslabs

gluonts: Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
17 stars per week over 199 weeks
3,401 stars, 679 forks, 72 watches
time-series category, created 2019-05-15, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, aws, data-science, deep-learning, forecasting, machine-learning, mxnet, neural-networks, pytorch, sagemaker, time-series, time-series-forecasting, time-series-prediction, timeseries, torch


NLTK Source
16 stars per week over 705 weeks
11,628 stars, 2,693 forks, 468 watches
nlp category, created 2009-09-07, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, nltk

grist-core by gristlabs

grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
25 stars per week over 146 weeks
3,686 stars, 175 forks, 41 watches
data category, created 2020-05-22, last commit 2023-03-12, main language TypeScript
awesome, database, spreadsheet

detr by facebookresearch

detr: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
72 stars per week over 145 weeks
10,561 stars, 1,941 forks, 150 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-05-26, last commit 2023-02-07, main language Python

pyre-check by facebook

pyre-check: Performant type-checking for python.
22 stars per week over 278 weeks
6,275 stars, 418 forks, 113 watches
typing category, created 2017-11-10, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
abstract-interpretation, code-quality, control-flow-analysis, ocaml, program-analysis, security, static-analysis, taint-analysis, type-check, typechecker

point-e by openai

point-e: Point cloud diffusion for 3D model synthesis
334 stars per week over 13 weeks
4,632 stars, 476 forks, 169 watches
util category, created 2022-12-06, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python

handson-ml2 by ageron

handson-ml2: A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
111 stars per week over 217 weeks
24,323 stars, 11,721 forks, 633 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-08, last commit 2023-02-04, main language Jupyter Notebook

statsforecast by nixtla

statsforecast: Lightning ⚡️ fast forecasting with statistical and econometric models.
34 stars per week over 67 weeks
2,322 stars, 149 forks, 19 watches
time-series category, created 2021-11-24, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
arima, automl, baselines, data-science, econometrics, ets, exponential-smoothing, fbprophet, forecasting, machine-learning, mstl, naive, neuralprophet, predictions, prophet, seasonal-naive, statistics, theta, time-series

pyod by yzhao062

pyod: A Comprehensive and Scalable Python Library for Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
24 stars per week over 283 weeks
6,825 stars, 1,244 forks, 153 watches
data category, created 2017-10-03, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
anomaly, anomaly-detection, autoencoder, data-analysis, data-mining, data-science, deep-learning, fraud-detection, machine-learning, neural-networks, novelty-detection, out-of-distribution-detection, outlier-detection, outlier-ensembles, outliers, unsupervised-learning

trio by python-trio

Trio – a friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
16 stars per week over 321 weeks
5,211 stars, 294 forks, 87 watches
perf category, created 2017-01-16, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
async, async-await, io, networking, structured-concurrency, trio

mmediting by open-mmlab

mmediting: OpenMMLab Image and Video Restoration, Editing and Generation Toolbox
22 stars per week over 185 weeks
4,139 stars, 738 forks, 87 watches
ml category, created 2019-08-23, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
computer-vision, deep-learning, generative-adversarial-network, image-editing, image-generation, image-processing, image-synthesis, inpainting, matting, pytorch, super-resolution, video-frame-interpolation, video-interpolation, video-super-resolution

autokeras by keras-team

autokeras: AutoML library for deep learning
31 stars per week over 277 weeks
8,765 stars, 1,395 forks, 306 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-11-19, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
autodl, automated-machine-learning, automl, deep-learning, keras, machine-learning, neural-architecture-search, tensorflow

algorithms by keon

algorithms: Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
67 stars per week over 329 weeks
22,260 stars, 4,444 forks, 639 watches
util category, created 2016-11-17, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
algorithm, algorithms, competitive-programming, data-structure, graph, search, sort, tree

PythonRobotics by atsushisakai

PythonRobotics: Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
48 stars per week over 364 weeks
17,737 stars, 5,566 forks, 501 watches
sim category, created 2016-03-21, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
algorithm, animation, autonomous-driving, autonomous-navigation, autonomous-vehicles, control, cvxpy, ekf, hacktoberfest, localization, mapping, path-planning, robot, robotics, slam

sagemaker-python-sdk by aws

sagemaker-python-sdk: A library for training and deploying machine learning models on Amazon SageMaker
6.44 stars per week over 277 weeks
1,789 stars, 942 forks, 135 watches
ml category, created 2017-11-14, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
aws, huggingface, machine-learning, mxnet, pytorch, sagemaker, tensorflow

pyro by pyro-ppl

pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
26 stars per week over 299 weeks
7,830 stars, 963 forks, 201 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-06-16, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python
bayesian, bayesian-inference, deep-learning, machine-learning, probabilistic-modeling, probabilistic-programming, pytorch, variational-inference

diffusion-models-class by huggingface

diffusion-models-class: Materials for the Hugging Face Diffusion Models Course
91 stars per week over 21 weeks
1,966 stars, 176 forks, 73 watches
study category, created 2022-10-13, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Jupyter Notebook

deep-rl-class by huggingface

deep-rl-class: This repo contains the syllabus of the Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Course.
58 stars per week over 46 weeks
2,723 stars, 365 forks, 86 watches
study category, created 2022-04-21, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Jupyter Notebook
deep-learning, deep-reinforcement-learning, reinforcement-learning, reinforcement-learning-excercises

argilla by argilla-io

argilla: Open-source tool for data-centric NLP. Argilla helps domain experts and data teams to build better NLP datasets in less time.
17 stars per week over 97 weeks
1,702 stars, 156 forks, 19 watches
nlp category, created 2021-04-28, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
active-learning, annotation-tool, artificial-intelligence, data-science, dataops, developer-tools, hacktoberfest, human-in-the-loop, knowledge-graph, machine-learning, mlops, natural-language-processing, nlp, spacy, text-annotation, text-classification, text-labeling, weak-supervision, weakly-supervised-learning


cleanlab: The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels.
21 stars per week over 252 weeks
5,521 stars, 459 forks, 71 watches
ml category, created 2018-05-11, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
active-learning, annotations, classification, crowdsourcing, data-centric-ai, data-cleaning, data-labeling, data-quality, data-science, data-validation, entity-recognition, exploratory-data-analysis, image-tagging, label-errors, machine-learning, noisy-labels, out-of-distribution-detection, outlier-detection, robust-machine-learning, weak-supervision


scikit-image: Image processing in Python
8.69 stars per week over 609 weeks
5,299 stars, 2,122 forks, 186 watches
util category, created 2011-07-07, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
closember, computer-vision, hacktoberfest, image-processing

DeepFaceLab by iperov

DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes.
151 stars per week over 249 weeks
37,847 stars, 8,476 forks, 1,059 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-06-04, last commit 2022-12-31, main language Python
arxiv, creating-deepfakes, deep-face-swap, deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, deepface, deepfacelab, deepfakes, deeplearning, face-swap, faceswap, fakeapp, machine-learning, neural-nets, neural-networks

jupytext by mwouts

jupytext: Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
23 stars per week over 247 weeks
5,859 stars, 379 forks, 68 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-06-15, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python
hydrogen, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, knitr, markdown, notebooks, rmarkdown, rstudio, version-control

click by pallets

click: Python composable command line interface toolkit
29 stars per week over 463 weeks
13,576 stars, 1,315 forks, 180 watches
term category, created 2014-04-24, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
cli, click, pallets

pip-tools by jazzband

pip-tools: A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
12 stars per week over 548 weeks
6,687 stars, 569 forks, 105 watches
util category, created 2012-09-10, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
hashes, lockfile, packaging, pip, pip-compile, pip-tools, requirements, setuptools

cryptography by pyca

cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
10 stars per week over 500 weeks
5,407 stars, 1,145 forks, 120 watches
util category, created 2013-08-07, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

clearml by allegroai

ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
21 stars per week over 196 weeks
4,175 stars, 564 forks, 85 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-06-10, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
ai, clearml, control, deep-learning, deeplearning, devops, experiment, experiment-manager, k8s, machine-learning, machinelearning, mlops, trains, trainsai, version, version-control


Deepchecks - Tests for Continuous Validation of ML Models & Data. Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort.
33 stars per week over 74 weeks
2,477 stars, 178 forks, 11 watches
data category, created 2021-10-11, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data-drift, data-science, data-validation, deep-learning, html-report, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, ml, mlops, model-monitoring, model-validation, pandas-dataframe, pytorch

evidently by evidentlyai

evidently: Evaluate and monitor ML models from validation to production. Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xZjKRaNp8b
26 stars per week over 119 weeks
3,220 stars, 349 forks, 36 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-11-25, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
data-drift, data-science, hacktoberfest, html-report, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, machine-learning-operations, mlops, model-monitoring, pandas-dataframe, production-machine-learning

alpa by alpa-projects

alpa: Training and serving large-scale neural networks
18 stars per week over 107 weeks
2,016 stars, 246 forks, 34 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-02-22, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
alpa, auto-parallelization, compiler, deep-learning, distributed-computing, distributed-training, high-performance-computing, jax, llm, machine-learning

ignite by pytorch

ignite: High-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently.
15 stars per week over 276 weeks
4,215 stars, 587 forks, 60 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-11-23, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
closember, deep-learning, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, metrics, neural-network, pytorch

notebooks by roboflow

notebooks: Set of Jupyter Notebooks linked to Roboflow blog posts and used in our YouTube videos.
53 stars per week over 16 weeks
874 stars, 139 forks, 23 watches
study category, created 2022-11-18, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Jupyter Notebook
amazon-sagemaker-lab, computer-vision, deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, google-colab, image-classification, image-segmentation, kaggle, machine-learning, object-detection, pytorch, tutorial, yolov5, yolov6, yolov7, yolov8

torchrec by pytorch

torchrec: Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
15 stars per week over 87 weeks
1,336 stars, 234 forks, 28 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-07-12, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
cuda, deep-learning, gpu, pytorch, recommendation-system, recommender-system, sharding

Mask_RCNN by matterport

Mask_RCNN: Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
80 stars per week over 281 weeks
22,786 stars, 11,295 forks, 596 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-10-19, last commit 2019-03-31, main language Python
instance-segmentation, keras, mask-rcnn, object-detection, tensorflow

Tkinter-Designer by parthjadhav

Tkinter-Designer: An easy and fast way to create a Python GUI 🐍
57 stars per week over 94 weeks
5,440 stars, 525 forks, 58 watches
util category, created 2021-05-18, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
automatic, collaborate, drag-and-drop, easy, easy-to-use, fast, figma, gui, gui-application, hacktoberfest, learn, python-script, tkinter, tkinter-designer, tkinter-graphic-interface, tkinter-gui, tkinter-python, tkinter-widgets

flyte by flyteorg

flyte: Kubernetes-native workflow automation platform for complex, mission-critical data and ML processes at scale. It has been battle-tested at Lyft, Spotify, Freenome, and others and is truly open-source.
17 stars per week over 177 weeks
3,153 stars, 330 forks, 265 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-10-21, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
battle-tested, data, data-analysis, data-science, dataops, declarative, flyte, golang, grpc, hacktoberfest, kubernetes, kubernetes-operator, machine-learning, mlops, orchestration-engine, production, production-grade, scale, workflow

aim by aimhubio

Aim 💫 — easy-to-use and performant open-source ML experiment tracker.
16 stars per week over 197 weeks
3,235 stars, 205 forks, 37 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-05-31, last commit 2023-03-07, main language TypeScript
ai, data-science, data-visualization, experiment-tracking, machine-learning, metadata, metadata-tracking, ml, mlflow, mlops, pytorch, tensorboard, tensorflow, visualization

pipelines by kubeflow

pipelines: Machine Learning Pipelines for Kubeflow
12 stars per week over 252 weeks
3,128 stars, 1,399 forks, 101 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-05-12, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
data-science, kubeflow, kubeflow-pipelines, kubernetes, machine-learning, mlops, pipeline

tianshou by thu-ml

tianshou: An elegant PyTorch deep reinforcement learning library.
23 stars per week over 256 weeks
5,888 stars, 918 forks, 83 watches
ml-rl category, created 2018-04-16, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
a2c, atari, bcq, benchmark, cql, ddpg, double-dqn, dqn, drl, imitation-learning, mujoco, npg, policy-gradient, ppo, pytorch, rl, sac, td3, trpo

graphene by graphql-python

graphene: GraphQL framework for Python
19 stars per week over 389 weeks
7,601 stars, 814 forks, 144 watches
web category, created 2015-09-24, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
framework, graphene, graphql, relay

botorch by pytorch

botorch: Bayesian optimization in PyTorch
10 stars per week over 241 weeks
2,551 stars, 310 forks, 51 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-07-30, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook


pyston: A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
22 stars per week over 106 weeks
2,360 stars, 85 forks, 34 watches
util category, created 2021-03-01, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python

deeplearning-models by rasbt

deeplearning-models: A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips
79 stars per week over 196 weeks
15,647 stars, 3,858 forks, 596 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-06-05, last commit 2023-02-16, main language Jupyter Notebook

isort by pycqa

isort: A Python utility / library to sort imports.
11 stars per week over 497 weeks
5,667 stars, 519 forks, 46 watches
util category, created 2013-09-02, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
auto-formatter, cleaner, cli, formatter, hacktoberfest, isort, linter, python-utility, sorting-imports

voila by voila-dashboards

voila: Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
19 stars per week over 237 weeks
4,604 stars, 460 forks, 78 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-08-21, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
dashboarding, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab-extension

evaluate by huggingface

🤗 Evaluate: A library for easily evaluating machine learning models and datasets.
23 stars per week over 49 weeks
1,190 stars, 120 forks, 47 watches
ml category, created 2022-03-30, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
evaluation, machine-learning

minGPT by karpathy

minGPT: A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
100 stars per week over 134 weeks
13,403 stars, 1,537 forks, 231 watches
chatgpt category, created 2020-08-17, last commit 2023-01-08, main language Python

latexify_py by google

latexify_py: A library to generate LaTeX expression from Python code.
44 stars per week over 137 weeks
6,055 stars, 331 forks, 51 watches
util category, created 2020-07-25, last commit 2023-01-14, main language Python


paramiko: The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
11 stars per week over 736 weeks
8,208 stars, 1,918 forks, 318 watches
util category, created 2009-02-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

hatch by pypa

hatch: Modern, extensible Python project management
12 stars per week over 301 weeks
3,724 stars, 186 forks, 47 watches
util category, created 2017-05-31, last commit 2023-02-09, main language Python
build, cli, packaging, plugin, versioning, virtualenv

Kats by facebookresearch

Kats, a kit to analyze time series data, a lightweight, easy-to-use, generalizable, and extendable framework to perform time series analysis, from understanding the key statistics and characteristics, detecting change points and anomalies, to forecasting future trends.
39 stars per week over 106 weeks
4,260 stars, 455 forks, 73 watches
time-series category, created 2021-02-25, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

featuretools by featurelabs

featuretools: An open source python library for automated feature engineering
22 stars per week over 287 weeks
6,550 stars, 841 forks, 158 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-08, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
automated-feature-engineering, automated-machine-learning, automl, data-science, feature-engineering, machine-learning, scikit-learn

coveragepy by nedbat

coveragepy: The code coverage tool for Python
9.8 stars per week over 246 weeks
2,413 stars, 349 forks, 27 watches
testing category, created 2018-06-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

pytudes by norvig

pytudes: Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
63 stars per week over 314 weeks
20,134 stars, 2,283 forks, 739 watches
util category, created 2017-03-01, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Jupyter Notebook
demonstrate-skills, practice, programming

balance by facebookresearch

balance: The balance python package offers a simple workflow and methods for dealing with biased data samples when looking to infer from them to some target population of interest.
35 stars per week over 16 weeks
592 stars, 28 forks, 5 watches
ml category, created 2022-11-15, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python

Detectron by facebookresearch

Detectron: FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
90 stars per week over 283 weeks
25,570 stars, 5,489 forks, 960 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-10-05, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python

jupyter-book by executablebooks

jupyter-book: Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.
13 stars per week over 247 weeks
3,270 stars, 613 forks, 61 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-06-14, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
documentation-generator, jupyter, sphinx-doc

pypdf by py-pdf

pypdf: A pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming the pages of PDF files
9.11 stars per week over 583 weeks
5,313 stars, 1,178 forks, 144 watches
util category, created 2012-01-06, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
help-wanted, pdf, pdf-documents, pdf-manipulation, pdf-parser, pdf-parsing, pypdf2

panel by holoviz

panel: A high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python
11 stars per week over 237 weeks
2,625 stars, 323 forks, 48 watches
viz category, created 2018-08-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
bokeh, control-panels, dashboards, dataapp, datascience, dataviz, gui, holoviews, holoviz, hvplot, jupyter, matplotlib, panel, plotly

PyOxidizer by indygreg

PyOxidizer: A modern Python application packaging and distribution tool
20 stars per week over 220 weeks
4,559 stars, 197 forks, 60 watches
util category, created 2018-12-18, last commit 2023-01-21, main language Rust

discoart by jina-ai

discoart: 🪩 Create Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
100 stars per week over 36 weeks
3,665 stars, 222 forks, 33 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-06-30, last commit 2022-08-17, main language Python
clip-guided-diffusion, creative-ai, creative-art, cross-modal, dalle, diffusion, disco-diffusion, discodiffusion, generative-art, imgen, latent-diffusion, midjourney, multimodal, prompts, stable-diffusion

FLAML by microsoft

FLAML: A fast library for AutoML and tuning. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Cppx2vSPVP.
17 stars per week over 133 weeks
2,318 stars, 354 forks, 42 watches
ml category, created 2020-08-20, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Jupyter Notebook
automated-machine-learning, automl, classification, data-science, deep-learning, finetuning, hyperparam, hyperparameter-optimization, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, natural-language-generation, natural-language-processing, random-forest, regression, scikit-learn, tabular-data, timeseries-forecasting, tuning

consensus-specs by ethereum

consensus-specs: Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Specifications
13 stars per week over 233 weeks
3,082 stars, 795 forks, 247 watches
crypto category, created 2018-09-20, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

Lean by quantconnect

Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#)
16 stars per week over 432 weeks
7,196 stars, 2,772 forks, 403 watches
finance category, created 2014-11-28, last commit 2023-03-10, main language C#
algorithm, algorithmic-trading-engine, c-sharp, finance, forex, lean-engine, options, quantconnect, stock-indicators, trading, trading-algorithms, trading-bot, trading-platform, trading-strategies

pipx by pypa

pipx: Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
26 stars per week over 231 weeks
6,115 stars, 281 forks, 72 watches
util category, created 2018-10-06, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
cli, hacktoberfest, pip, pypi, venv

tox by tox-dev

tox: Command line driven CI frontend and development task automation tool.
9.47 stars per week over 338 weeks
3,203 stars, 464 forks, 41 watches
testing category, created 2016-09-17, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
actions, appveyor, automation, azure-pipelines, circleci, cli, continuous-integration, gitlab, hacktoberfest, pep-621, testing, travis, venv, virtualenv


Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
13 stars per week over 613 weeks
8,268 stars, 2,672 forks, 276 watches
ml category, created 2011-06-12, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
count-model, data-analysis, data-science, econometrics, forecasting, generalized-linear-models, hypothesis-testing, prediction, regression-models, robust-estimation, statistics, timeseries-analysis

xarray by pydata

xarray: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
5.87 stars per week over 493 weeks
2,893 stars, 899 forks, 107 watches
util category, created 2013-09-30, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
dask, netcdf, numpy, pandas, xarray

netron by lutzroeder

netron: Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
33 stars per week over 637 weeks
21,592 stars, 2,413 forks, 279 watches
ml category, created 2010-12-26, last commit 2023-03-13, main language JavaScript
ai, caffe, caffe2, coreml, darknet, deep-learning, deeplearning, keras, machine-learning, machinelearning, ml, mxnet, neural-network, onnx, paddle, pytorch, tensorflow, tensorflow-lite, torch, visualizer

web3.py by ethereum

web3.py: A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
11 stars per week over 360 weeks
4,080 stars, 1,384 forks, 118 watches
crypto category, created 2016-04-14, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

trax by google

Trax — Deep Learning with Clear Code and Speed
41 stars per week over 179 weeks
7,399 stars, 768 forks, 146 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-10-05, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
deep-learning, deep-reinforcement-learning, jax, machine-learning, numpy, reinforcement-learning, transformer

einops by arogozhnikov

einops: Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others)
27 stars per week over 233 weeks
6,482 stars, 290 forks, 63 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-09-22, last commit 2023-01-18, main language Python
chainer, cupy, deep-learning, gluon, jax, keras, numpy, pytorch, tensor, tensorflow

folium by python-visualization

folium: Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
11 stars per week over 513 weeks
6,125 stars, 2,176 forks, 163 watches
gis category, created 2013-05-09, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
closember, data-science, data-visualization, javascript, maps

amundsen by amundsen-io

Amundsen is a metadata driven application for improving the productivity of data analysts, data scientists and engineers when interacting with data.
19 stars per week over 199 weeks
3,810 stars, 909 forks, 246 watches
data category, created 2019-05-14, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
amundsen, data-catalog, data-discovery, linuxfoundation, metadata

torchgeo by microsoft

TorchGeo: datasets, samplers, transforms, and pre-trained models for geospatial data
15 stars per week over 94 weeks
1,501 stars, 176 forks, 38 watches
gis category, created 2021-05-21, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
datasets, deep-learning, earth-observation, models, pytorch, remote-sensing, torchvision, transforms

ibis by ibis-project

ibis: Expressive analytics in Python at any scale.
6.08 stars per week over 412 weeks
2,509 stars, 397 forks, 75 watches
data category, created 2015-04-17, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
bigquery, clickhouse, dask, database, datafusion, duckdb, impala, mssql, mysql, pandas, polars, postgresql, pyarrow, pyspark, snowflake, sql, sqlite, trino

werkzeug by pallets

werkzeug: The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
9.74 stars per week over 647 weeks
6,305 stars, 1,682 forks, 227 watches
web category, created 2010-10-18, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
http, pallets, werkzeug, wsgi

fastapi-best-practices by zhanymkanov

fastapi-best-practices: FastAPI Best Practices and Conventions we used @ hi.peerlink.me
91 stars per week over 30 weeks
2,820 stars, 209 forks, 55 watches
study category, created 2022-08-09, last commit 2023-03-13, main language None
best-practices, fastapi

attrs by python-attrs

attrs: Python Classes Without Boilerplate
11 stars per week over 423 weeks
4,670 stars, 337 forks, 60 watches
typing category, created 2015-01-27, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
attributes, boilerplate, classes, oop

vaex by vaexio

vaex: Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
17 stars per week over 441 weeks
7,821 stars, 586 forks, 141 watches
perf category, created 2014-09-27, last commit 2022-12-08, main language Python
bigdata, data-science, dataframe, hdf5, machine-learning, machinelearning, memory-mapped-file, pyarrow, tabular-data, visualization

geemap by giswqs

geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets.
16 stars per week over 157 weeks
2,587 stars, 933 forks, 103 watches
gis category, created 2020-03-08, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
colab, data-science, dataviz, earth-engine, earthengine, folium, geospatial, gis, google-earth-engine, image-processing, ipyleaflet, ipywidgets, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, landsat, mapping, remote-sensing, streamlit, streamlit-webapp

twint by twintproject

twint: An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
48 stars per week over 300 weeks
14,581 stars, 2,498 forks, 313 watches
data category, created 2017-06-10, last commit 2021-03-02, main language Python
elasticsearch, kibana, osint, scrape, scrape-followers, scrape-following, scrape-likes, tweep, tweets, twint, twitter

alembic by sqlalchemy

alembic: A database migrations tool for SQLAlchemy.
8.07 stars per week over 223 weeks
1,806 stars, 181 forks, 19 watches
data category, created 2018-11-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
sql, sqlalchemy

Dreambooth-Stable-Diffusion by xavierxiao

Dreambooth-Stable-Diffusion: Implementation of Dreambooth (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.12242) with Stable Diffusion
214 stars per week over 26 weeks
5,764 stars, 637 forks, 83 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-06, last commit 2022-09-21, main language Jupyter Notebook
pytorch, pytorch-lightning, stable-diffusion, text-to-image


shapely: Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects
5.48 stars per week over 584 weeks
3,199 stars, 516 forks, 86 watches
gis category, created 2011-12-31, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

py-spy by benfred

py-spy: Sampling profiler for Python programs
40 stars per week over 240 weeks
9,838 stars, 349 forks, 111 watches
profiling category, created 2018-08-01, last commit 2022-12-09, main language Rust
performance-analysis, profiler, profiling

neural_prophet by ourownstory

neural_prophet: NeuralProphet: A simple forecasting package
18 stars per week over 149 weeks
2,827 stars, 393 forks, 50 watches
ml category, created 2020-05-04, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, autoregression, deep-learning, fbprophet, forecast, forecasting, forecasting-algorithm, forecasting-model, machine-learning, neural, neural-network, neuralprophet, prediction, prophet, pytorch, seasonality, time-series, timeseries, trend

PythonDataScienceHandbook by jakevdp

PythonDataScienceHandbook: Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
109 stars per week over 343 weeks
37,731 stars, 16,623 forks, 1,776 watches
study category, created 2016-08-10, last commit 2018-11-30, main language Jupyter Notebook
jupyter-notebook, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn


pygame: 🐍🎮 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
18 stars per week over 311 weeks
5,798 stars, 2,548 forks, 156 watches
gamedev category, created 2017-03-26, last commit 2023-03-12, main language C
game-dev, game-development, gamedev, pygame, sdl, sdl2

dtale by man-group

dtale: Visualizer for pandas data structures
20 stars per week over 191 weeks
3,931 stars, 332 forks, 68 watches
viz category, created 2019-07-15, last commit 2023-03-06, main language TypeScript
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, flask, ipython, jupyter-notebook, pandas, plotly-dash, python27, react, react-virtualized, visualization, xarray

Cirq by quantumlib

Cirq: A python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
13 stars per week over 273 weeks
3,681 stars, 837 forks, 178 watches
sim category, created 2017-12-14, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
cirq, nisq, quantum-algorithms, quantum-circuits, quantum-computing

gunicorn by benoitc

gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
12 stars per week over 693 weeks
8,812 stars, 1,630 forks, 230 watches
web category, created 2009-11-30, last commit 2023-01-26, main language Python
http, http-server, wsgi, wsgi-server

EasyNLP by alibaba

EasyNLP: A Comprehensive and Easy-to-use NLP Toolkit
30 stars per week over 48 weeks
1,479 stars, 186 forks, 31 watches
nlp category, created 2022-04-06, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
bert, deep-learning, fewshot-learning, knowledge-distillation, knowledge-pretraining, machine-learning, nlp, pretrained-models, pytorch, text-classification, text-image-retrieval, text-to-image-synthesis, transfer-learning, transformers

allennlp by allenai

allennlp: An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
37 stars per week over 304 weeks
11,426 stars, 2,245 forks, 282 watches
nlp category, created 2017-05-15, last commit 2022-11-22, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch

viztracer by gaogaotiantian

VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
22 stars per week over 135 weeks
3,079 stars, 292 forks, 40 watches
profiling category, created 2020-08-05, last commit 2023-02-17, main language Python
debugging, flamegraph, logging, profiling, tracer, visualization

lightning-hydra-template by ashleve

lightning-hydra-template: PyTorch Lightning + Hydra. A very user-friendly template for ML experimentation. 🔥
19 stars per week over 122 weeks
2,383 stars, 406 forks, 20 watches
util category, created 2020-11-04, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
best-practices, comet, config, deep-learning, hydra, mlflow, mlops, neptune, project-structure, pytorch, pytorch-lightning, reproducibility, template, tensorboard, wandb

umap by lmcinnes

umap: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
20 stars per week over 297 weeks
6,095 stars, 705 forks, 125 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-02, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Python
dimensionality-reduction, machine-learning, topological-data-analysis, umap, visualization

latent-diffusion by compvis

latent-diffusion: High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
101 stars per week over 64 weeks
6,470 stars, 873 forks, 78 watches
diffusion category, created 2021-12-20, last commit 2022-07-26, main language Jupyter Notebook

pydata-book by wesm

pydata-book: Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media
34 stars per week over 558 weeks
18,997 stars, 14,067 forks, 1,469 watches
study category, created 2012-06-30, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Jupyter Notebook

bandit by pycqa

Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.
19 stars per week over 254 weeks
5,027 stars, 510 forks, 65 watches
security category, created 2018-04-26, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
bandit, linter, security, security-scanner, security-tools, static-code-analysis

data by pytorch

data: A PyTorch repo for data loading and utilities to be shared by the PyTorch domain libraries.
9.67 stars per week over 95 weeks
926 stars, 116 forks, 27 watches
data category, created 2021-05-12, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python

SeleniumBase by seleniumbase

SeleniumBase: A Python browser automation framework for creating reliable end-to-end tests.
6.74 stars per week over 470 weeks
3,172 stars, 766 forks, 122 watches
testing category, created 2014-03-04, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
behave, chrome, chromedriver, e2e-testing, firefox, pytest, pytest-plugin, selenium, selenium-python, seleniumbase, test, web-automation, webdriver, webkit

nn-zero-to-hero by karpathy

nn-zero-to-hero: Neural Networks: Zero to Hero
282 stars per week over 26 weeks
7,497 stars, 701 forks, 240 watches
study category, created 2022-09-08, last commit 2023-01-17, main language Jupyter Notebook

cramming by jonasgeiping

Cramming the training of a (BERT-type) language model into limited compute.
92 stars per week over 10 weeks
974 stars, 65 forks, 19 watches
nlp category, created 2022-12-29, last commit 2023-02-19, main language Python
english-language, language-model, machine-learning

PyWebIO by pywebio

PyWebIO: Write interactive web app in script way.
23 stars per week over 158 weeks
3,729 stars, 335 forks, 50 watches
web category, created 2020-02-29, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python


vispy: Main repository for Vispy
5.81 stars per week over 520 weeks
3,024 stars, 607 forks, 119 watches
viz category, created 2013-03-21, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
closember, hacktoberfest, opengl, visualization

optimum by huggingface

optimum: 🏎️ Accelerate training and inference of 🤗 Transformers with easy to use hardware optimization tools
11 stars per week over 85 weeks
970 stars, 150 forks, 43 watches
ml category, created 2021-07-20, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
graphcore, habana, inference, intel, onnx, onnxruntime, optimization, pytorch, quantization, training, transformers

slither by crytic

slither: Static Analyzer for Solidity
16 stars per week over 235 weeks
3,907 stars, 718 forks, 62 watches
crypto category, created 2018-09-05, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
ethereum, solidity, static-analysis

tsfresh by blue-yonder

tsfresh: Automatic extraction of relevant features from time series:
21 stars per week over 332 weeks
7,143 stars, 1,120 forks, 159 watches
time-series category, created 2016-10-26, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Jupyter Notebook
data-science, feature-extraction, time-series

ChatterBot by gunthercox

ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots
29 stars per week over 441 weeks
13,008 stars, 4,255 forks, 552 watches
nlp category, created 2014-09-28, last commit 2021-06-01, main language Python
bot, chatbot, chatterbot, conversation, language, machine-learning

falcon by falconry

falcon: The no-magic web data plane API and microservices framework for Python developers, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
16 stars per week over 535 weeks
9,023 stars, 898 forks, 267 watches
web category, created 2012-12-06, last commit 2023-01-18, main language Python
api, api-rest, asgi, framework, http, microservices, rest, web, wsgi

Merlion by salesforce

Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
34 stars per week over 84 weeks
2,907 stars, 250 forks, 46 watches
time-series category, created 2021-07-28, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
anomaly-detection, automl, benchmarking, ensemble-learning, forecasting, machine-learning, time-series

jinja by pallets

jinja: A very fast and expressive template engine.
14 stars per week over 647 weeks
9,104 stars, 1,545 forks, 251 watches
util category, created 2010-10-17, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
jinja, jinja2, pallets, template-engine, templates

coremltools by apple

coremltools: Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model conversion, editing, and validation.
10 stars per week over 297 weeks
3,159 stars, 491 forks, 114 watches
ml category, created 2017-06-30, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
coreml, coremltools, machine-learning, model-conversion, model-converter, pytorch, tensorflow

pandera by pandera-dev

pandera: A light-weight, flexible, and expressive statistical data testing library
8.88 stars per week over 227 weeks
2,021 stars, 165 forks, 15 watches
pandas category, created 2018-11-01, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
assertions, data-assertions, data-check, data-cleaning, data-processing, data-validation, data-verification, dataframe-schema, dataframes, hypothesis-testing, pandas, pandas-dataframe, pandas-validation, pandas-validator, schema, testing, testing-tools, validation

jupyterlab-desktop by jupyterlab

jupyterlab-desktop: JupyterLab desktop application, based on Electron.
8.64 stars per week over 305 weeks
2,639 stars, 239 forks, 43 watches
jupyter category, created 2017-05-04, last commit 2023-03-13, main language TypeScript
jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab

mesh-transformer-jax by kingoflolz

mesh-transformer-jax: Model parallel transformers in JAX and Haiku
52 stars per week over 104 weeks
5,462 stars, 781 forks, 93 watches
nlp category, created 2021-03-13, last commit 2023-01-12, main language Python

osmnx by gboeing

OSMnx: Python for street networks. Retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap.
11 stars per week over 346 weeks
4,091 stars, 748 forks, 121 watches
gis category, created 2016-07-24, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Python
geography, geospatial, gis, mapping, networks, networkx, openstreetmap, osm, osmnx, overpass-api, routing, spatial, spatial-analysis, spatial-data, street-networks, transport, transportation, urban, urban-planning

marshmallow by marshmallow-code

marshmallow: A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
13 stars per week over 487 weeks
6,461 stars, 623 forks, 82 watches
util category, created 2013-11-10, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
deserialization, hacktoberfest, marshalling, schema, serde, serialization, validation


Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, algorithms, and application modules.
13 stars per week over 221 weeks
2,925 stars, 778 forks, 96 watches
sim category, created 2018-12-12, last commit 2023-03-10, main language OpenQASM
documentation, qiskit, quantum-computing, quantum-programming-language

lightly by lightly-ai

lightly: A python library for self-supervised learning on images.
17 stars per week over 125 weeks
2,179 stars, 181 forks, 23 watches
ml category, created 2020-10-13, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
active-learning, computer-vision, contrastive-learning, deep-learning, embeddings, machine-learning, pytorch, self-supervised-learning

skorch by skorch-dev

skorch: A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch
17 stars per week over 294 weeks
5,066 stars, 341 forks, 82 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-07-18, last commit 2023-02-13, main language Jupyter Notebook
hacktoberfest, machine-learning, pytorch, scikit-learn

captum by pytorch

captum: Model interpretability and understanding for PyTorch
20 stars per week over 184 weeks
3,797 stars, 406 forks, 216 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-08-27, last commit 2023-02-03, main language Python
feature-attribution, feature-importance, interpretability, interpretable-ai, interpretable-ml

pyprobml by probml

pyprobml: Python code for "Probabilistic Machine learning" book by Kevin Murphy
15 stars per week over 342 weeks
5,483 stars, 1,311 forks, 179 watches
ml category, created 2016-08-17, last commit 2023-01-20, main language Jupyter Notebook
blackjax, colab, flax, jax, jupyter-notebooks, machine-learning, numpyro, pml, probabilistic-programming, pymc3, pyro, pytorch, tensorflow


ploomber: The fastest ⚡️ way to build data pipelines. Develop iteratively, deploy anywhere. ☁️
18 stars per week over 164 weeks
3,003 stars, 209 forks, 26 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-01-20, last commit 2023-01-31, main language Python
data-engineering, data-science, jupyter, jupyter-notebooks, machine-learning, mlops, notebooks, papermill, pipelines, pycharm, vscode, workflow

reloadium by reloadware

reloadium: Advanced Hot Reloading & Profiling for Python
37 stars per week over 60 weeks
2,246 stars, 40 forks, 24 watches
profiling category, created 2022-01-15, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
django, edit-and-continue, flask, hot-reload, hot-reloading, pandas

stumpy by tdameritrade

STUMPY is a powerful and scalable Python library for modern time series analysis
12 stars per week over 201 weeks
2,586 stars, 249 forks, 53 watches
time-series category, created 2019-05-03, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
anomaly-detection, dask, data-science, matrix-profile, motif-discovery, numba, pattern-matching, pydata, time-series-analysis, time-series-data-mining, time-series-segmentation

opentelemetry-python by open-telemetry

opentelemetry-python: OpenTelemetry Python API and SDK
6.04 stars per week over 200 weeks
1,214 stars, 440 forks, 34 watches
util category, created 2019-05-07, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
correlationcontext, distributed-tracing, logging, metrics, opentelemetry, sdk, tracecontext

knowledge-repo by airbnb

knowledge-repo: A next-generation curated knowledge sharing platform for data scientists and other technical professions.
15 stars per week over 342 weeks
5,288 stars, 710 forks, 175 watches
data category, created 2016-08-17, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data, data-analysis, data-science, knowledge

PlotNeuralNet by harisiqbal88

PlotNeuralNet: Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
78 stars per week over 241 weeks
18,988 stars, 2,591 forks, 224 watches
ml category, created 2018-07-24, last commit 2020-11-06, main language TeX
deep-neural-networks, latex

annoy by spotify

annoy: Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
20 stars per week over 519 weeks
10,883 stars, 1,077 forks, 324 watches
ml category, created 2013-04-01, last commit 2023-02-25, main language C++
approximate-nearest-neighbor-search, c-plus-plus, golang, locality-sensitive-hashing, lua, nearest-neighbor-search

mimesis by lk-geimfari

Mimesis is a high-performance fake data generator for Python, which provides data for a variety of purposes in a variety of languages.
11 stars per week over 339 weeks
3,920 stars, 308 forks, 64 watches
data category, created 2016-09-09, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
api-mock, data, datascience, dummy, fake, faker, fixtures, generator, json, json-generator, mimesis, mock, schema, synthetic-data, testing

mmf by facebookresearch

mmf: A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
21 stars per week over 245 weeks
5,160 stars, 912 forks, 117 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-06-27, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Python
captioning, deep-learning, dialog, hateful-memes, multi-tasking, multimodal, pretrained-models, pytorch, textvqa, vqa

deepmind-research by deepmind

deepmind-research: This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
53 stars per week over 216 weeks
11,529 stars, 2,367 forks, 330 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-15, last commit 2023-01-31, main language Jupyter Notebook

leafmap by giswqs

leafmap: A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
14 stars per week over 104 weeks
1,538 stars, 192 forks, 47 watches
gis category, created 2021-03-10, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data-science, dataviz, folium, geopython, geospatial, geospatial-analysis, gis, ipyleaflet, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, keplergl, leafmap, mapping, plotly, pydeck, streamlit, streamlit-webapp, whiteboxtools

pytype by google

pytype: A static type analyzer for Python code
9.94 stars per week over 416 weeks
4,144 stars, 267 forks, 55 watches
typing category, created 2015-03-18, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
linter, static-analysis, static-code-analysis, typechecker, types, typing

mlxtend by rasbt

mlxtend: A library of extension and helper modules for Python's data analysis and machine learning libraries.
9.6 stars per week over 447 weeks
4,298 stars, 809 forks, 118 watches
ml category, created 2014-08-14, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
association-rules, data-mining, data-science, machine-learning, supervised-learning, unsupervised-learning

tenacity by jd

tenacity: Retrying library for Python
13 stars per week over 343 weeks
4,545 stars, 227 forks, 44 watches
util category, created 2016-08-11, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
failure, hacktoberfest, retry, retry-library

RecBole by rucaibox

RecBole: A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
17 stars per week over 143 weeks
2,511 stars, 465 forks, 39 watches
ml category, created 2020-06-11, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
collaborative-filtering, ctr-prediction, deep-learning, graph-neural-networks, knowledge-graph, pytorch, recommendation-system, recommendations, recommender, recommender-systems, sequential-recommendation

brax by google

brax: Massively parallel rigidbody physics simulation on accelerator hardware.
16 stars per week over 92 weeks
1,559 stars, 165 forks, 36 watches
sim category, created 2021-06-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Jupyter Notebook
jax, physics-simulation, reinforcement-learning, robotics

line_profiler by pyutils

line_profiler: Line-by-line profiling for Python
9.97 stars per week over 169 weeks
1,693 stars, 97 forks, 16 watches
profiling category, created 2019-12-10, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Cython

csvkit by wireservice

csvkit: A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
8.66 stars per week over 623 weeks
5,398 stars, 584 forks, 132 watches
util category, created 2011-04-01, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python

warehouse by pypi

warehouse: The Python Package Index
6.09 stars per week over 519 weeks
3,161 stars, 909 forks, 105 watches
util category, created 2013-03-30, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python


pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python, for developing games and other visually rich applications.
7.25 stars per week over 196 weeks
1,422 stars, 250 forks, 32 watches
gamedev category, created 2019-06-09, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
gamedev, opengl, pyglet, scientific-visualization

handcalcs by connorferster

handcalcs: Python library for converting Python calculations into rendered latex.
32 stars per week over 159 weeks
5,152 stars, 398 forks, 78 watches
jupyter category, created 2020-02-19, last commit 2022-12-27, main language CSS


fastapi-users: Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
14 stars per week over 179 weeks
2,534 stars, 250 forks, 34 watches
web category, created 2019-10-05, last commit 2023-02-14, main language Python
async, asyncio, fastapi, fastapi-users, starlette, users

bullet3 by bulletphysics

bullet3: Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
16 stars per week over 621 weeks
10,350 stars, 2,669 forks, 404 watches
sim category, created 2011-04-12, last commit 2023-02-24, main language C++
computer-animation, game-development, kinematics, pybullet, reinforcement-learning, robotics, simulation, simulator, virtual-reality

auto-sklearn by automl

auto-sklearn: Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn
16 stars per week over 401 weeks
6,783 stars, 1,214 forks, 214 watches
ml category, created 2015-07-02, last commit 2022-12-07, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, bayesian-optimization, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-search, hyperparameter-tuning, meta-learning, metalearning, scikit-learn, smac

full-stack-fastapi-postgresql by tiangolo

full-stack-fastapi-postgresql: Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
53 stars per week over 211 weeks
11,334 stars, 2,064 forks, 189 watches
template category, created 2019-02-23, last commit 2020-06-05, main language Python
backend, celery, cookiecutter, docker, fastapi, frontend, json, json-schema, jwt, letsencrypt, openapi, openapi3, pgadmin, postgresql, swagger, traefik, vue, vuex

eve by pyeve

eve: REST API framework designed for human beings
12 stars per week over 542 weeks
6,587 stars, 752 forks, 229 watches
web category, created 2012-10-22, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
flask, mongodb, rest

tpot by epistasislab

tpot: A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
23 stars per week over 383 weeks
8,979 stars, 1,516 forks, 292 watches
ml category, created 2015-11-03, last commit 2022-07-29, main language Python
adsp, ag066833, aiml, alzheimer, alzheimers, automated-machine-learning, automation, automl, data-science, feature-engineering, gradient-boosting, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, model-selection, nia, parameter-tuning, random-forest, scikit-learn, u01ag066833

mplfinance by matplotlib

mplfinance: Financial Markets Data Visualization using Matplotlib
15 stars per week over 170 weeks
2,634 stars, 537 forks, 85 watches
finance category, created 2019-12-05, last commit 2023-01-26, main language Python
candlestick, candlestick-chart, candlestickchart, finance, hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2022, hactoberfest, intraday-data, market-data, matplotlib, mplfinance, ohlc, ohlc-chart, ohlc-data, ohlc-plot, ohlcv, trading-days

papermill by nteract

papermill: 📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
17 stars per week over 296 weeks
5,152 stars, 389 forks, 91 watches
jupyter category, created 2017-07-06, last commit 2022-10-18, main language Python
julia, jupyter, notebook, notebook-generator, notebooks, nteract, pipeline, publishing, r, scala

blankly by blankly-finance

blankly: 🚀 💸 Easily build, backtest and deploy your algo in just a few lines of code. Trade stocks, cryptos, and forex across exchanges w/ one package.
14 stars per week over 104 weeks
1,487 stars, 197 forks, 29 watches
finance category, created 2021-03-09, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
algotrading, binance, blankly, bot, bot-framework, bots, coinbase, crypto, cryptocurrency, framework, investment, platform, stocks, trading, trading-bot, trading-strategies


geopandas: Python tools for geographic data
7.07 stars per week over 506 weeks
3,581 stars, 798 forks, 106 watches
gis category, created 2013-06-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

pip-audit by trailofbits

pip-audit: Audits Python environments and dependency trees for known vulnerabilities
9.54 stars per week over 79 weeks
759 stars, 49 forks, 20 watches
security category, created 2021-09-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
pip, security, security-audit, supply-chain

satpy by pytroll

satpy: Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
2.44 stars per week over 369 weeks
901 stars, 261 forks, 31 watches
gis category, created 2016-02-09, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
closember, dask, hacktoberfest, satellite, weather, xarray

flask-restx by python-restx

flask-restx: Fork of Flask-RESTPlus: Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
10 stars per week over 165 weeks
1,775 stars, 293 forks, 69 watches
web category, created 2020-01-09, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python
api, flask, json, rest, restful, restplus, restx, swagger

PyGithub by pygithub

PyGithub: Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
10 stars per week over 576 weeks
5,848 stars, 1,598 forks, 113 watches
util category, created 2012-02-25, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Python
github, github-api, pygithub

pandarallel by nalepae

pandarallel: A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas operations on all available CPUs
13 stars per week over 209 weeks
2,921 stars, 177 forks, 27 watches
pandas category, created 2019-03-10, last commit 2023-02-12, main language Python
pandas, parallel

causalml by uber

causalml: Uplift modeling and causal inference with machine learning algorithms
19 stars per week over 191 weeks
3,835 stars, 614 forks, 78 watches
ml category, created 2019-07-09, last commit 2023-02-03, main language Python
causal-inference, incubation, machine-learning, uplift-modeling

opencv-python by skvark

opencv-python: Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages.
9.18 stars per week over 361 weeks
3,318 stars, 649 forks, 84 watches
ml category, created 2016-04-08, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Shell
manylinux, opencv, opencv-contrib-python, opencv-python, precompiled, pypi, wheel

finetuner by jina-ai

finetuner: 🎯 Task-oriented finetuning for better embeddings on neural search
11 stars per week over 82 weeks
961 stars, 47 forks, 23 watches
ml category, created 2021-08-11, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
few-shot-learning, fine-tuning, finetuning, jina, metric-learning, negative-sampling, neural-search, pretrained-models, siamese-network, similarity-learning, transfer-learning, triplet-loss

lightseq by bytedance

LightSeq: A High Performance Library for Sequence Processing and Generation
15 stars per week over 170 weeks
2,613 stars, 298 forks, 55 watches
nlp category, created 2019-12-06, last commit 2023-03-09, main language C++
accelerate, bart, beam-search, bert, cuda, diverse-decoding, gpt, inference, multilingual-nmt, sampling, training, transformer

vizier by google

vizier: Python-based research interface for blackbox and hyperparameter optimization, based on the internal Google Vizier Service.
17 stars per week over 55 weeks
977 stars, 45 forks, 18 watches
ml category, created 2022-02-16, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
algorithm, bayesian-optimization, blackbox-optimization, deep-learning, distributed-computing, distributed-systems, evolutionary-algorithms, google, grpc, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-tuning, machine-learning, open-source, optimization, tuning, tuning-parameters, vizier

apscheduler by agronholm

apscheduler: Task scheduling library for Python
13 stars per week over 363 weeks
4,881 stars, 621 forks, 123 watches
util category, created 2016-03-27, last commit 2023-02-07, main language Python

distributed by dask

distributed: A distributed task scheduler for Dask
3.7 stars per week over 391 weeks
1,447 stars, 677 forks, 60 watches
perf category, created 2015-09-13, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
dask, distributed-computing, hacktoberfest, pydata

ta-lib-python by ta-lib

ta-lib-python: Python wrapper for TA-Lib (http://ta-lib.org/).
13 stars per week over 572 weeks
7,544 stars, 1,475 forks, 319 watches
finance category, created 2012-03-23, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Cython
finance, pattern-recognition, quantitative-finance, ta-lib, technical-analysis

uvloop by magicstack

uvloop: Ultra fast asyncio event loop.
24 stars per week over 383 weeks
9,216 stars, 539 forks, 225 watches
util category, created 2015-11-08, last commit 2023-01-15, main language Cython
async, async-await, async-python, asyncio, event-loop, high-performance, libuv, networking

addons by tensorflow

addons: Useful extra functionality for TensorFlow 2.x maintained by SIG-addons
7.23 stars per week over 224 weeks
1,620 stars, 601 forks, 58 watches
ml category, created 2018-11-26, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
deep-learning, machine-learning, neural-network, tensorflow, tensorflow-addons

Transformers-Tutorials by nielsrogge

Transformers-Tutorials: This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
29 stars per week over 132 weeks
3,889 stars, 620 forks, 85 watches
study category, created 2020-08-31, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Jupyter Notebook
bert, gpt-2, layoutlm, pytorch, transformers, vision-transformer

gpt-2 by openai

gpt-2: Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
82 stars per week over 213 weeks
17,673 stars, 4,427 forks, 604 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-02-11, last commit 2020-12-02, main language Python

flower by adap

Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
13 stars per week over 160 weeks
2,105 stars, 460 forks, 23 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-02-17, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
deep-learning, federated-analytics, federated-learning, federated-learning-framework, fleet-intelligence, fleet-learning, flower, keras-federated-learning, machine-learning, pytorch, pytorch-federated-learning, scikit-learn, tensorflow, tensorflow-federated-learning

automl by google

automl: Google Brain AutoML
36 stars per week over 156 weeks
5,655 stars, 1,424 forks, 158 watches
ml category, created 2020-03-12, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Jupyter Notebook
automl, efficientdet, efficientnet, efficientnetv2, object-detection

python-dotenv by theskumar

python-dotenv: Reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables. It helps in developing applications following the 12-factor principles.
12 stars per week over 444 weeks
5,743 stars, 358 forks, 33 watches
util category, created 2014-09-06, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Python
12-factor-app, configuration, devops-tools, dotenv, env, environment-variables

now by jina-ai

now: 🧞 No-code tool for creating a neural search solution in minutes
10 stars per week over 53 weeks
530 stars, 20 forks, 22 watches
nlp category, created 2022-03-07, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
ai, clip, deeplearning, deployment, low-code, neural-search, nocode, search, semantic-search, vector-search, visual-search

flake8 by pycqa

flake8 is a python tool that glues together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code.
6.04 stars per week over 443 weeks
2,676 stars, 278 forks, 34 watches
util category, created 2014-09-13, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
complexity-analysis, flake8, linter, linter-flake8, pep8, static-analysis, static-code-analysis, style-guide, styleguide, stylelint

zipline by quantopian

Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
29 stars per week over 542 weeks
15,879 stars, 4,551 forks, 1,008 watches
finance category, created 2012-10-19, last commit 2020-10-14, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, quant, zipline

ReAgent by facebookresearch

ReAgent: A platform for Reasoning systems (Reinforcement Learning, Contextual Bandits, etc.)
11 stars per week over 293 weeks
3,359 stars, 508 forks, 150 watches
ml-rl category, created 2017-07-27, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python

dm-haiku by deepmind

dm-haiku: JAX-based neural network library
14 stars per week over 159 weeks
2,392 stars, 200 forks, 40 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-02-18, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, jax, machine-learning, neural-networks

tablib by jazzband

tablib: Python Module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML, &c.
6.79 stars per week over 624 weeks
4,235 stars, 573 forks, 141 watches
data category, created 2011-03-28, last commit 2023-03-05, main language Python

plotnine by has2k1

plotnine: A grammar of graphics for Python
11 stars per week over 307 weeks
3,380 stars, 194 forks, 67 watches
viz category, created 2017-04-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
data-analysis, grammar, graphics, plotting

holoviews by holoviz

holoviews: With Holoviews, your data visualizes itself.
5.18 stars per week over 461 weeks
2,391 stars, 373 forks, 61 watches
viz category, created 2014-05-07, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
holoviews, holoviz, plotting

deep-learning-with-python-notebooks by fchollet

deep-learning-with-python-notebooks: Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
57 stars per week over 287 weeks
16,532 stars, 8,056 forks, 641 watches
study category, created 2017-09-05, last commit 2023-02-13, main language Jupyter Notebook

ormar by collerek

ormar: python async orm with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation
9.31 stars per week over 136 weeks
1,267 stars, 62 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2020-08-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
alembic, async-orm, databases, fastapi, orm, pydantic, python-orm, sqlalchemy

arcade by pythonarcade

arcade: Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games.
3.77 stars per week over 375 weeks
1,415 stars, 265 forks, 57 watches
gamedev category, created 2016-01-04, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
arcade-api, arcade-framework, arcade-learning-environment, educational-resources, educational-technology, opengl

python-socketio by miguelgrinberg

python-socketio: Python Socket.IO server and client
8.17 stars per week over 399 weeks
3,265 stars, 527 forks, 62 watches
util category, created 2015-07-15, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
asyncio, eventlet, gevent, long-polling, low-latency, socket-io, socketio, socketio-server, web-server, websocket

theseus by facebookresearch

theseus: A library for differentiable nonlinear optimization
18 stars per week over 68 weeks
1,242 stars, 85 forks, 29 watches
math category, created 2021-11-18, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
bilevel-optimization, computer-vision, deep-learning, differentiable-optimization, embodied-ai, gauss-newton, implicit-differentiation, levenberg-marquardt, nonlinear-least-squares, pytorch, robotics

pyinstrument by joerick

pyinstrument: 🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
10 stars per week over 469 weeks
5,160 stars, 220 forks, 55 watches
profiling category, created 2014-03-13, last commit 2022-12-27, main language Python
async, django, performance, profile, profiler


Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
3.89 stars per week over 488 weeks
1,896 stars, 509 forks, 151 watches
gis category, created 2013-11-04, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
cli, cython, gdal, gis, mapbox-satellite-oss, raster

TensorLayer by tensorlayer

TensorLayer: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientists and Engineers
20 stars per week over 352 weeks
7,159 stars, 1,621 forks, 466 watches
ml-rl category, created 2016-06-07, last commit 2023-02-18, main language Python
a3c, artificial-intelligence, chatbot, deep-learning, dqn, gan, google, imagenet, neural-network, object-detection, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow, tensorflow-tutorial, tensorflow-tutorials, tensorlayer

basic-pitch by spotify

basic-pitch: A lightweight yet powerful audio-to-MIDI converter with pitch bend detection
37 stars per week over 44 weeks
1,667 stars, 99 forks, 33 watches
util category, created 2022-05-03, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
audio, lightweight, machine-learning, midi, music, pitch-detection, polyphonic, transcription, typescript

gpt-discord-bot by openai

gpt-discord-bot: Example Discord bot written in Python that uses the completions API to have conversations with the text-davinci-003 model, and the moderations API to filter the messages.
90 stars per week over 11 weeks
1,064 stars, 379 forks, 23 watches
chatgpt category, created 2022-12-21, last commit 2023-02-08, main language Python

sparseml by neuralmagic

sparseml: Libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
13 stars per week over 117 weeks
1,546 stars, 117 forks, 40 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-12-11, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
automl, computer-vision-algorithms, deep-learning-algorithms, deep-learning-library, deep-learning-models, image-classification, keras, model-sparsification, nlp, object-detection, onnx, pruning, pruning-algorithms, pytorch, recipe-driven-approaches, smaller-models, sparsification, sparsification-recipes, sparsity, tensorflow

BasicSR by xpixelgroup

BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also support StyleGAN2, DFDNet.
17 stars per week over 255 weeks
4,491 stars, 911 forks, 88 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-04-19, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Python
basicsr, basicvsr, dfdnet, ecbsr, edsr, edvr, esrgan, pytorch, rcan, restoration, srgan, srresnet, stylegan2, super-resolution, swinir

pywebview by r0x0r

pywebview: Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
7.89 stars per week over 433 weeks
3,419 stars, 445 forks, 58 watches
gui category, created 2014-11-20, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
cef, cocoa, gtk, gui, html, javascript, linux, osx, qt, webkit, windows

tf-quant-finance by google

tf-quant-finance: High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance.
19 stars per week over 189 weeks
3,664 stars, 491 forks, 168 watches
finance category, created 2019-07-24, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
finance, gpu, gpu-computing, high-performance, high-performance-computing, numerical-integration, numerical-methods, numerical-optimization, quantitative-finance, quantlib, tensorflow

vissl by facebookresearch

VISSL is FAIR's library of extensible, modular and scalable components for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
19 stars per week over 152 weeks
2,975 stars, 313 forks, 52 watches
ml category, created 2020-04-09, last commit 2022-12-28, main language Jupyter Notebook

explainerdashboard by oegedijk

explainerdashboard: Quickly build Explainable AI dashboards that show the inner workings of so-called "blackbox" machine learning models.
9.12 stars per week over 175 weeks
1,602 stars, 207 forks, 18 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-10-30, last commit 2023-02-18, main language Python
dash, dashboard, data-scientists, explainer, inner-workings, interactive-dashboards, interactive-plots, model-predictions, permutation-importances, plotly, shap, shap-values, xai, xai-library


Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter written in Python
6.64 stars per week over 184 weeks
1,224 stars, 510 forks, 31 watches
util category, created 2019-08-31, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python

zarr-python by zarr-developers

zarr-python: An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python.
2.92 stars per week over 377 weeks
1,102 stars, 217 forks, 46 watches
data category, created 2015-12-15, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
compressed, hacktoberfest, ndimensional-arrays, zarr

RPA-Python by tebelorg

RPA-Python: Python package for doing RPA
18 stars per week over 206 weeks
3,769 stars, 550 forks, 102 watches
util category, created 2019-03-30, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
cross-platform, opencv, rpa, sikuli, tagui, tesseract

AugLy by facebookresearch

AugLy: A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, and video.
51 stars per week over 91 weeks
4,679 stars, 277 forks, 62 watches
data category, created 2021-06-09, last commit 2022-12-05, main language Python

pyzmq by zeromq

PyZMQ: Python bindings for zeromq
4.99 stars per week over 659 weeks
3,291 stars, 619 forks, 102 watches
util category, created 2010-07-21, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
cython, zeromq

bottle by bottlepy

bottle.py is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
11 stars per week over 714 weeks
7,915 stars, 1,446 forks, 311 watches
web category, created 2009-06-30, last commit 2022-09-05, main language Python
bottle, rest, web-framework, wsgi


h5py: HDF5 for Python -- The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format.
3.37 stars per week over 546 weeks
1,839 stars, 493 forks, 56 watches
perf category, created 2012-09-21, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python

alibi by seldonio

alibi: Algorithms for explaining machine learning models
9.29 stars per week over 210 weeks
1,958 stars, 220 forks, 42 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-02-26, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
counterfactual, explanations, interpretability, machine-learning, xai


featureform: The Virtual Feature Store. Turn your existing data infrastructure into a feature store.
9.75 stars per week over 125 weeks
1,223 stars, 48 forks, 13 watches
nlp category, created 2020-10-16, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Go
data-quality, data-science, embeddings, embeddings-similarity, feature-engineering, feature-store, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, ml, mlops, vector-database

vertex-ai-samples by googlecloudplatform

vertex-ai-samples: Sample code and notebooks for Vertex AI, the end-to-end machine learning platform on Google Cloud
6.63 stars per week over 93 weeks
620 stars, 421 forks, 38 watches
ml category, created 2021-05-27, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai, data-science, gcp, google-cloud-platform, ml, mlops, notebook, samples, vertex-ai

Daft by eventual-inc

Daft: The Python DataFrame for Complex Data
10 stars per week over 46 weeks
500 stars, 18 forks, 6 watches
pandas category, created 2022-04-25, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
data-engineering, data-science, dataframe, deep-learning, distributed-computing, image-processing, machine-learning, rust

backtesting.py by kernc

backtesting.py: 🔎 📈 🐍 💰 Backtest trading strategies in Python.
15 stars per week over 218 weeks
3,368 stars, 672 forks, 94 watches
finance category, created 2019-01-02, last commit 2023-01-15, main language Python
algo-trading, algorithmic-trading, backtesting, backtesting-engine, backtesting-frameworks, backtesting-trading-strategies, finance, financial-markets, forex, forex-trading, framework, hacktoberfest, investing, investment, investment-strategies, stocks, trading, trading-algorithms, trading-simulator, trading-strategies

hamilton by stitchfix

hamilton: A scalable general purpose micro-framework for defining dataflows. THIS REPOSITORY HAS BEEN MOVED TO www.github.com/dagworks-inc/hamilton
6.06 stars per week over 145 weeks
884 stars, 43 forks, 18 watches
pandas category, created 2020-05-26, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
dag, data-engineering, data-platform, data-science, dataframe, etl, etl-framework, etl-pipeline, feature-engineering, featurization, hamilton, hamiltonian, machine-learning, numpy, pandas, software-engineering, stitch-fix

datashader by holoviz

datashader: Quickly and accurately render even the largest data.
7.8 stars per week over 376 weeks
2,938 stars, 363 forks, 94 watches
gis category, created 2015-12-23, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
data-visualizations, datashader, holoviz, rasterization

camelot by camelot-dev

camelot: A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
9.65 stars per week over 193 weeks
1,863 stars, 340 forks, 46 watches
util category, created 2019-07-01, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python

terminal-copilot by methexis-inc

terminal-copilot: A smart terminal assistant that helps you find the right command.
34 stars per week over 13 weeks
452 stars, 25 forks, 6 watches
util category, created 2022-12-11, last commit 2023-01-25, main language Python

TextBlob by sloria

TextBlob: Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
16 stars per week over 506 weeks
8,472 stars, 1,114 forks, 269 watches
nlp category, created 2013-06-30, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
natural-language-processing, nlp, nltk, pattern

icecream by gruns

icecream: 🍦 Never use print() to debug again.
25 stars per week over 264 weeks
6,627 stars, 137 forks, 50 watches
debug category, created 2018-02-13, last commit 2022-12-04, main language Python
debug, debugging, debugging-tool, inspects, print

lime by marcotcr

Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier
28 stars per week over 364 weeks
10,517 stars, 1,719 forks, 269 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2016-03-15, last commit 2021-07-29, main language JavaScript

numpy-ml by ddbourgin

numpy-ml: Machine learning, in numpy
56 stars per week over 205 weeks
11,690 stars, 3,208 forks, 439 watches
ml category, created 2019-04-06, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python
attention, bayesian-inference, gaussian-mixture-models, gaussian-processes, good-turing-smoothing, gradient-boosting, hidden-markov-models, knn, lstm, machine-learning, mfcc, neural-networks, reinforcement-learning, resnet, topic-modeling, vae, wavenet, wgan-gp, word2vec

PettingZoo by pettingzoo-team

PettingZoo: A standard API for multi-agent reinforcement learning environments, with popular reference environments and related utilities
10 stars per week over 164 weeks
1,708 stars, 281 forks, 21 watches
ml-rl category, created 2020-01-20, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
api, gym, gymnasium, multi-agent-reinforcement-learning, reinforcement-learning

imgaug by aleju

imgaug: Image augmentation for machine learning experiments.
33 stars per week over 400 weeks
13,364 stars, 2,361 forks, 231 watches
ml category, created 2015-07-10, last commit 2020-06-01, main language Python
affine-transformation, augment-images, augmentation, bounding-boxes, contrast, crop, deep-learning, heatmap, image-augmentation, images, keypoints, machine-learning, polygon, segmentation-maps


websocket-client: WebSocket client for Python
4.99 stars per week over 636 weeks
3,178 stars, 733 forks, 91 watches
web category, created 2010-12-28, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
rfc-6455, websocket, websocket-client, websockets, websockets-client

deepsparse by neuralmagic

deepsparse: Inference runtime offering GPU-class performance on CPUs and APIs to integrate ML into your application
11 stars per week over 117 weeks
1,360 stars, 84 forks, 40 watches
nlp category, created 2020-12-14, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
auto-ml, computer-vision, cpu-inference-api, cpus, deepsparse-engine, inference, machinelearning, ml, nlp, object-detection, onnx, pretrained-models, pruning, pytorch, quantization, sparsification, sparsification-recipe, sparsified-models, tensorflow, yolov3

arrow by arrow-py

arrow: 🏹 Better dates & times for Python
15 stars per week over 538 weeks
8,242 stars, 639 forks, 134 watches
util category, created 2012-11-18, last commit 2022-11-15, main language Python
arrow, date, datetime, hacktoberfest, time, timestamp, timezones

XlsxWriter by jmcnamara

XlsxWriter: A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
5.97 stars per week over 531 weeks
3,173 stars, 593 forks, 120 watches
data category, created 2013-01-04, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
charts, libxlsxwriter, pandas, spreadsheet, xlsx, xlsx-files, xlsxwriter

shapash by maif

shapash: 🔅 Shapash makes Machine Learning models transparent and understandable by everyone
14 stars per week over 149 weeks
2,129 stars, 263 forks, 38 watches
ml category, created 2020-04-29, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Jupyter Notebook
ethical-artificial-intelligence, explainability, explainable-ml, interpretability, lime, machine-learning, shap, transparency

dm_control by deepmind

dm_control: DeepMind's software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo.
11 stars per week over 271 weeks
3,103 stars, 598 forks, 127 watches
ml-rl category, created 2017-12-29, last commit 2023-02-07, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, machine-learning, mujoco, neural-networks, physics-simulation, reinforcement-learning

CogVideo by thudm

Text-to-video generation. The repo for ICLR2023 paper "CogVideo: Large-scale Pretraining for Text-to-Video Generation via Transformers"
61 stars per week over 41 weeks
2,525 stars, 240 forks, 90 watches
ml category, created 2022-05-29, last commit 2022-11-17, main language Python


more-itertools: More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools
5.22 stars per week over 567 weeks
2,965 stars, 242 forks, 36 watches
util category, created 2012-04-26, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

nbconvert by jupyter

nbconvert: Jupyter Notebook Conversion
3.52 stars per week over 413 weeks
1,455 stars, 513 forks, 51 watches
jupyter category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

grass by osgeo

GRASS GIS - free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS)
3.01 stars per week over 199 weeks
601 stars, 224 forks, 44 watches
gis category, created 2019-05-17, last commit 2023-03-11, main language C
earth-observation, geospatial, geospatial-analysis, gis, grass-gis, hacktoberfest, open-science, osgeo, raster, remote-sensing, science, spatial, timeseries-analysis, vector

dalle-playground by saharmor

dalle-playground: A playground to generate images from any text prompt using Stable Diffusion (past: using DALL-E Mini)
33 stars per week over 78 weeks
2,593 stars, 568 forks, 29 watches
diffusion category, created 2021-09-13, last commit 2023-02-19, main language JavaScript
artificial, artificial-intelligence, dall-e, dalle, dalle-mini, gan, machine-learning, openai, stable-diffusion, text-to-image, transformers

connector-x by sfu-db

connector-x: Fastest library to load data from DB to DataFrames in Rust and Python
10 stars per week over 112 weeks
1,144 stars, 81 forks, 26 watches
data category, created 2021-01-13, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Rust
database, dataframe, rust, sql

ipyvizzu by vizzuhq

ipyvizzu: Build animated charts in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments with a simple Python syntax.
12 stars per week over 61 weeks
773 stars, 61 forks, 16 watches
jupyter category, created 2022-01-05, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
animation, chart, charting, charts, data-visualization, dataviz, graphing, graphs, ipython, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, plotting, storytelling, vizzu

xlwings by zoomeranalytics

xlwings is a Python library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa. It works with Excel on Windows and macOS as well as with Google Sheets and Excel on the web.
5.42 stars per week over 469 weeks
2,542 stars, 457 forks, 119 watches
data category, created 2014-03-17, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
automation, excel, google-sheets, googlesheets, reporting

spektral by danielegrattarola

spektral: Graph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow 2.
10 stars per week over 216 weeks
2,236 stars, 332 forks, 43 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-01-17, last commit 2023-02-11, main language Python
deep-learning, graph-deep-learning, graph-neural-networks, keras, tensorflow, tensorflow2

baselines by openai

OpenAI Baselines: high-quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
45 stars per week over 302 weeks
13,863 stars, 4,541 forks, 617 watches
ml-rl category, created 2017-05-24, last commit 2020-01-31, main language Python

Photon by s0md3v

Photon: Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
36 stars per week over 258 weeks
9,457 stars, 1,382 forks, 326 watches
data category, created 2018-03-30, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python
crawler, information-gathering, osint, spider


panda3d: Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
7.63 stars per week over 493 weeks
3,760 stars, 755 forks, 195 watches
gamedev category, created 2013-09-30, last commit 2023-03-09, main language C++
c-plus-plus, cross-platform, game-development, game-engine, gamedev, multi-platform, open-source, opengl, panda3d, panda3d-game-engine

awkward by scikit-hep

awkward: Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
3.52 stars per week over 186 weeks
657 stars, 68 forks, 20 watches
data category, created 2019-08-14, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
apache-arrow, cern-root, columnar-format, data-analysis, jagged-array, json, numba, numpy, pandas, ragged-array, scikit-hep

tensorstore by google

tensorstore: Library for reading and writing large multi-dimensional arrays.
7.18 stars per week over 154 weeks
1,106 stars, 83 forks, 32 watches
data category, created 2020-03-30, last commit 2023-03-11, main language C++

reinforcement-learning-an-introduction by shangtongzhang

reinforcement-learning-an-introduction: Python Implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
35 stars per week over 338 weeks
12,165 stars, 4,631 forks, 563 watches
study category, created 2016-09-13, last commit 2022-05-10, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, reinforcement-learning

supervisor by home-assistant

supervisor: 🏡 Home Assistant Supervisor
4.26 stars per week over 312 weeks
1,332 stars, 448 forks, 79 watches
util category, created 2017-03-14, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
docker, hacktoberfest, home-assistant, home-automation, orchestrator

PiML-Toolbox by selfexplainml

PiML-Toolbox: PiML (Python Interpretable Machine Learning) toolbox for model development and model validation
12 stars per week over 45 weeks
554 stars, 62 forks, 15 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2022-04-29, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Jupyter Notebook
interpretable-machine-learning, low-code, ml-workflow, model-diagnostics

dopamine by google

Dopamine is a research framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning algorithms.
41 stars per week over 241 weeks
10,037 stars, 1,344 forks, 442 watches
ml-rl category, created 2018-07-26, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai, google, ml, rl, tensorflow

machine-learning-book by rasbt

machine-learning-book: Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
25 stars per week over 64 weeks
1,660 stars, 624 forks, 32 watches
study category, created 2021-12-19, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Jupyter Notebook
deep-learning, machine-learning, neural-networks, pytorch, scikit-learn

lovely-tensors by xl0

lovely-tensors: Tensors, ready for human consumption
41 stars per week over 22 weeks
928 stars, 14 forks, 8 watches
ml-dl category, created 2022-10-07, last commit 2023-01-27, main language Jupyter Notebook
deep-learning, pytorch, statistics, visualization

Surprise by nicolashug

Surprise: A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
17 stars per week over 333 weeks
5,719 stars, 969 forks, 147 watches
ml category, created 2016-10-23, last commit 2023-01-27, main language Python
factorization, machine-learning, matrix, recommendation, recommender, svd, systems

kaggle-api by kaggle

kaggle-api: Official Kaggle API
19 stars per week over 267 weeks
5,202 stars, 986 forks, 190 watches
data category, created 2018-01-25, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python


polyaxon: MLOps Tools For Managing & Orchestrating The Machine Learning LifeCycle
10 stars per week over 324 weeks
3,271 stars, 319 forks, 78 watches
ml-ops category, created 2016-12-26, last commit 2023-03-08, main language None
artificial-intelligence, caffe, data-science, deep-learning, hyperparameter-optimization, jupyter, jupyterlab, k8s, keras, kubernetes, machine-learning, ml, mlops, mxnet, notebook, pipelines, pytorch, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow, workflow

thinc by explosion

thinc: 🔮 A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries
6.11 stars per week over 438 weeks
2,679 stars, 270 forks, 84 watches
ml-dl category, created 2014-10-16, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, functional-programming, jax, machine-learning, machine-learning-library, mxnet, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, spacy, tensorflow, type-checking

lux by lux-org

lux: Automatically visualize your pandas dataframe via a single print! 📊 💡
26 stars per week over 165 weeks
4,471 stars, 343 forks, 87 watches
viz category, created 2020-01-08, last commit 2022-05-21, main language Python
data-science, exploratory-data-analysis, jupyter, pandas, visualization, visualization-tools

hiplot by facebookresearch

HiPlot makes understanding high dimensional data easy
13 stars per week over 174 weeks
2,441 stars, 124 forks, 29 watches
viz category, created 2019-11-08, last commit 2023-03-03, main language TypeScript

lit by pair-code

lit: The Learning Interpretability Tool: Interactively analyze ML models to understand their behavior in an extensible and framework agnostic interface.
22 stars per week over 136 weeks
3,083 stars, 327 forks, 71 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-07-28, last commit 2022-12-02, main language TypeScript
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, visualization

autoscraper by alirezamika

autoscraper: A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python
37 stars per week over 132 weeks
4,991 stars, 525 forks, 125 watches
data category, created 2020-08-31, last commit 2022-07-17, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, automation, crawler, machine-learning, scrape, scraper, scraping, web-scraping, webautomation, webscraping

yellowbrick by districtdatalabs

yellowbrick: Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection.
11 stars per week over 355 weeks
3,937 stars, 545 forks, 104 watches
ml category, created 2016-05-18, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
anaconda, estimator, machine-learning, matplotlib, model-selection, scikit-learn, visual-analysis, visualization, visualizer

CodeGen by salesforce

CodeGen is an open-source model for program synthesis. Trained on TPU-v4. Competitive with OpenAI Codex.
47 stars per week over 50 weeks
2,397 stars, 187 forks, 47 watches
nlp category, created 2022-03-28, last commit 2022-12-01, main language Python
codex, generativemodel, languagemodel, llm, programsynthesis, tpu-acceleration

uwsgi by unbit

uWSGI application server container
5.47 stars per week over 596 weeks
3,263 stars, 671 forks, 113 watches
web category, created 2011-10-09, last commit 2023-01-10, main language C

raster-vision by azavea

raster-vision: An open source library and framework for deep learning on satellite and aerial imagery.
5.67 stars per week over 318 weeks
1,806 stars, 352 forks, 83 watches
gis category, created 2017-02-02, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
classification, computer-vision, deep-learning, geospatial, machine-learning, object-detection, pytorch, remote-sensing, semantic-segmentation

torchio by fepegar

torchio: Medical imaging toolkit for deep learning
9.62 stars per week over 171 weeks
1,654 stars, 204 forks, 16 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-11-26, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python
augmentation, data-augmentation, deep-learning, machine-learning, medical-image-analysis, medical-image-computing, medical-image-processing, medical-images, medical-imaging-datasets, medical-imaging-with-deep-learning, pytorch

mljar-supervised by mljar

mljar-supervised: Python package for AutoML on Tabular Data with Feature Engineering, Hyper-Parameters Tuning, Explanations and Automatic Documentation
11 stars per week over 227 weeks
2,507 stars, 328 forks, 43 watches
ml category, created 2018-11-05, last commit 2022-12-30, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automatic-machine-learning, automl, catboost, data-science, decision-tree, ensemble, feature-engineering, hyper-parameters, hyperparameter-optimization, lightgbm, machine-learning, mljar, models-tuning, neural-network, random-forest, scikit-learn, shap, tuning-algorithm, xgboost

pointers.py by zerointensity

pointers.py: Bringing the hell of pointers to Python.
15 stars per week over 52 weeks
802 stars, 11 forks, 4 watches
perf category, created 2022-03-09, last commit 2023-02-14, main language Python
pointers, python-pointers

criticality_score by ossf

criticality_score: Gives criticality score for an open source project
9.8 stars per week over 120 weeks
1,185 stars, 90 forks, 30 watches
util category, created 2020-11-17, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Go


imageio: Python library for reading and writing image data
2.34 stars per week over 514 weeks
1,205 stars, 246 forks, 32 watches
util category, created 2013-05-04, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
animated-gif, dicom, imageio, scientific-formats, video, webcam-capture


joblib: Computing with Python functions.
4.6 stars per week over 670 weeks
3,081 stars, 367 forks, 61 watches
util category, created 2010-05-07, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
caching, memoization, multiprocessing, parallel-computing, threading

TabPFN by automl

TabPFN: Official implementation of the TabPFN and the tabpfn package.
19 stars per week over 36 weeks
707 stars, 50 forks, 17 watches
ml category, created 2022-07-01, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python

pendulum by sdispater

pendulum: Python datetimes made easy
15 stars per week over 350 weeks
5,368 stars, 323 forks, 63 watches
util category, created 2016-06-27, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python
date, datetime, time, timezones


TensorLy: Tensor Learning in Python.
4.11 stars per week over 333 weeks
1,370 stars, 269 forks, 46 watches
ml-dl category, created 2016-10-21, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
cupy, decomposition, jax, machine-learning, mxnet, numpy, pytorch, regression, tensor, tensor-algebra, tensor-decomposition, tensor-factorization, tensor-learning, tensor-methods, tensor-regression, tensorflow, tensorly

stable-diffusion-tensorflow by divamgupta

stable-diffusion-tensorflow: Stable Diffusion in TensorFlow / Keras
54 stars per week over 25 weeks
1,390 stars, 199 forks, 20 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-15, last commit 2022-11-22, main language Python

quart by pallets

quart: An async Python micro framework for building web applications.
5.94 stars per week over 278 weeks
1,655 stars, 102 forks, 27 watches
web category, created 2017-11-10, last commit 2023-02-12, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, http-server, quart

transitions by pytransitions

transitions: A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions
10 stars per week over 439 weeks
4,790 stars, 514 forks, 91 watches
util category, created 2014-10-12, last commit 2023-01-06, main language Python
hierarchical-state-machine, nested-states, state-diagram, state-machine

opentelemetry-python-contrib by open-telemetry

opentelemetry-python-contrib: OpenTelemetry instrumentation for Python modules
2.38 stars per week over 174 weeks
416 stars, 323 forks, 14 watches
util category, created 2019-11-08, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

flower by mher

flower: Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
10 stars per week over 557 weeks
5,592 stars, 1,002 forks, 143 watches
perf category, created 2012-07-08, last commit 2022-11-14, main language Python
administration, asynchronous, celery, monitoring, rabbitmq, redis, task-queue, workers

typeguard by agronholm

typeguard: Run-time type checker for Python
2.99 stars per week over 376 weeks
1,125 stars, 82 forks, 16 watches
typing category, created 2015-12-27, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

SDV by sdv-dev

SDV: Synthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data.
5.21 stars per week over 252 weeks
1,314 stars, 212 forks, 39 watches
data category, created 2018-05-11, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
data-generation, deep-learning, gan, gans, generative-adversarial-network, generative-ai, generative-model, machine-learning, multi-table, relational-datasets, sdv, synthetic-data, synthetic-data-generation, time-series

filesystem_spec by fsspec

filesystem_spec: A specification that python filesystems should adhere to.
2.18 stars per week over 255 weeks
555 stars, 242 forks, 22 watches
util category, created 2018-04-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

Coercer by p0dalirius

Coercer: A python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 12 methods.
30 stars per week over 36 weeks
1,128 stars, 122 forks, 19 watches
util category, created 2022-06-30, last commit 2023-01-18, main language Python
authentication, automatic, call, coerce, fuzzing, ntlm, privilege-escalation, rpc

skops by skops-dev

skops is a Python library helping you share your scikit-learn based models and put them in production
6.06 stars per week over 44 weeks
271 stars, 43 forks, 8 watches
ml-ops category, created 2022-05-04, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
hacktoberfest, huggingface, machine-learning, mlops, scikit-learn


layout-parser: A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis
24 stars per week over 143 weeks
3,525 stars, 351 forks, 60 watches
nlp category, created 2020-06-10, last commit 2022-08-06, main language Python
computer-vision, deep-learning, detectron2, document-image-processing, document-layout-analysis, layout-analysis, layout-detection, layout-parser, object-detection, ocr

pyspider by binux

pyspider: A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
33 stars per week over 472 weeks
15,769 stars, 3,671 forks, 905 watches
data category, created 2014-02-21, last commit 2020-08-02, main language Python

freezegun by spulec

freezegun: Let your Python tests travel through time
6.73 stars per week over 534 weeks
3,599 stars, 249 forks, 32 watches
testing category, created 2012-12-11, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Python

imodels by csinva

imodels: Interpretable ML package 🔍 for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling (sklearn-compatible).
5.53 stars per week over 192 weeks
1,064 stars, 98 forks, 24 watches
ml category, created 2019-07-04, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai, artificial-intelligence, bayesian-rule-list, data-science, explainable-ai, explainable-ml, imodels, interpretability, machine-learning, ml, optimal-classification-tree, rule-learning, rulefit, rules, scikit-learn, statistics, supervised-learning

praw by praw-dev

PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
4.61 stars per week over 655 weeks
3,019 stars, 450 forks, 71 watches
data category, created 2010-08-19, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
api, oauth, praw, reddit, reddit-api

jupyterlab-lsp by jupyter-lsp

jupyterlab-lsp: Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
7.72 stars per week over 186 weeks
1,439 stars, 119 forks, 17 watches
jupyter category, created 2019-08-17, last commit 2023-01-02, main language TypeScript
autocompletion, ipython, julia-language, jupyter, jupyter-lab, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, language-server-protocol, linter, lsp, notebook, notebook-jupyter, r

quantstats by ranaroussi

quantstats: Portfolio analytics for quants, written in Python
14 stars per week over 201 weeks
2,892 stars, 571 forks, 84 watches
finance category, created 2019-05-01, last commit 2022-07-05, main language Python
algo-trading, algorithmic-trading, algotrading, finance, plotting, quant, quantitative-analysis, quantitative-finance, quantitative-trading, visualization

llvmlite by numba

llvmlite: A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers
3.5 stars per week over 448 weeks
1,569 stars, 299 forks, 55 watches
util category, created 2014-08-07, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

scikit-lego by koaning

scikit-lego: Extra blocks for scikit-learn pipelines.
4.55 stars per week over 216 weeks
983 stars, 101 forks, 19 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-21, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python
common-sense, machine-learning, scikit-learn

pytest-xdist by pytest-dev

pytest-xdist: pytest plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failures testing modes.
2.81 stars per week over 392 weeks
1,103 stars, 192 forks, 48 watches
testing category, created 2015-09-01, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
hacktoberfest, pytest, pytest-plugin


pyparsing: Python library for creating PEG parsers
5.85 stars per week over 304 weeks
1,780 stars, 244 forks, 23 watches
util category, created 2017-05-14, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
parser-combinators, parsing, parsing-expression-grammar, parsing-library, peg-parsers, text-processing

spacy-transformers by explosion

spacy-transformers: 🛸 Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy
6.41 stars per week over 189 weeks
1,214 stars, 156 forks, 32 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-07-26, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
bert, google, gpt-2, huggingface, language-model, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, natural-language-understanding, nlp, openai, pytorch, pytorch-model, spacy, spacy-extension, spacy-pipeline, transfer-learning, xlnet

ipyvolume by maartenbreddels

ipyvolume: 3d plotting for Python in the Jupyter notebook based on IPython widgets using WebGL
5.64 stars per week over 324 weeks
1,832 stars, 237 forks, 51 watches
jupyter category, created 2016-12-21, last commit 2023-02-25, main language TypeScript
dataviz, ipython-widget, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, plotting, quiver, rendering-3d-volumes, scientific-visualization, threejs, virtual-reality, visualisation, volume-rendering, webgl

pycryptodome by legrandin

pycryptodome: A self-contained cryptographic library for Python
4.93 stars per week over 462 weeks
2,281 stars, 423 forks, 59 watches
util category, created 2014-05-02, last commit 2023-01-28, main language C
cryptography, security

mesa by projectmesa

Mesa is an agent-based modeling framework in Python
4.14 stars per week over 442 weeks
1,833 stars, 762 forks, 91 watches
sim category, created 2014-09-19, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
agent-based-modeling, agent-based-simulation, complex-systems, complexity-analysis, gis, mesa, modeling-agents, simulation, simulation-environment, simulation-framework, spatial-models

wrapt by grahamdumpleton

wrapt: A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.
3.57 stars per week over 510 weeks
1,824 stars, 209 forks, 45 watches
util category, created 2013-05-29, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python

toolz by pytoolz

toolz: A functional standard library for Python.
8.46 stars per week over 495 weeks
4,192 stars, 249 forks, 82 watches
util category, created 2013-09-13, last commit 2022-11-03, main language Python

BlenderGIS by domlysz

BlenderGIS: Blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data
13 stars per week over 461 weeks
6,098 stars, 1,140 forks, 247 watches
gis category, created 2014-05-08, last commit 2022-05-31, main language Python
3d, 3d-map, 3dgis, addon, basemap, blender, delaunay-triangulation, dem, geodata, georeferencing, geospatial, gis, importexport, map, openstreetmap, raster, shapefile, terrain-model

omegaconf by omry

omegaconf: Flexible Python configuration system. The last one you will ever need.
6.03 stars per week over 236 weeks
1,423 stars, 74 forks, 16 watches
util category, created 2018-09-03, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python
configuration-files, configuration-loader, python-types, schema-validator, yaml, yaml-configuration

pyjanitor by pyjanitor-devs

pyjanitor: Clean APIs for data cleaning. Python implementation of R package Janitor
4.28 stars per week over 262 weeks
1,122 stars, 158 forks, 21 watches
pandas category, created 2018-03-04, last commit 2023-03-05, main language Python
cleaning-data, data, data-engineering, dataframe, hacktoberfest, pandas, pydata

anyio by agronholm

anyio: High level asynchronous concurrency and networking framework that works on top of either trio or asyncio
5.07 stars per week over 238 weeks
1,207 stars, 103 forks, 26 watches
perf category, created 2018-08-19, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
async-await, asyncio, curio, trio

pysystemtrade by robcarver17

pysystemtrade: Systematic Trading in python
5.03 stars per week over 380 weeks
1,914 stars, 641 forks, 154 watches
finance category, created 2015-11-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

python-bigquery by googleapis

3.39 stars per week over 169 weeks
575 stars, 233 forks, 58 watches
data category, created 2019-12-10, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python

PynamoDB by pynamodb

PynamoDB: A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
4.46 stars per week over 477 weeks
2,129 stars, 417 forks, 41 watches
data category, created 2014-01-20, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
aws, dynamodb

gefyra by gefyrahq

gefyra: Blazingly-fast 🚀, rock-solid, local application development ➡️ with Kubernetes.
6.33 stars per week over 68 weeks
434 stars, 23 forks, 7 watches
util category, created 2021-11-18, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Python
coding, containers, developer-tool, development, docker, k8s, kubernetes, tunnel

nbQA by nbqa-dev

nbQA: Run isort, pyupgrade, mypy, pylint, flake8, and more on Jupyter Notebooks
5.14 stars per week over 139 weeks
716 stars, 35 forks, 7 watches
jupyter category, created 2020-07-11, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
black, codequality, doctest, flake8, isort, jupyter-notebook, lint, mypy, pre-commit, pre-commit-hook, pylint, pyupgrade, yapf

python-dependency-injector by ets-labs

python-dependency-injector: Dependency injection framework for Python
6.39 stars per week over 427 weeks
2,731 stars, 206 forks, 47 watches
util category, created 2015-01-04, last commit 2022-12-19, main language Python
aiohttp, asyncio, dependency-injection, dependency-injection-container, dependency-injection-framework, design-patterns, factory, flask, flask-application, flask-restful, ioc, ioc-container, singleton, threadlocal

QuantEcon.py by quantecon

QuantEcon.py: A community based Python library for quantitative economics
3.11 stars per week over 520 weeks
1,616 stars, 2,151 forks, 147 watches
sim category, created 2013-03-22, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python

spinningup by openai

spinningup: An educational resource to help anyone learn deep reinforcement learning.
35 stars per week over 226 weeks
7,987 stars, 1,860 forks, 219 watches
study category, created 2018-11-07, last commit 2020-02-07, main language Python

graphein by a-r-j

graphein: Protein Graph Library
4.13 stars per week over 184 weeks
763 stars, 99 forks, 15 watches
sim category, created 2019-08-28, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook
bioinformatics, computational-biology, deep-learning, dgl, drug-discovery, gene-regulatory-networks, geometric-deep-learning, graph-neural-networks, interactome, interactomics, ppi-networks, protein, protein-data-bank, protein-design, protein-structure, pytorch, pytorch-geometric, rna, structural-biology

memory_profiler by pythonprofilers

memory_profiler: Monitor Memory usage of Python code
6.39 stars per week over 595 weeks
3,806 stars, 367 forks, 77 watches
profiling category, created 2011-10-14, last commit 2022-12-06, main language Python

ipykernel by ipython

ipykernel: IPython Kernel for Jupyter
1.31 stars per week over 413 weeks
540 stars, 338 forks, 35 watches
util category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
closember, ipython, ipython-kernel, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, kernel

glow by pytorch

glow: Compiler for Neural Network hardware accelerators
10 stars per week over 284 weeks
2,924 stars, 665 forks, 157 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-29, last commit 2023-02-22, main language C++

safety by pyupio

Safety checks Python dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and suggests the proper remediations for vulnerabilities detected.
4.4 stars per week over 333 weeks
1,469 stars, 125 forks, 30 watches
security category, created 2016-10-19, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
security, security-vulnerability, travis, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-scanners

remi by dddomodossola

remi: Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.
6.91 stars per week over 468 weeks
3,237 stars, 394 forks, 120 watches
gui category, created 2014-03-20, last commit 2023-02-01, main language Python
gui, gui-library, platform-independent, remi, ui

pycodestyle by pycqa

pycodestyle: Simple Python style checker in one Python file
6.83 stars per week over 701 weeks
4,792 stars, 701 forks, 120 watches
util category, created 2009-10-02, last commit 2022-12-13, main language Python
flake8-plugin, linter-flake8, linter-plugin, pep8, style-guide, styleguide

orbit by uber

orbit: A Python package for Bayesian forecasting with object-oriented design and probabilistic models under the hood.
9.7 stars per week over 165 weeks
1,609 stars, 120 forks, 33 watches
time-series category, created 2020-01-07, last commit 2023-01-29, main language Python
arima, bayesian, bayesian-methods, bayesian-statistics, changepoint, exponential-smoothing, forecast, forecasting, machine-learning, orbit, probabilistic, probabilistic-programming, pyro, pystan, pytorch, regression, regression-models, stan, time-series

nbgrader by jupyter

nbgrader: A system for assigning and grading notebooks
2.62 stars per week over 443 weeks
1,163 stars, 318 forks, 42 watches
jupyter category, created 2014-09-13, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
grading, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterhub, nbgrader, teaching

gpt-neo by eleutherai

gpt-neo: An implementation of model parallel GPT-2 and GPT-3-style models using the mesh-tensorflow library.
51 stars per week over 140 weeks
7,281 stars, 740 forks, 170 watches
chatgpt category, created 2020-07-05, last commit 2022-02-25, main language Python
gpt, gpt-2, gpt-3, language-model, transformers

s3fs by fsspec

s3fs: S3 Filesystem
1.79 stars per week over 364 weeks
653 stars, 217 forks, 21 watches
util category, created 2016-03-16, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python


pyscaffold: 🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
3.73 stars per week over 466 weeks
1,740 stars, 173 forks, 40 watches
template category, created 2014-04-02, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
distribution, git, package, package-creation, project-template, release-automation, template-project

dill by uqfoundation

dill: serialize all of python
3.7 stars per week over 506 weeks
1,873 stars, 157 forks, 22 watches
data category, created 2013-06-28, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python

sedona by apache

sedona: A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data
3.34 stars per week over 411 weeks
1,376 stars, 563 forks, 104 watches
gis category, created 2015-04-24, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Java
cluster-computing, geospatial, java, scala, spatial-analysis, spatial-query, spatial-sql

fpdf2 by pyfpdf

fpdf2: Simple PDF generation for Python
2.0 stars per week over 312 weeks
625 stars, 167 forks, 17 watches
util category, created 2017-03-15, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
barcode, hacktoberfest, markdown, pdf, pdf-generation, pdf-library, svg

nbdime by jupyter

nbdime: Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
6.27 stars per week over 382 weeks
2,397 stars, 157 forks, 44 watches
jupyter category, created 2015-11-16, last commit 2023-01-15, main language Python
diff, diffing, git, hg, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab-extension, mercurial, merge, merge-driver, mergetool, vcs, version-control

asyncer by tiangolo

Asyncer, async and await, focused on developer experience.
15 stars per week over 61 weeks
963 stars, 39 forks, 15 watches
perf category, created 2022-01-04, last commit 2023-02-21, main language Python
anyio, async, asyncio, trio

pipreqs by bndr

pipreqs - Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project. Looking for maintainers to move this project forward.
12 stars per week over 411 weeks
4,954 stars, 332 forks, 60 watches
util category, created 2015-04-22, last commit 2023-01-14, main language Python

texthero by jbesomi

texthero: Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
17 stars per week over 153 weeks
2,712 stars, 230 forks, 43 watches
nlp category, created 2020-04-06, last commit 2022-10-28, main language Python
machine-learning, nlp, nlp-pipeline, text-clustering, text-mining, text-preprocessing, text-representation, text-visualization, texthero, word-embeddings

cleverhans by cleverhans-lab

cleverhans: An adversarial example library for constructing attacks, building defenses, and benchmarking both
16 stars per week over 338 weeks
5,737 stars, 1,384 forks, 191 watches
ml category, created 2016-09-15, last commit 2023-01-31, main language Jupyter Notebook
benchmarking, machine-learning, security


datapane: Build full-stack data analytics apps in Python
5.33 stars per week over 150 weeks
802 stars, 64 forks, 16 watches
viz category, created 2020-04-23, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
dashboard, data-visualization, hacktoberfest, reporting

deep-learning-v2-pytorch by udacity

deep-learning-v2-pytorch: Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning-nanodegree--nd101
20 stars per week over 235 weeks
4,871 stars, 5,224 forks, 174 watches
study category, created 2018-09-04, last commit 2022-12-24, main language Jupyter Notebook
convolutional-networks, deep-learning, neural-network, pytorch, recurrent-networks, sentiment-analysis, style-transfer

ipyparallel by ipython

ipyparallel: IPython Parallel: Interactive Parallel Computing in Python
5.73 stars per week over 413 weeks
2,368 stars, 962 forks, 120 watches
perf category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Jupyter Notebook
jupyter, parallel

flow-forecast by aistream-peelout

flow-forecast: Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection (originally for flood forecasting).
7.21 stars per week over 186 weeks
1,346 stars, 230 forks, 22 watches
time-series category, created 2019-08-15, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
anomaly-detection, deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, forecasting, hacktoberfest, lstm, pytorch, state-of-the-art-models, time-series, time-series-analysis, time-series-forecasting, time-series-regression, transfer-learning, transformer

sqlite-utils by simonw

sqlite-utils: Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases
4.55 stars per week over 243 weeks
1,108 stars, 84 forks, 19 watches
data category, created 2018-07-14, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
cli, click, datasette, datasette-io, datasette-tool, sqlite, sqlite-database

Phoenix by wxwidgets

Phoenix: wxPython's Project Phoenix. A new implementation of wxPython, better, stronger, faster than he was before.
3.53 stars per week over 555 weeks
1,960 stars, 496 forks, 105 watches
gui category, created 2012-07-17, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
awesome, cross-platform, gui, gui-framework, gui-toolkit, linux, macosx, windows, wxpython, wxwidgets

petastorm by uber

Petastorm library enables single machine or distributed training and evaluation of deep learning models from datasets in Apache Parquet format. It supports ML frameworks such as Tensorflow, Pytorch, and PySpark and can be used from pure Python code.
6.44 stars per week over 247 weeks
1,594 stars, 267 forks, 43 watches
data category, created 2018-06-15, last commit 2023-02-03, main language Python
deep-learning, machine-learning, parquet, parquet-files, pyarrow, pyspark, pytorch, sysml, tensorflow

hnswlib by nmslib

hnswlib: Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest neighbors
8.11 stars per week over 296 weeks
2,406 stars, 436 forks, 62 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-06, last commit 2023-02-05, main language C++

astro-sdk by astronomer

astro-sdk: Astro SDK allows rapid and clean development of {Extract, Load, Transform} workflows using Python and SQL, powered by Apache Airflow.
3.53 stars per week over 66 weeks
233 stars, 33 forks, 14 watches
ml-ops category, created 2021-12-06, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
airflow, apache-airflow, bigquery, dags, data-analysis, data-science, elt, etl, gcs, pandas, postgres, s3, snowflake, sql, sqlite, workflows

vectorbt by polakowo

vectorbt: Find your trading edge, using the fastest engine for backtesting, algorithmic trading, and research.
9.52 stars per week over 277 weeks
2,645 stars, 456 forks, 98 watches
finance category, created 2017-11-14, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, algorithmic-traiding, backtesting, cryptocurrency, data-science, data-visualization, finance, machine-learning, portfolio-optimization, quantitative-analysis, quantitative-finance, time-series, trading, trading-strategies


Intake is a lightweight package for finding, investigating, loading and disseminating data.
3.02 stars per week over 291 weeks
878 stars, 125 forks, 43 watches
data category, created 2017-08-14, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
data-access, data-catalog

deep-daze by lucidrains

deep-daze: Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun
39 stars per week over 112 weeks
4,386 stars, 330 forks, 75 watches
ml category, created 2021-01-17, last commit 2022-03-13, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, implicit-neural-representation, multi-modality, siren, text-to-image, transformers

pint by hgrecco

pint: Operate and manipulate physical quantities in Python
3.51 stars per week over 556 weeks
1,951 stars, 416 forks, 40 watches
util category, created 2012-07-13, last commit 2023-02-13, main language Python
science, units

gpt-2-simple by minimaxir

gpt-2-simple: Python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts
15 stars per week over 204 weeks
3,190 stars, 654 forks, 74 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-04-13, last commit 2022-05-22, main language Python
openai, tensorflow, text-generation, textgenrnn

nlpaug by makcedward

nlpaug: Data augmentation for NLP
18 stars per week over 207 weeks
3,837 stars, 430 forks, 39 watches
nlp category, created 2019-03-21, last commit 2022-07-07, main language Jupyter Notebook
adversarial-attacks, adversarial-example, ai, artificial-intelligence, augmentation, data-science, machine-learning, ml, natural-language-processing, nlp

eo-learn by sentinel-hub

eo-learn: Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
3.91 stars per week over 249 weeks
977 stars, 284 forks, 48 watches
gis category, created 2018-05-31, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
eo-data, eo-research, machine-learning, python-package

python-driver by datastax

python-driver: DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
2.62 stars per week over 505 weeks
1,322 stars, 510 forks, 80 watches
data category, created 2013-07-08, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

WeightWatcher by calculatedcontent

WeightWatcher: The WeightWatcher tool for predicting the accuracy of Deep Neural Networks
5.18 stars per week over 223 weeks
1,158 stars, 100 forks, 30 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-11-28, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python

PyTorch-BigGraph by facebookresearch

PyTorch-BigGraph: Generate embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data.
13 stars per week over 232 weeks
3,196 stars, 438 forks, 92 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-10-01, last commit 2022-12-08, main language Python

FinancePy by domokane

FinancePy: A Python Finance Library that focuses on the pricing and risk-management of Financial Derivatives, including fixed-income, equity, FX and credit derivatives.
7.34 stars per week over 176 weeks
1,293 stars, 200 forks, 49 watches
finance category, created 2019-10-27, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook
asset-allocation, bonds, credit, currency, derivatives, derivatives-pricing, finance, fixed-income, investment, numba, pricing, risk, risk-management, students, valuation

pandas-datareader by pydata

pandas-datareader: Extract data from a wide range of Internet sources into a pandas DataFrame.
6.11 stars per week over 425 weeks
2,599 stars, 637 forks, 140 watches
pandas category, created 2015-01-15, last commit 2022-03-16, main language Python
data, data-analysis, dataset, econdb, economic-data, fama-french, finance, financial-data, fred, html, pandas, pydata, stock-data

pysc2 by deepmind

pysc2: StarCraft II Learning Environment
26 stars per week over 293 weeks
7,692 stars, 1,150 forks, 355 watches
ml-rl category, created 2017-07-25, last commit 2022-08-07, main language Python
blizzard-api, deepmind, machine-learning, reinforcement-learning, starcraft-ii, starcraft-ii-replays

tavern by taverntesting

tavern: A command-line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax
3.26 stars per week over 279 weeks
913 stars, 183 forks, 28 watches
testing category, created 2017-11-01, last commit 2023-02-16, main language Python
http, mqtt, pytest, test-automation, testing

autograd by hips

autograd: Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code.
14 stars per week over 433 weeks
6,217 stars, 850 forks, 218 watches
ml category, created 2014-11-24, last commit 2022-09-29, main language Python


hyperopt: Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python
11 stars per week over 600 weeks
6,620 stars, 1,010 forks, 126 watches
ml category, created 2011-09-06, last commit 2021-11-29, main language Python

cookiecutter-data-science by drivendata

cookiecutter-data-science: A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
17 stars per week over 384 weeks
6,555 stars, 2,099 forks, 113 watches
template category, created 2015-10-30, last commit 2022-03-11, main language Python
ai, cookiecutter, cookiecutter-data-science, cookiecutter-template, data-science, machine-learning

PyTables by pytables

PyTables: A Python package to manage extremely large amounts of data
1.95 stars per week over 614 weeks
1,196 stars, 241 forks, 58 watches
data category, created 2011-06-03, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

python-benedict by fabiocaccamo

python-benedict: 📘 dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.
4.98 stars per week over 199 weeks
993 stars, 40 forks, 13 watches
util category, created 2019-05-17, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
base64, csv, decode, dict, dictionary, encode, filter, flatten, json, keypath, pickle, plist, query-string, subset, toml, traverse, xls, xml, yaml

fastRAG by intellabs

fastRAG: Efficient Retrieval Augmentation and Generation Framework
21 stars per week over 7 weeks
148 stars, 10 forks, 3 watches
nlp category, created 2023-01-23, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
benchmark, colbert, diffusion, information-retrieval, knowledge-graph, multi-modal, nlp, question-answering, semantic-search, sentence-transformers, summarization, transformers

funcy by suor

funcy: A fancy and practical functional tools
5.51 stars per week over 543 weeks
2,994 stars, 135 forks, 74 watches
util category, created 2012-10-13, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
functional-programming, utilities

Augmentor by mdbloice

Augmentor: Image augmentation library in Python for machine learning.
13 stars per week over 366 weeks
4,873 stars, 861 forks, 123 watches
ml category, created 2016-03-01, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
augmentation, deep-learning, machine-learning, neural-networks

filprofiler by pythonspeed

filprofiler: A Python memory profiler for data processing and scientific computing applications
5.13 stars per week over 142 weeks
732 stars, 20 forks, 9 watches
profiling category, created 2020-06-18, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Rust
memory, memory-, memory-leak, memory-leak-detection, memory-leak-finder, memory-leaks, memory-profiler, memory-profiling

greykite by linkedin

greykite: A flexible, intuitive and fast forecasting library
17 stars per week over 97 weeks
1,674 stars, 92 forks, 38 watches
ml category, created 2021-04-27, last commit 2022-08-31, main language Python

Pretrained-Language-Model by huawei-noah

Pretrained-Language-Model: Pretrained language model and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab.
15 stars per week over 171 weeks
2,638 stars, 572 forks, 53 watches
nlp category, created 2019-12-02, last commit 2022-12-25, main language Python
knowledge-distillation, large-scale-distributed, model-compression, pretrained-models, quantization

dash-bootstrap-components by facultyai

dash-bootstrap-components: Bootstrap components for Plotly Dash
4.08 stars per week over 233 weeks
953 stars, 202 forks, 21 watches
viz category, created 2018-09-21, last commit 2023-02-28, main language JavaScript
bootstrap, dashboards, julia, plotly-dash, r

rioxarray by corteva

rioxarray: geospatial xarray extension powered by rasterio
1.84 stars per week over 203 weeks
375 stars, 61 forks, 14 watches
gis category, created 2019-04-16, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
gdal, geospatial, gis, hacktoberfest, netcdf, raster, rasterio, xarray

movingpandas by anitagraser

movingpandas: Implementation of Trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
4.26 stars per week over 221 weeks
941 stars, 171 forks, 37 watches
gis category, created 2018-12-16, last commit 2023-03-05, main language Python
geopandas, movement-data, spatial-data-analysis, trajectory, trajectory-analysis

py-shiny by rstudio

py-shiny: Shiny for Python
4.09 stars per week over 84 weeks
347 stars, 20 forks, 23 watches
web category, created 2021-07-27, last commit 2023-03-11, main language JavaScript

backtrader by mementum

backtrader: Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
23 stars per week over 426 weeks
10,198 stars, 3,171 forks, 579 watches
finance category, created 2015-01-10, last commit 2021-07-17, main language Python
backtesting, metaclass, trading

machine-learning-interviews by alirezadir

machine-learning-interviews: This repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.
16 stars per week over 110 weeks
1,776 stars, 354 forks, 47 watches
study category, created 2021-01-31, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai, deep-learning, interview, interview-practice, interview-preparation, interviews, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, scalable-applications, system-design

sqlparse by andialbrecht

sqlparse: A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
5.57 stars per week over 568 weeks
3,170 stars, 624 forks, 93 watches
data category, created 2012-04-18, last commit 2023-01-05, main language Python

ipdb by gotcha

ipdb: Integration of IPython pdb
2.64 stars per week over 634 weeks
1,672 stars, 146 forks, 27 watches
debug category, created 2011-01-15, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
debugger, ipython

markdown by python-markdown

markdown: A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown with Extension support.
4.72 stars per week over 667 weeks
3,148 stars, 824 forks, 76 watches
util category, created 2010-05-29, last commit 2023-01-09, main language Python
markdown, markdown-parser, markdown-to-html, python-markdown

pygraphistry by graphistry

PyGraphistry is a Python library to quickly load, shape, embed, and explore big graphs with the GPU-accelerated Graphistry visual graph analyzer
4.47 stars per week over 405 weeks
1,815 stars, 188 forks, 48 watches
data category, created 2015-06-02, last commit 2022-12-23, main language Python
csv, cudf, cugraph, gpu, graph, graph-visualization, graphistry, igraph, jupyter, neo4j, network-analysis, network-visualization, networkx, pandas, rapids, splunk, tigergraph, visualization, webgl

sqlacodegen by agronholm

sqlacodegen: Automatic model code generator for SQLAlchemy
4.07 stars per week over 323 weeks
1,317 stars, 203 forks, 22 watches
data category, created 2016-12-28, last commit 2023-03-04, main language Python

swifter by jmcarpenter2

swifter: A package which efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner
8.69 stars per week over 257 weeks
2,236 stars, 100 forks, 30 watches
pandas category, created 2018-04-07, last commit 2022-08-16, main language Python
dask, modin, pandas, pandas-dataframe, parallel-computing, parallelization

fugue by fugue-project

fugue: A unified interface for distributed computing. Fugue executes SQL, Python, and Pandas code on Spark, Dask and Ray without any rewrites.
8.1 stars per week over 154 weeks
1,255 stars, 70 forks, 20 watches
data category, created 2020-03-24, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
dask, data-practitioners, distributed, distributed-computing, distributed-systems, machine-learning, pandas, spark, sql

pudb by inducer

pudb: Full-screen console debugger for Python
4.23 stars per week over 617 weeks
2,609 stars, 216 forks, 47 watches
debug category, created 2011-05-13, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
bpython, debug, debugger, ipython, pdb, pytest, pytest-plugin, urwid


pyscf: Python module for quantum chemistry
1.86 stars per week over 462 weeks
858 stars, 462 forks, 76 watches
sim category, created 2014-05-02, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

pytest-mock by pytest-dev

pytest-mock: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest
3.42 stars per week over 451 weeks
1,546 stars, 122 forks, 34 watches
testing category, created 2014-07-17, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
hacktoberfest, mock, pytest

aws-open-data-geo by giswqs

aws-open-data-geo: A list of open geospatial datasets on AWS
19 stars per week over 12 weeks
237 stars, 6 forks, 9 watches
gis category, created 2022-12-18, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
aws, environment, geospatial, mapping, open-data, satellite-imagery, sustainability

FastAPI-template by s3rius

FastAPI-template: Feature rich robust FastAPI template.
5.35 stars per week over 127 weeks
679 stars, 71 forks, 13 watches
web category, created 2020-10-05, last commit 2023-02-05, main language Python
aerich, alembic, asynchronous, asyncio, cookiecutter, cookiecutter-python3, cookiecutter-template, fastapi, fastapi-boilerplate, fastapi-template, graphql, opentelemetry, ormar, prometheus, sentry, sqlalchemy-orm, strawberry-graphql, tortoise-orm

unprompted by thereforegames

unprompted: Text generator written for Stable Diffusion workflows.
16 stars per week over 19 weeks
315 stars, 32 forks, 9 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-10-31, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

cartopy by scitools

Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
2.15 stars per week over 553 weeks
1,190 stars, 337 forks, 56 watches
gis category, created 2012-08-03, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
cartopy, geometry, maps, matplotlib, projections, spatial

PandasGUI by adamerose

PandasGUI: A GUI for Pandas DataFrames
14 stars per week over 195 weeks
2,867 stars, 201 forks, 54 watches
pandas category, created 2019-06-12, last commit 2022-03-16, main language Python
dataframe, gui, pandas, viewer

kedro-viz by kedro-org

kedro-viz: Visualise your Kedro data and machine-learning pipelines and track your experiments.
2.63 stars per week over 200 weeks
527 stars, 88 forks, 12 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-05-09, last commit 2023-03-07, main language JavaScript
data-visualization, experiment-tracking, hacktoberfest, kedro, kedro-plugin, react

pytest-testinfra by pytest-dev

pytest-testinfra: Testinfra test your infrastructures
5.22 stars per week over 417 weeks
2,177 stars, 323 forks, 83 watches
testing category, created 2015-03-15, last commit 2023-01-11, main language Python
ansible, chef, devops, devops-tools, docker, infrastructure-as-code, infrastructure-testing, kubernetes, nagios, puppet, pytest-plugin, saltstack, tdd, tdd-utilities, testing, testing-tools

BlackSheep by neoteroi

BlackSheep: Fast ASGI web framework for Python
5.28 stars per week over 224 weeks
1,185 stars, 56 forks, 23 watches
web category, created 2018-11-22, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, blacksheep, framework, http, http-server, server, web

textgenrnn by minimaxir

textgenrnn: Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code.
16 stars per week over 292 weeks
4,876 stars, 751 forks, 138 watches
nlp category, created 2017-08-07, last commit 2020-07-14, main language Python
deep-learning, keras, tensorflow, text-generation

titiler by developmentseed

titiler: Build your own Raster dynamic map tile services
2.51 stars per week over 193 weeks
486 stars, 103 forks, 18 watches
gis category, created 2019-06-28, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
aws-cdk, aws-lambda, cog, cogeotiff, dynamic, fastapi, gdal, map-tile-server, map-tiles, mosaicjson, raster, rasterio, rest, server, stac, tile

pyfilesystem2 by pyfilesystem

pyfilesystem2: Python's Filesystem abstraction layer
5.45 stars per week over 334 weeks
1,824 stars, 172 forks, 46 watches
util category, created 2016-10-14, last commit 2022-10-18, main language Python
filesystem, filesystem-library, ftp, pyfilesystem, pyfilesystem2, tar, zip

lazypredict by shankarpandala

lazypredict: Lazy Predict help build a lot of basic models without much code and helps understand which models works better without any parameter tuning
11 stars per week over 173 weeks
1,909 stars, 218 forks, 24 watches
ml category, created 2019-11-16, last commit 2022-09-28, main language Python
automl, classification, machine-learning, regression

FARM by deepset-ai

FARM: 🏡 Fast & easy transfer learning for NLP. Harvesting language models for the industry. Focus on Question Answering.
8.6 stars per week over 190 weeks
1,641 stars, 234 forks, 54 watches
nlp category, created 2019-07-17, last commit 2022-08-31, main language Python
bert, deep-learning, germanbert, language-models, ner, nlp, nlp-framework, nlp-library, pretrained-models, pytorch, question-answering, roberta, transfer-learning, xlnet-pytorch

fastapi-crudrouter by awtkns

fastapi-crudrouter: A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
8.96 stars per week over 116 weeks
1,042 stars, 122 forks, 12 watches
web category, created 2020-12-19, last commit 2023-01-28, main language Python
api, async, asyncio, code-generation, crud, crud-routes, fastapi, fastapi-crudrouter, framework, openapi, openapi-route, redoc, rest, sql, swagger-ui, web

deepmd-kit by deepmodeling

deepmd-kit: A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
3.87 stars per week over 273 weeks
1,060 stars, 403 forks, 45 watches
sim category, created 2017-12-12, last commit 2022-12-19, main language C++
ase, computational-chemistry, cpp, cuda, deep-learning, deepmd, ipi, lammps, materials-science, molecular-dynamics, potential-energy, rocm, tensorflow

pyproj by pyproj4

pyproj: Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
2.01 stars per week over 428 weeks
860 stars, 190 forks, 30 watches
gis category, created 2014-12-29, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python
cartographic-projection, coordinate-systems, coordinate-transformation, geodesic, geospatial, hacktoberfest


netket: Machine learning algorithms for many-body quantum systems
1.65 stars per week over 255 weeks
422 stars, 150 forks, 24 watches
sim category, created 2018-04-23, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
complex-neural-network, deep-learning, exact-diagonalization, hamiltonian, jax, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, markov-chain-monte-carlo, monte-carlo-methods, neural-networks, physics-simulation, quantum, quantum-state-tomography, unitaryhack, variational-method, variational-monte-carlo

FEDOT by nccr-itmo

FEDOT: Automated modeling and machine learning framework FEDOT
3.05 stars per week over 165 weeks
503 stars, 71 forks, 10 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-01-13, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automation, automl, evolutionary-algorithms, fedot, genetic-programming, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, multimodality, parameter-tuning, structural-learning

asitop by tlkh

asitop: Perf monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
19 stars per week over 71 weeks
1,387 stars, 84 forks, 19 watches
perf category, created 2021-10-27, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
apple-silicon, cli, cpu, gpu, m1, macos

koila by rentruewang

koila: Prevent PyTorch's CUDA error: out of memory in just 1 line of code.
25 stars per week over 68 weeks
1,725 stars, 64 forks, 12 watches
ml category, created 2021-11-17, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
deep-learning, gradient-accumulation, lazy-evaluation, machine-learning, memory-management, neural-network, out-of-memory, pytorch

austin by p403n1x87

austin: Python frame stack sampler for CPython
4.83 stars per week over 233 weeks
1,127 stars, 37 forks, 14 watches
profiling category, created 2018-09-20, last commit 2023-02-21, main language C
debugging-tools, performance, profiling

scikit-learn-intelex by intel

scikit-learn-intelex: Intel(R) Extension for Scikit-learn is a seamless way to speed up your Scikit-learn application
3.79 stars per week over 239 weeks
910 stars, 150 forks, 28 watches
perf category, created 2018-08-07, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
ai-inference, ai-machine-learning, ai-training, analytics, big-data, data-analysis, gpu, intel, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, oneapi, scikit-learn, swrepo

VQGAN-CLIP by nerdyrodent

VQGAN-CLIP: Just playing with getting VQGAN+CLIP running locally, rather than having to use colab.
26 stars per week over 88 weeks
2,375 stars, 410 forks, 52 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-07-02, last commit 2022-10-02, main language Python
text-to-image, text2image

awslogs by jorgebastida

awslogs: AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans™
10 stars per week over 424 weeks
4,568 stars, 329 forks, 59 watches
util category, created 2015-01-21, last commit 2020-07-10, main language Python

scholarly by scholarly-python-package

scholarly: Retrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way without having to worry about CAPTCHAs!
2.05 stars per week over 431 weeks
885 stars, 257 forks, 25 watches
data category, created 2014-12-02, last commit 2023-01-16, main language Python
citation-analysis, citation-index, citation-network, citations, googlescholar, publication-data, scholar, scholarly-articles, scholarly-communications


StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs
10 stars per week over 256 weeks
2,644 stars, 402 forks, 61 watches
graph category, created 2018-04-13, last commit 2021-10-29, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, gcn, geometric-deep-learning, graph-analysis, graph-convolutional-networks, graph-data, graph-machine-learning, graph-neural-networks, graphs, heterogeneous-networks, interpretability, link-prediction, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, networkx, saliency-map, stellargraph-library

pytest-asyncio by pytest-dev

pytest-asyncio: Asyncio support for pytest
2.69 stars per week over 413 weeks
1,113 stars, 118 forks, 36 watches
testing category, created 2015-04-11, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python

cattrs by python-attrs

cattrs: Complex custom class converters for attrs.
1.78 stars per week over 341 weeks
606 stars, 87 forks, 17 watches
typing category, created 2016-08-28, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
attrs, deserialization, serialization

snakeviz by jiffyclub

snakeviz: An in-browser Python profile viewer
3.4 stars per week over 558 weeks
1,898 stars, 129 forks, 23 watches
profiling category, created 2012-06-26, last commit 2023-02-17, main language Python

industry-machine-learning by firmai

industry-machine-learning: A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries (by @firmai)
33 stars per week over 201 weeks
6,744 stars, 1,125 forks, 392 watches
study category, created 2019-05-03, last commit 2021-12-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
data-science, datascience, example, firmai, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, practical-machine-learning

pattern by clips

pattern: Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
13 stars per week over 618 weeks
8,429 stars, 1,596 forks, 547 watches
nlp category, created 2011-05-03, last commit 2020-04-25, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, network-analysis, sentiment-analysis, web-mining, wordnet

ipyleaflet by jupyter-widgets

ipyleaflet: A Jupyter - Leaflet.js bridge
2.89 stars per week over 461 weeks
1,336 stars, 350 forks, 61 watches
gis category, created 2014-05-07, last commit 2023-02-10, main language JavaScript
jupyter, jupyterlab-extension, leaflet, visualization

mangum by jordaneremieff

mangum: AWS Lambda support for ASGI applications
5.69 stars per week over 217 weeks
1,234 stars, 82 forks, 16 watches
web category, created 2019-01-14, last commit 2022-11-27, main language Python
api-gateway, asgi, asyncio, aws, aws-lambda, django, fastapi, lambda, quart, sanic, serverless, starlette

ultimate-upscale-for-automatic1111 by coyote-a

22 stars per week over 10 weeks
229 stars, 18 forks, 4 watches
diffusion category, created 2023-01-02, last commit 2023-02-07, main language Python

Fiona by toblerity

Fiona reads and writes geographic data files
1.76 stars per week over 584 weeks
1,027 stars, 196 forks, 48 watches
gis category, created 2011-12-31, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
cli, cython, gdal, gis, ogr, vector

Binance-volatility-trading-bot by cyberpunkmetalhead

Binance-volatility-trading-bot: This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though the Brave browser to allow me to continuously improve the script.
33 stars per week over 96 weeks
3,244 stars, 761 forks, 148 watches
crypto category, created 2021-05-08, last commit 2021-06-10, main language Python

python-ftfy by rspeer

python-ftfy: Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode text, after the fact.
6.28 stars per week over 550 weeks
3,455 stars, 116 forks, 75 watches
util category, created 2012-08-24, last commit 2022-10-25, main language Python

cryptofeed by bmoscon

cryptofeed: Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
6.2 stars per week over 273 weeks
1,695 stars, 544 forks, 74 watches
crypto category, created 2017-12-16, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
asyncio, binance, bitcoin, btc, coinbase, coinbase-api, crypto, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency, ethereum, exchange, ftx-exchange, influxdb, market-data, trading, trading-platform, websocket, websockets


astronomer: Helm Charts for the Astronomer Platform, Apache Airflow as a Service on Kubernetes
1.63 stars per week over 269 weeks
439 stars, 81 forks, 44 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-01-15, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
apache-airflow, astronomer-platform, docker, kubernetes

pytest-cov by pytest-dev

pytest-cov: Coverage plugin for pytest.
3.01 stars per week over 464 weeks
1,399 stars, 192 forks, 35 watches
testing category, created 2014-04-17, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python

pyLDAvis by bmabey

pyLDAvis: Python library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package.
4.09 stars per week over 413 weeks
1,691 stars, 348 forks, 56 watches
ml category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Jupyter Notebook

ydata-synthetic by ydataai

ydata-synthetic: Synthetic data generators for tabular and time-series data
6.05 stars per week over 149 weeks
901 stars, 194 forks, 19 watches
data category, created 2020-05-04, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Jupyter Notebook
datageneration, datagenerator, deep-learning, gan, gan-architectures, gans, generative-adversarial-network, machine-learning, pytorch, synthetic-data, tensorflow2, time-series, timeseries, training-data

squirrel-core by merantix-momentum

squirrel-core: A Python library that enables ML teams to share, load, and transform data in a collaborative, flexible, and efficient way 🌰
4.54 stars per week over 56 weeks
256 stars, 5 forks, 14 watches
ml category, created 2022-02-11, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
ai, cloud-computing, collaboration, computer-vision, cv, data-ingestion, data-mesh, data-science, dataops, datasets, deep-learning, distributed, jax, machine-learning, ml, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, tensorflow

torchtyping by patrick-kidger

torchtyping: Type annotations and dynamic checking for a tensor's shape, dtype, names, etc.
11 stars per week over 102 weeks
1,210 stars, 28 forks, 14 watches
typing category, created 2021-03-28, last commit 2023-01-20, main language Python
named-tensors, python-typing, pytorch, shape, tensors, typing

transformers-interpret by cdpierse

transformers-interpret: Model explainability that works seamlessly with 🤗 transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code.
6.71 stars per week over 145 weeks
978 stars, 86 forks, 17 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-05-27, last commit 2023-01-14, main language Jupyter Notebook
captum, computer-vision, deep-learning, explainable-ai, interpretability, machine-learning, model-explainability, natural-language-processing, neural-network, nlp, transformers, transformers-model

Pipe by julienpalard

Pipe: A Python library to use infix notation in Python
2.37 stars per week over 674 weeks
1,602 stars, 103 forks, 26 watches
util category, created 2010-04-08, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python

fastapi-cache by long2ice

fastapi-cache is a tool to cache fastapi response and function result, with backends support redis and memcached.
4.67 stars per week over 132 weeks
621 stars, 90 forks, 9 watches
web category, created 2020-08-25, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
cache, fastapi, memcached, redis

nbviewer by jupyter

nbviewer: nbconvert as a web service: Render Jupyter Notebooks as static web pages
3.73 stars per week over 553 weeks
2,065 stars, 537 forks, 93 watches
jupyter category, created 2012-08-05, last commit 2023-01-27, main language Python
jupyter, jupyter-notebook, nbconvert


eventlet: Concurrent networking library for Python
2.17 stars per week over 534 weeks
1,160 stars, 299 forks, 63 watches
perf category, created 2012-12-11, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
c10k, concurrency, greenlet, network, production-ready

fastparquet by dask

fastparquet: python implementation of the parquet columnar file format.
1.68 stars per week over 383 weeks
644 stars, 164 forks, 19 watches
data category, created 2015-11-06, last commit 2023-02-09, main language Python

sentinelhub-py by sentinel-hub

sentinelhub-py: Download and process satellite imagery in Python using Sentinel Hub services.
2.24 stars per week over 303 weeks
681 stars, 220 forks, 47 watches
gis category, created 2017-05-17, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Python
aws, ogc-services, satellite-imagery, sentinel-hub

hvplot by holoviz

hvplot: A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews
2.78 stars per week over 260 weeks
722 stars, 83 forks, 23 watches
pandas category, created 2018-03-19, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
datashader, holoviews, holoviz, plotting

aitextgen by minimaxir

aitextgen: A robust Python tool for text-based AI training and generation using GPT-2.
10 stars per week over 167 weeks
1,709 stars, 196 forks, 37 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-12-29, last commit 2022-08-09, main language Python

siuba by machow

siuba: Python library for using dplyr like syntax with pandas and SQL
4.7 stars per week over 213 weeks
1,002 stars, 43 forks, 21 watches
pandas category, created 2019-02-09, last commit 2022-11-16, main language Python
data-analysis, dplyr, pandas, sql

xarray-spatial by makepath

xarray-spatial: Raster-based Spatial Analytics for Python
4.22 stars per week over 161 weeks
681 stars, 77 forks, 24 watches
gis category, created 2020-02-08, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
datashader, numba, raster-analysis, spatial-analysis, xarray

fairo by facebookresearch

fairo: A modular embodied agent architecture and platform for building embodied agents
6.46 stars per week over 123 weeks
794 stars, 79 forks, 38 watches
sim category, created 2020-11-02, last commit 2023-02-01, main language Jupyter Notebook

pycom by omyyyy

pycom: A Python compiler, down to native code, using C++
32 stars per week over 34 weeks
1,102 stars, 21 forks, 18 watches
perf category, created 2022-07-16, last commit 2022-08-31, main language C++

natsort by sethmmorton

natsort: Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
1.29 stars per week over 566 weeks
733 stars, 42 forks, 15 watches
util category, created 2012-05-03, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
natsort, natural-sort, sorting, sorting-interface

spacy-models by explosion

spacy-models: 💫 Models for the spaCy Natural Language Processing (NLP) library
4.03 stars per week over 312 weeks
1,262 stars, 282 forks, 51 watches
nlp category, created 2017-03-14, last commit 2023-01-23, main language Python
machine-learning, machine-learning-models, models, natural-language-processing, nlp, spacy, spacy-models, statistical-models

pyyaml by yaml

pyyaml: Canonical source repository for PyYAML
3.56 stars per week over 592 weeks
2,107 stars, 437 forks, 50 watches
util category, created 2011-11-03, last commit 2022-09-13, main language Python

similarity by tensorflow

similarity: TensorFlow Similarity is a python package focused on making similarity learning quick and easy.
6.48 stars per week over 143 weeks
927 stars, 92 forks, 31 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-06-15, last commit 2023-01-16, main language Python
barlow-twins, clustering, contrastive-learning, cosine-similarity, deep-learning, knn, machine-learning, metric-learning, nearest-neighbor-search, nearest-neighbors, simclr, simclr2, similarity-learning, similarity-search, simsiam, tensorflow, unsupervised-learning

prettytable by jazzband

prettytable: Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
2.61 stars per week over 373 weeks
974 stars, 121 forks, 20 watches
term category, created 2016-01-15, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
package, utility-library

fastapi-code-generator by koxudaxi

fastapi-code-generator: This code generator creates FastAPI app from an openapi file.
4.71 stars per week over 143 weeks
674 stars, 75 forks, 16 watches
web category, created 2020-06-14, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
fastapi, generator, openapi, pydantic

itsdangerous by pallets

itsdangerous: Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back.
4.31 stars per week over 611 weeks
2,637 stars, 216 forks, 57 watches
data category, created 2011-06-24, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
hmac, itsdangerous, pallets, security, serialization

neo4j-python-driver by neo4j

neo4j-python-driver: Neo4j Bolt driver for Python
1.9 stars per week over 409 weeks
778 stars, 170 forks, 98 watches
data category, created 2015-05-05, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
binary-protocol, cypher, database-driver, driver, graph-database, neo4j, protocol, query-language


behave: BDD, Python style.
4.7 stars per week over 593 weeks
2,793 stars, 612 forks, 121 watches
testing category, created 2011-10-25, last commit 2022-12-19, main language Python

opyrator by ml-tooling

opyrator: 🪄 Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.
27 stars per week over 100 weeks
2,805 stars, 140 forks, 49 watches
viz category, created 2021-04-06, last commit 2021-05-06, main language Python
deployment, faas, fastapi, functions, machine-learning, microservices, pydantic, python-functions, serverless, streamlit, type-hints

optimus by hi-primus

optimus: 🚚 Agile Data Preparation Workflows made easy with Pandas, Dask, cuDF, Dask-cuDF, Vaex and PySpark
4.54 stars per week over 295 weeks
1,343 stars, 225 forks, 42 watches
ml-ops category, created 2017-07-13, last commit 2022-10-17, main language Python
big-data-cleaning, bigdata, cudf, dask, dask-cudf, data-analysis, data-cleaner, data-cleaning, data-cleansing, data-exploration, data-extraction, data-preparation, data-profiling, data-science, data-transformation, data-wrangling, machine-learning, pyspark, spark


jsonpickle: Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON. It can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON. Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python.
1.61 stars per week over 691 weeks
1,113 stars, 155 forks, 33 watches
data category, created 2009-12-10, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Python
bsd-3-clause, deserialization, json, objectstorage, pickle, serialization

python-dialogflow by dialogflow

python-dialogflow: Python client for Dialogflow: Design and integrate a conversational user interface into your applications and devices.
1.37 stars per week over 280 weeks
386 stars, 145 forks, 53 watches
nlp category, created 2017-10-24, last commit 2023-03-09, main language Python
dialogflow, machine-learning

book by cosmicpython

book: A Book about Pythonic Application Architecture Patterns for Managing Complexity. Cosmos is the Opposite of Chaos you see. O'R. wouldn't actually let us call it "Cosmic Python" tho.
13 stars per week over 213 weeks
2,879 stars, 490 forks, 94 watches
study category, created 2019-02-05, last commit 2023-02-06, main language Python

GeoTorchAI by datasystemslab

GeoTorchAI: A Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Framework (https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3557915.3561036)
7.38 stars per week over 42 weeks
310 stars, 21 forks, 9 watches
gis category, created 2022-05-23, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python
classification-model, convlstm-pytorch, deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, deepsat, prediction-model, raster-data, satellite-classification, satellite-images, segmentation-models, sequence-models, spatial-data-analysis, spatio-temporal-analysis, spatio-temporal-models, spatio-temporal-prediction, st-resnet

iris by scitools

iris: A powerful, format-agnostic, and community-driven Python package for analysing and visualising Earth science data
0.97 stars per week over 553 weeks
537 stars, 265 forks, 45 watches
gis category, created 2012-08-06, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
data-analysis, earth-science, grib, iris, meteorology, netcdf, oceanography, spaceweather, visualisation

mujoco-py by openai

mujoco-py: MuJoCo is a physics engine for detailed, efficient rigid body simulations with contacts. mujoco-py allows using MuJoCo from Python 3.
6.69 stars per week over 359 weeks
2,401 stars, 748 forks, 168 watches
sim category, created 2016-04-24, last commit 2022-11-17, main language Cython

DrQA by facebookresearch

DrQA: Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
14 stars per week over 296 weeks
4,353 stars, 901 forks, 165 watches
nlp category, created 2017-07-07, last commit 2021-05-18, main language Python


pastas: 🍝 Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series.
0.82 stars per week over 360 weeks
297 stars, 57 forks, 18 watches
time-series category, created 2016-04-15, last commit 2023-02-07, main language Python
analysis, groundwater, hydrology, pastas, timeseries

dask-geopandas by geopandas

dask-geopandas: Parallel GeoPandas with Dask
2.27 stars per week over 160 weeks
364 stars, 38 forks, 22 watches
gis category, created 2020-02-13, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python

pytest-bdd by pytest-dev

pytest-bdd: BDD library for the py.test runner
2.18 stars per week over 519 weeks
1,134 stars, 189 forks, 55 watches
testing category, created 2013-03-29, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python

dask-ml by dask

dask-ml: Scalable Machine Learning with Dask
2.79 stars per week over 299 weeks
837 stars, 238 forks, 42 watches
ml category, created 2017-06-15, last commit 2023-02-10, main language Python


sentinelsat: Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
2.09 stars per week over 407 weeks
851 stars, 231 forks, 60 watches
gis category, created 2015-05-22, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
copernicus, esa, geographic-data, hacktoberfest, open-data, remote-sensing, satellite-imagery, sentinel

specialist by brandtbucher

specialist: Visualize CPython 3.11's specializing, adaptive interpreter. 🔥
12 stars per week over 40 weeks
521 stars, 9 forks, 10 watches
perf category, created 2022-06-01, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python

latentblending by lunarring

latentblending: Create butter-smooth transitions between prompts, powered by stable diffusion
12 stars per week over 16 weeks
210 stars, 19 forks, 12 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-11-19, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
animation, diffusion, stable-diffusion


zenodo: Research. Shared.
1.46 stars per week over 526 weeks
766 stars, 228 forks, 40 watches
util category, created 2013-02-11, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
digital-library, elasticsearch, flask, invenio, inveniosoftware, library-management, open-access, open-science, postgresql, research-data-management, research-data-repository, scientific-publications, zenodo

gs-quant by goldmansachs

gs-quant: Python toolkit for quantitative finance
7.61 stars per week over 221 weeks
1,685 stars, 341 forks, 75 watches
finance category, created 2018-12-14, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Jupyter Notebook
derivatives, goldman-sachs, gs-quant, risk-management, trading-strategies


PySAL: Python Spatial Analysis Library Meta-Package
2.13 stars per week over 524 weeks
1,120 stars, 293 forks, 81 watches
gis category, created 2013-02-19, last commit 2023-01-28, main language Jupyter Notebook

spacy-streamlit by explosion

spacy-streamlit: 👑 spaCy building blocks and visualizers for Streamlit apps
4.5 stars per week over 141 weeks
638 stars, 105 forks, 20 watches
nlp category, created 2020-06-23, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
dependency-parsing, machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, ner, nlp, part-of-speech-tagging, spacy, streamlit, text-classification, tokenization, visualizer, visualizers, word-vectors

Top2Vec by ddangelov

Top2Vec learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors.
15 stars per week over 155 weeks
2,451 stars, 337 forks, 38 watches
nlp category, created 2020-03-20, last commit 2023-01-26, main language Python
bert, document-embedding, pre-trained-language-models, semantic-search, sentence-encoder, sentence-transformers, text-search, text-semantic-similarity, top2vec, topic-modeling, topic-modelling, topic-search, topic-vector, word-embeddings

python-diskcache by grantjenks

python-diskcache: Python disk-backed cache (Django-compatible). Faster than Redis and Memcached. Pure-Python.
4.63 stars per week over 370 weeks
1,716 stars, 107 forks, 19 watches
util category, created 2016-02-03, last commit 2022-02-20, main language Python
cache, filesystem, key-value-store, persistence

deeplab2 by google-research

DeepLab2 is a TensorFlow library for deep labeling, aiming to provide a unified and state-of-the-art TensorFlow codebase for dense pixel labeling tasks.
9.18 stars per week over 95 weeks
879 stars, 146 forks, 23 watches
ml category, created 2021-05-12, last commit 2023-01-17, main language Python

tika-python by chrismattmann

Tika-Python is a Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services allowing Tika to be called natively in the Python community.
2.75 stars per week over 454 weeks
1,248 stars, 227 forks, 38 watches
nlp category, created 2014-06-26, last commit 2023-01-22, main language Python
buffer, covid-19, detection, extraction, memex, mime, nlp, nlp-library, nlp-machine-learning, parse, parser-interface, recognition, text-extraction, text-recognition, tika-python, tika-server, tika-server-jar, translation-interface, usc

shiv by linkedin

shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included.
5.98 stars per week over 260 weeks
1,561 stars, 85 forks, 27 watches
util category, created 2018-03-13, last commit 2022-11-04, main language Python

FastAPI-Backend-Template by aeternalis-ingenium

FastAPI-Backend-Template: A backend project template with FastAPI, PostgreSQL with asynchronous SQLAlchemy 2.0, Alembic for asynchronous database migration, and Docker.
21 stars per week over 14 weeks
294 stars, 49 forks, 10 watches
web category, created 2022-12-05, last commit 2023-02-05, main language Python
alembic, asynchronous, asyncpg, codecov, coverage, docker, docker-compose, fastapi, githubactions, jwt, postgresql, pre-commit, pytest, sqlalchemy

glide-text2im by openai

glide-text2im: GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model
46 stars per week over 65 weeks
3,067 stars, 437 forks, 126 watches
diffusion category, created 2021-12-10, last commit 2022-03-21, main language Python

micrograd by karpathy

micrograd: A tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like API
28 stars per week over 152 weeks
4,283 stars, 471 forks, 94 watches
study category, created 2020-04-13, last commit 2020-04-18, main language Jupyter Notebook

python-soundfile by bastibe

python-soundfile: SoundFile is an audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy
1.05 stars per week over 497 weeks
525 stars, 88 forks, 17 watches
util category, created 2013-08-27, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Python

pypinfo by ofek

pypinfo: Easily view PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.
1.17 stars per week over 304 weeks
357 stars, 34 forks, 13 watches
util category, created 2017-05-13, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python
bigquery, pypi, statistics

basemap by matplotlib

basemap: Plot on map projections (with coastlines and political boundaries) using matplotlib
1.13 stars per week over 629 weeks
711 stars, 395 forks, 60 watches
gis category, created 2011-02-19, last commit 2022-11-29, main language Python
gis, maps, plots

neuralcoref by huggingface

neuralcoref: Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
8.94 stars per week over 297 weeks
2,656 stars, 462 forks, 98 watches
nlp category, created 2017-07-03, last commit 2021-06-22, main language C
coreference, coreference-resolution, machine-learning, neural-networks, nlp, pytorch, spacy, spacy-extension, spacy-pipeline

loky by joblib

loky: Robust and reusable Executor for joblib
1.19 stars per week over 376 weeks
447 stars, 43 forks, 10 watches
perf category, created 2015-12-25, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python

cuda-python by nvidia

cuda-python: CUDA Python Low-level Bindings
6.25 stars per week over 89 weeks
556 stars, 43 forks, 23 watches
ml category, created 2021-06-28, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python

cityscapesScripts by mcordts

cityscapesScripts: README and scripts for the Cityscapes Dataset
5.1 stars per week over 368 weeks
1,879 stars, 584 forks, 45 watches
gis category, created 2016-02-20, last commit 2022-10-22, main language Python

data-validation by tensorflow

data-validation: Library for exploring and validating machine learning data
2.86 stars per week over 245 weeks
701 stars, 151 forks, 49 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-07-02, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

DeepForest by weecology

DeepForest: Python Package for Tree Crown Detection in Airborne RGB imagery
1.31 stars per week over 261 weeks
342 stars, 135 forks, 15 watches
gis category, created 2018-03-07, last commit 2023-03-08, main language JavaScript

earthengine-api by google

earthengine-api: Python and JavaScript bindings for calling the Earth Engine API.
5.22 stars per week over 411 weeks
2,151 stars, 916 forks, 206 watches
gis category, created 2015-04-22, last commit 2023-03-08, main language JavaScript

textdistance by life4

textdistance: Compute distance between sequences. 30+ algorithms, pure python implementation, common interface, optional external libs usage.
10 stars per week over 305 weeks
3,072 stars, 241 forks, 61 watches
nlp category, created 2017-05-05, last commit 2022-09-18, main language Python
algorithm, algorithms, damerau-levenshtein, damerau-levenshtein-distance, diff, distance, distance-calculation, hamming-distance, jellyfish, levenshtein, levenshtein-distance, textdistance

pyfolio by quantopian

pyfolio: Portfolio and risk analytics in Python
11 stars per week over 406 weeks
4,858 stars, 1,558 forks, 307 watches
finance category, created 2015-06-01, last commit 2020-07-15, main language Jupyter Notebook


simple-salesforce: A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python
2.65 stars per week over 529 weeks
1,405 stars, 612 forks, 90 watches
data category, created 2013-01-17, last commit 2023-01-18, main language Python
api, api-client, salesforce

py-evm by ethereum

py-evm: A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
5.98 stars per week over 323 weeks
1,936 stars, 579 forks, 97 watches
crypto category, created 2016-12-27, last commit 2022-12-16, main language Python
ethereum, ethereum-virtual-machine, evm

CoastSat by kvos

CoastSat: Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery
2.19 stars per week over 232 weeks
509 stars, 206 forks, 23 watches
gis category, created 2018-09-28, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Jupyter Notebook
coastal-engineering, earth-engine, google-earth-engine, remote-sensing, satellite-images, shoreline-detection


ethtx: Python package with core transaction decoding functions.
4.56 stars per week over 89 weeks
406 stars, 64 forks, 16 watches
crypto category, created 2021-06-28, last commit 2022-12-01, main language Python

fastapi-react by buuntu

fastapi-react: 🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker
9.89 stars per week over 155 weeks
1,535 stars, 264 forks, 37 watches
template category, created 2020-03-21, last commit 2022-02-18, main language Python
boilerplate, cookiecutter, docker, fastapi, full-stack, jwt, nginx, oauth2, postgres, react, react-admin, sqlalchemy, typescript

bcrypt by pyca

bcrypt: Modern(-ish) password hashing for your software and your servers
1.91 stars per week over 513 weeks
980 stars, 136 forks, 28 watches
util category, created 2013-05-11, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

python-package-template by tezromach

python-package-template: 🚀 Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.
6.17 stars per week over 151 weeks
936 stars, 92 forks, 6 watches
template category, created 2020-04-15, last commit 2022-05-18, main language Python
best-practices, codestyle, cookiecutter, formatters, makefile, poetry, python-packages, semantic-versions, template

pymde by cvxgrp

pymde: Minimum-distortion embedding with PyTorch
3.91 stars per week over 119 weeks
466 stars, 26 forks, 9 watches
ml category, created 2020-11-29, last commit 2022-11-20, main language Python
cuda, dimensionality-reduction, embedding, feature-vectors, gpu, graph-embedding, machine-learning, pytorch, visualization

tket by cqcl

tket: Source code for the TKET quantum compiler, Python bindings and utilities
2.19 stars per week over 78 weeks
171 stars, 31 forks, 15 watches
util category, created 2021-09-13, last commit 2023-03-10, main language C++
compiler, quantum-computing

pmdarima by alkaline-ml

pmdarima: A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function.
4.27 stars per week over 310 weeks
1,327 stars, 221 forks, 36 watches
time-series category, created 2017-03-30, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python
arima, econometrics, forecasting, forecasting-models, machine-learning, pmdarima, sarimax, time-series

earth-forecasting-transformer by amazon-science

earth-forecasting-transformer: Official implementation of Earthformer
6.81 stars per week over 26 weeks
177 stars, 32 forks, 10 watches
gis category, created 2022-09-12, last commit 2023-02-03, main language Jupyter Notebook


holoviz: High-level tools to simplify visualization in Python.
2.32 stars per week over 285 weeks
663 stars, 116 forks, 35 watches
viz category, created 2017-09-22, last commit 2023-01-30, main language Python
colorcet, datashader, geoviews, holoviews, holoviz, hvplot, panel

algo-trader by idanya

algo-trader: Trading bot with support for realtime trading, backtesting, custom strategies and much more.
8.16 stars per week over 77 weeks
635 stars, 67 forks, 22 watches
finance category, created 2021-09-14, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, backtesting, crypto-bot, technical-analysis, trading-bot, trading-strategies

notifiers by liiight

notifiers: The easy way to send notifications
7.96 stars per week over 301 weeks
2,401 stars, 94 forks, 33 watches
util category, created 2017-06-01, last commit 2022-07-14, main language Python
notification-service, notifications, notifier, pypi

ecco by jalammar

ecco: Explain, analyze, and visualize NLP language models. Ecco creates interactive visualizations directly in Jupyter notebooks explaining the behavior of Transformer-based language models (like GPT2, BERT, RoBERTA, T5, and T0).
13 stars per week over 122 weeks
1,623 stars, 120 forks, 21 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-11-07, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
explorables, language-models, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, visualization

pdoc by pdoc3

pdoc: 🐍 ➡️ 📜 Auto-generate API documentation for Python projects
4.32 stars per week over 218 weeks
945 stars, 136 forks, 8 watches
util category, created 2019-01-02, last commit 2022-12-21, main language Python
api-documentation, docs, docs-generator, docstring, docstring-documentation, docstrings, documentation, documentation-dumper, documentation-generator, documentation-tool, generator, hacktoberfest, pdoc

starred by maguowei

starred: creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
3.49 stars per week over 351 weeks
1,227 stars, 85 forks, 23 watches
util category, created 2016-06-16, last commit 2023-01-14, main language Python
awesome, awesome-list, awesome-stars, star, starred

pecos by amzn

PECOS - Prediction for Enormous and Correlated Spaces
3.02 stars per week over 134 weeks
407 stars, 89 forks, 21 watches
ml category, created 2020-08-12, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
approximate-nearest-neighbor-search, extreme-multi-label-classification, extreme-multi-label-ranking, machine-learning-algorithms, transformers


keras-rl: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
15 stars per week over 349 weeks
5,382 stars, 1,362 forks, 210 watches
ml-rl category, created 2016-07-02, last commit 2019-11-11, main language Python
keras, machine-learning, neural-networks, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow, theano

spopt by pysal

spopt: Spatial Optimization
0.91 stars per week over 210 weeks
191 stars, 34 forks, 13 watches
gis category, created 2019-03-01, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
facility-location, location-allocation, location-modeling, regionalization, resource-planning, routing, spatial-analysis, spatial-optimization, transportation

ml-metadata by google

ml-metadata: For recording and retrieving metadata associated with ML developer and data scientist workflows.
2.4 stars per week over 216 weeks
520 stars, 118 forks, 28 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-01-15, last commit 2023-03-10, main language C++

warp-drive by salesforce

warp-drive: Extremely Fast End-to-End Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework on a GPU (JMLR 2022)
4.39 stars per week over 80 weeks
354 stars, 66 forks, 14 watches
ml-rl category, created 2021-08-25, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
cuda, deep-learning, gpu, high-throughput, multiagent-reinforcement-learning, numba, pytorch, reinforcement-learning

kalliope by kalliope-project

Kalliope is a framework that will help you to create your own personal assistant.
4.89 stars per week over 334 weeks
1,636 stars, 232 forks, 82 watches
util category, created 2016-10-11, last commit 2022-03-06, main language Python
bot, bot-creation, home-automation, jarvis, linux, personal-assistant, raspberry, speech-recognition, speech-synthesis, speech-to-text

unionml by unionai-oss

UnionML: the easiest way to build and deploy machine learning microservices
4.02 stars per week over 68 weeks
276 stars, 37 forks, 4 watches
ml-ops category, created 2021-11-17, last commit 2022-12-21, main language Python
hacktoberfest, machine-learning, mlops

rio-tiler by cogeotiff

rio-tiler: User friendly Rasterio plugin to read raster datasets.
1.37 stars per week over 283 weeks
387 stars, 86 forks, 66 watches
gis category, created 2017-10-06, last commit 2023-02-28, main language Python
cog, cogeotiff, gdal, maptile, mercator, raster, raster-processing, rasterio, satellite, slippy-map, tile

geojson-pydantic by developmentseed

geojson-pydantic: Pydantic data models for the GeoJSON spec
0.88 stars per week over 146 weeks
129 stars, 28 forks, 11 watches
gis category, created 2020-05-21, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
geojson, geojson-spec, pydantic

cerberus by pyeve

cerberus: Lightweight, extensible data validation library for Python
5.42 stars per week over 543 weeks
2,949 stars, 230 forks, 48 watches
data category, created 2012-10-10, last commit 2021-05-05, main language Python

Mephisto by facebookresearch

Mephisto: A suite of tools for managing crowdsourcing tasks from the inception through to data packaging for research use.
1.41 stars per week over 186 weeks
263 stars, 59 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2019-08-19, last commit 2023-02-18, main language JavaScript

robosuite by arise-initiative

robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning
3.53 stars per week over 228 weeks
806 stars, 260 forks, 25 watches
ml-rl category, created 2018-10-25, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python
physics-simulation, reinforcement-learning, robot-learning, robot-manipulation, robotics

pyglove by google

pyglove: Manipulating Python Programs
5.42 stars per week over 43 weeks
236 stars, 8 forks, 6 watches
util category, created 2022-05-12, last commit 2023-03-11, main language Python
automl, evolution, machine-learning, manipulation, meta-learning, meta-programming, symbolic-programming

PyNeuraLogic by lukaszahradnik

PyNeuraLogic lets you use Python to create Differentiable Logic Programs
1.85 stars per week over 118 weeks
218 stars, 18 forks, 5 watches
math category, created 2020-12-06, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python
deep-learning, differentiable-programming, geometric-deep-learning, graph-neural-networks, logic-programming, machine-learning, pytorch, relational-learning

File-Injector by carlospuenteg

File-Injector: File Injector is a script that allows you to store any file in an image using steganography
19 stars per week over 20 weeks
395 stars, 19 forks, 7 watches
util category, created 2022-10-22, last commit 2022-11-18, main language Python
extraction, file, file-injection, file-injector, files, image, image-manipulation, image-processing, injection, noise, numpy, photography, steganography, storage

mayavi by enthought

mayavi: 3D visualization of scientific data in Python
1.73 stars per week over 633 weeks
1,095 stars, 266 forks, 98 watches
viz category, created 2011-01-24, last commit 2022-10-18, main language Python

dgl-ke by awslabs

dgl-ke: High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable package for learning large-scale knowledge graph embeddings.
6.88 stars per week over 157 weeks
1,086 stars, 184 forks, 24 watches
ml category, created 2020-03-03, last commit 2022-11-18, main language Python
dgl, graph-learning, knowledge-graph, knowledge-graphs-embeddings, machine-learning

airflow-chart by astronomer

airflow-chart: A Helm chart to install Apache Airflow on Kubernetes
1.51 stars per week over 163 weeks
248 stars, 90 forks, 44 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-01-22, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
airflow, apache-airflow, helm-chart, kubernetes

whale by hyperqueryhq

whale: 🐳 The stupidly simple CLI workspace for your data warehouse.
4.93 stars per week over 145 weeks
718 stars, 38 forks, 41 watches
data category, created 2020-05-27, last commit 2022-10-13, main language Python
data-catalog, data-discovery, data-documentation

snoop by alexmojaki

snoop: A powerful set of Python debugging tools, based on PySnooper
4.55 stars per week over 200 weeks
910 stars, 31 forks, 17 watches
debug category, created 2019-05-13, last commit 2022-12-22, main language Python
debugger, debugging, debugging-tools, logging

pyalgotrade by gbeced

pyalgotrade: Python Algorithmic Trading Library
6.83 stars per week over 574 weeks
3,923 stars, 1,334 forks, 352 watches
finance category, created 2012-03-07, last commit 2023-03-05, main language Python

git-re-basin by samuela

git-re-basin: Code release for "Git Re-Basin: Merging Models modulo Permutation Symmetries"
14 stars per week over 25 weeks
381 stars, 33 forks, 6 watches
ml-dl category, created 2022-09-13, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
deep-learning, deeplearning, jax, machine-learning, neural-networks

emmett by emmett-framework

emmett: The web framework for inventors
1.89 stars per week over 438 weeks
827 stars, 62 forks, 31 watches
web category, created 2014-10-20, last commit 2023-01-30, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, emmett, web-framework

Astra by flipkart-incubator

Astra: Automated Security Testing For REST API's
8.11 stars per week over 269 weeks
2,187 stars, 363 forks, 85 watches
web category, created 2018-01-10, last commit 2023-02-16, main language Python
ci-cd, owasp, penetration-testing, penetration-testing-framework, postman-collection, restapiautomation, sdlc, security, security-automation

rio-cogeo by cogeotiff

rio-cogeo: Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF creation and validation plugin for rasterio
0.84 stars per week over 261 weeks
219 stars, 30 forks, 44 watches
gis category, created 2018-03-09, last commit 2022-10-26, main language Python
cog, cogeotiff, geotiff, rasterio, satellite

earthpy by earthlab

earthpy: A package built to support working with spatial data using open source python
1.61 stars per week over 263 weeks
424 stars, 152 forks, 21 watches
gis category, created 2018-02-20, last commit 2021-12-20, main language Python
education, raster, spatial-data, vector

pyvis by westhealth

pyvis: Python package for creating and visualizing interactive network graphs.
2.47 stars per week over 252 weeks
624 stars, 115 forks, 15 watches
graph category, created 2018-05-10, last commit 2023-02-10, main language HTML
network-visualization, networkx

finmarketpy by cuemacro

finmarketpy: Python library for backtesting trading strategies & analyzing financial markets (formerly pythalesians)
7.29 stars per week over 420 weeks
3,067 stars, 482 forks, 216 watches
finance category, created 2015-02-19, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python
backtesting-trading-strategies, trading-strategies

rebound by shobrook

rebound: Command-line tool that instantly fetches Stack Overflow results when an exception is thrown
15 stars per week over 262 weeks
4,001 stars, 382 forks, 77 watches
debug category, created 2018-02-28, last commit 2022-02-16, main language Python
command-line-interface, command-line-tool, error-messages, stackoverflow, terminal-app

tiny-diffusion by tanelp

tiny-diffusion: A minimal PyTorch implementation of probabilistic diffusion models for 2D datasets.
42 stars per week over 8 weeks
360 stars, 27 forks, 7 watches
diffusion category, created 2023-01-13, last commit 2023-02-19, main language Jupyter Notebook

advertools by eliasdabbas

advertools - online marketing productivity and analysis tools
2.57 stars per week over 304 weeks
783 stars, 164 forks, 34 watches
data category, created 2017-05-14, last commit 2022-12-13, main language Python
advertising, adwords, digital-marketing, google-ads, keywords, log-analysis, logfile-parser, marketing, online-marketing, robots-txt, scrapy, search-engine-marketing, search-engine-optimization, seo, seo-crawler, serp, social-media, twitter-api, youtube

sagemaker-ssh-helper by aws-samples

sagemaker-ssh-helper: A helper library to connect into Amazon SageMaker with AWS Systems Manager and SSH
3.83 stars per week over 21 weeks
82 stars, 11 forks, 7 watches
util category, created 2022-10-14, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
amazon-sagemaker, aws, aws-systems-manager, machine-learning, pycharm, sagemaker, sagemaker-studio, ssh, vscode

python-rasterstats by perrygeo

python-rasterstats: Summary statistics of geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries.
0.91 stars per week over 494 weeks
448 stars, 108 forks, 33 watches
gis category, created 2013-09-18, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python

jellyfish by jamesturk

jellyfish: 🪼 a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings.
2.73 stars per week over 661 weeks
1,804 stars, 151 forks, 42 watches
nlp category, created 2010-07-09, last commit 2023-02-03, main language Python
fuzzy-search, hacktoberfest, hamming, jaro-winkler, levenshtein, metaphone, soundex

h3-py by uber

h3-py: Python bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
2.54 stars per week over 247 weeks
629 stars, 115 forks, 35 watches
gis category, created 2018-06-12, last commit 2022-11-24, main language Python
geocoding, geospatial, gis, h3, hexagonal-architecture, uber

fast-api-admin-template by janetech-inc

fast-api-admin-template: A test driven micro-service template to build and deploy a fast-api service with admin feature.
26 stars per week over 3 weeks
98 stars, 9 forks, 3 watches
template category, created 2023-02-15, last commit 2023-03-01, main language JavaScript

mesh by tensorflow

Mesh TensorFlow: Model Parallelism Made Easier
5.9 stars per week over 233 weeks
1,378 stars, 242 forks, 47 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-09-20, last commit 2023-01-25, main language Python

nbformat by jupyter

nbformat: Reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format
0.5 stars per week over 413 weeks
205 stars, 144 forks, 26 watches
jupyter category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

python-devtools by samuelcolvin

python-devtools: Dev tools for python
2.27 stars per week over 290 weeks
659 stars, 33 forks, 8 watches
util category, created 2017-08-20, last commit 2023-02-06, main language Python
devtools, python-devtools

exchange_calendars by gerrymanoim

exchange_calendars: Calendars for various securities exchanges.
1.9 stars per week over 123 weeks
235 stars, 79 forks, 14 watches
finance category, created 2020-10-30, last commit 2023-02-14, main language Python

mako by sqlalchemy

Mako Templates for Python
1.1 stars per week over 224 weeks
247 stars, 46 forks, 11 watches
template category, created 2018-11-26, last commit 2023-01-03, main language Python

beeswithmachineguns by newsapps

beeswithmachineguns: A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications).
9.5 stars per week over 662 weeks
6,295 stars, 663 forks, 227 watches
testing category, created 2010-06-29, last commit 2017-12-20, main language Python

python-driver by scylladb

python-driver: ScyllaDB Python Driver, originally DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
0.17 stars per week over 224 weeks
39 stars, 27 forks, 7 watches
data category, created 2018-11-20, last commit 2023-02-15, main language Python

human-learn by koaning

human-learn: Natural Intelligence is still a pretty good idea.
4.95 stars per week over 139 weeks
689 stars, 55 forks, 13 watches
data category, created 2020-07-11, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Jupyter Notebook
benchmark, machine-learning, scikit-learn

birdseye by alexmojaki

birdseye: Graphical Python debugger which lets you easily view the values of all evaluated expressions
5.24 stars per week over 294 weeks
1,542 stars, 77 forks, 42 watches
debug category, created 2017-07-22, last commit 2022-05-18, main language JavaScript
ast, birdseye, debugger, debugging, python-debugger


microprediction: If you can measure it, consider it predicted
1.5 stars per week over 159 weeks
240 stars, 39 forks, 13 watches
time-series category, created 2020-02-20, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Jupyter Notebook
fbprophet, filterpy, hmmlearn, kalman-filter, keras, nowcasting, online-algorithms, pmdarima, time-series, timeseries, timeseries-analysis, timeseries-clustering, timeseries-data, timeseries-database, timeseries-forecasting, timeseries-prediction, tsfresh, tslearn

pyroad by amaargiru

pyroad: Detailed Python developer roadmap
13 stars per week over 18 weeks
250 stars, 27 forks, 5 watches
study category, created 2022-11-03, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Jupyter Notebook
roadmap, tutorial

ghapi by fastai

ghapi: A delightful and complete interface to GitHub's amazing API
3.65 stars per week over 120 weeks
439 stars, 44 forks, 9 watches
util category, created 2020-11-21, last commit 2022-09-27, main language Jupyter Notebook
api-client, github, github-api, nbdev, openapi

pymunk by viblo

Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library that can be used whenever you need 2d rigid body physics from Python
1.55 stars per week over 492 weeks
762 stars, 180 forks, 22 watches
sim category, created 2013-10-02, last commit 2023-01-29, main language Python
physics-2d, physics-engine, physics-simulation, pygame, pyglet

OWSLib by geopython

OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.
0.56 stars per week over 582 weeks
325 stars, 264 forks, 30 watches
gis category, created 2012-01-13, last commit 2023-02-24, main language Python

parameterized by wolever

Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
1.27 stars per week over 574 weeks
728 stars, 95 forks, 19 watches
testing category, created 2012-03-10, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python

JoJoGAN by mchong6

Official PyTorch repo for JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization
20 stars per week over 64 weeks
1,306 stars, 196 forks, 25 watches
data category, created 2021-12-17, last commit 2022-02-05, main language Jupyter Notebook
anime, gans, image-translation

cytoolz by pytoolz

cytoolz: Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities
1.95 stars per week over 466 weeks
911 stars, 66 forks, 24 watches
util category, created 2014-04-04, last commit 2022-12-19, main language Python

language by google-research

language: Shared repository for open-sourced projects from the Google AI Language team.
6.0 stars per week over 229 weeks
1,380 stars, 324 forks, 65 watches
nlp category, created 2018-10-16, last commit 2023-02-23, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, research

skweak by norskregnesentral

skweak: A software toolkit for weak supervision applied to NLP tasks
8.36 stars per week over 103 weeks
868 stars, 70 forks, 27 watches
nlp category, created 2021-03-16, last commit 2022-11-08, main language Python
data-science, distant-supervision, natural-language-processing, nlp-library, nlp-machine-learning, spacy, training-data, weak-supervision

pyshp by geospatialpython

pyshp: This library reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
2.14 stars per week over 470 weeks
1,009 stars, 260 forks, 64 watches
gis category, created 2014-03-04, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Python

halo by manrajgrover

halo: 💫 Beautiful spinners for terminal, IPython and Jupyter
9.38 stars per week over 288 weeks
2,704 stars, 138 forks, 25 watches
term category, created 2017-09-03, last commit 2020-11-09, main language Python
async, halo, ipython, jupyter, ora, spinner


blaze: NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data
5.78 stars per week over 541 weeks
3,127 stars, 388 forks, 199 watches
pandas category, created 2012-10-26, last commit 2019-08-15, main language Python

momepy by pysal

momepy: Urban Morphology Measuring Toolkit
1.41 stars per week over 258 weeks
365 stars, 49 forks, 16 watches
gis category, created 2018-03-30, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
morphological-analysis, morphology, morphometrics, urban, urban-morphometrics, urban-street-networks

AutoTS by winedarksea

AutoTS: Automated Time Series Forecasting
3.99 stars per week over 171 weeks
685 stars, 65 forks, 14 watches
time-series category, created 2019-11-26, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Python
automl, autots, deep-learning, feature-engineering, forecasting, machine-learning, preprocessing, time-series

python-progressbar by wolph

python-progressbar: Progressbar 2 - A progress bar for Python 2 and Python 3 - "pip install progressbar2"
1.4 stars per week over 577 weeks
807 stars, 95 forks, 22 watches
util category, created 2012-02-20, last commit 2023-02-02, main language Python
bar, cli, console, eta, gui, percentage, progress, progress-bar, progressbar, rate, terminal, time

GlobalMLBuildingFootprints by microsoft

GlobalMLBuildingFootprints: Worldwide building footprints derived from satellite imagery
16 stars per week over 46 weeks
762 stars, 96 forks, 33 watches
gis category, created 2022-04-22, last commit 2022-11-16, main language Python


scikit-mobility: mobility analysis in Python
2.96 stars per week over 201 weeks
598 stars, 139 forks, 28 watches
gis category, created 2019-04-30, last commit 2023-01-20, main language Python
complex-systems, data-analysis, data-science, human-mobility, mobility-analysis, mobility-flows, network-science, risk-assessment, scikit-mobility, statistics, synthetic-flows


activitysim: An Open Platform for Activity-Based Travel Modeling
0.33 stars per week over 455 weeks
152 stars, 88 forks, 42 watches
sim category, created 2014-06-18, last commit 2023-01-31, main language Jupyter Notebook
activitysim, bsd-3-clause, data-science, microsimulation, travel-modeling

pypy by mozillazg

pypy: The unofficial GitHub mirror of PyPy
0.94 stars per week over 397 weeks
372 stars, 61 forks, 11 watches
util category, created 2015-08-03, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
github-mirror, pypy, read-only-repository, readonly, unofficial, unofficial-mirror

espresso by espressomd

espresso: The ESPResSo package
0.29 stars per week over 624 weeks
182 stars, 170 forks, 20 watches
sim category, created 2011-03-25, last commit 2023-03-10, main language C++
c-plus-plus, lattice-boltzmann, molecular-dynamics, physics, scientific-computing, soft-matter

mpmath by fredrik-johansson

mpmath: Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
1.27 stars per week over 587 weeks
744 stars, 153 forks, 40 watches
math category, created 2011-12-07, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
arbitrary-precision, complex-numbers, floating-point, multiprecision, numerical-integration, numerical-methods, numerical-optimization, ordinary-differential-equations, plotting, special-functions

flashtext by vi3k6i5

flashtext: Extract Keywords from sentence or Replace keywords in sentences.
18 stars per week over 290 weeks
5,367 stars, 600 forks, 139 watches
data category, created 2017-08-15, last commit 2020-05-03, main language Python
data-extraction, keyword-extraction, nlp, search-in-text, word2vec

blessed by jquast

Blessed is an easy, practical library for making python terminal apps
1.9 stars per week over 471 weeks
897 stars, 66 forks, 23 watches
term category, created 2014-03-01, last commit 2023-02-04, main language Python
cli, curses, terminal

Auto_TS by autoviml

Auto_TS: Automatically build ARIMA, SARIMAX, VAR, FB Prophet and XGBoost Models on Time Series data sets with a Single Line of Code. Now updated with Dask to handle millions of rows.
3.46 stars per week over 160 weeks
554 stars, 97 forks, 17 watches
time-series category, created 2020-02-15, last commit 2023-03-05, main language Jupyter Notebook
arima, auto-arima, auto-sklearn, auto-timeseries, autokeras, automl, autosklearn, prophet, sklearn, time-series, time-series-analysis, tpot

panoramix by palkeo

panoramix: Ethereum decompiler
3.56 stars per week over 160 weeks
569 stars, 157 forks, 31 watches
crypto category, created 2020-02-17, last commit 2023-03-12, main language Python

ffn by pmorissette

ffn - a financial function library for Python
3.18 stars per week over 455 weeks
1,447 stars, 255 forks, 59 watches
finance category, created 2014-06-19, last commit 2022-12-21, main language Python

pyogrio by geopandas

pyogrio: Vectorized vector I/O using OGR
0.91 stars per week over 154 weeks
140 stars, 10 forks, 9 watches
gis category, created 2020-03-27, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python

QuantLib-SWIG by lballabio

QuantLib-SWIG: QuantLib wrappers to other languages
0.73 stars per week over 377 weeks
277 stars, 262 forks, 38 watches
finance category, created 2015-12-17, last commit 2023-03-07, main language SWIG

qgrid by quantopian

qgrid: An interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter notebooks
6.68 stars per week over 440 weeks
2,947 stars, 419 forks, 88 watches
jupyter category, created 2014-09-30, last commit 2020-04-07, main language Python

eli5 by teamhg-memex

eli5: A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions
7.84 stars per week over 338 weeks
2,653 stars, 327 forks, 70 watches
ml category, created 2016-09-15, last commit 2020-01-22, main language Jupyter Notebook
crfsuite, data-science, explanation, inspection, lightgbm, machine-learning, nlp, scikit-learn, xgboost

BookCode_Edition1 by bayesianmodelingandcomputationinpython

4.7 stars per week over 81 weeks
385 stars, 92 forks, 18 watches
study category, created 2021-08-17, last commit 2023-01-09, main language Jupyter Notebook

python-lambda by nficano

python-lambda: A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda.
3.89 stars per week over 367 weeks
1,428 stars, 229 forks, 32 watches
util category, created 2016-02-26, last commit 2022-06-03, main language Python
aws, aws-lambda, microservices, serverless

medical-chatgpt by lucidrains

medical-chatgpt: Implementation of ChatGPT, but tailored towards primary care medicine, with the reward being able to collect patient histories in a thorough and efficient manner and come up with a reasonable differential diagnosis
18 stars per week over 13 weeks
248 stars, 21 forks, 27 watches
chatgpt category, created 2022-12-10, last commit 2023-02-27, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, attention-mechanisms, deep-learning, medicine, transformers

felicette by plant99

felicette: Satellite imagery for dummies.
12 stars per week over 139 weeks
1,796 stars, 85 forks, 39 watches
gis category, created 2020-07-12, last commit 2021-09-08, main language Python
earth-observation, earth-science, geoinformatics, geospatial, geospatial-data, geospatial-visualization, gis, satellite-data, satellite-imagery, satellite-images

FastTreeSHAP by linkedin

FastTreeSHAP: Fast SHAP value computation for interpreting tree-based models
6.53 stars per week over 59 weeks
385 stars, 23 forks, 8 watches
ml category, created 2022-01-24, last commit 2022-11-29, main language Python
explainable-ai, interpretability, lightgbm, machine-learning, random-forest, shap, xgboost

mahotas by luispedro

mahotas: Computer Vision in Python
1.17 stars per week over 684 weeks
798 stars, 151 forks, 48 watches
viz category, created 2010-01-31, last commit 2023-02-26, main language Python
c-plus-plus, computer-vision, numpy

geosnap by spatialucr

geosnap: The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
0.78 stars per week over 233 weeks
182 stars, 28 forks, 17 watches
gis category, created 2018-09-19, last commit 2023-03-08, main language Python
geodemographics, neighborhood-dynamics, spatial-analysis, urban-modeling

weather-tools by google

weather-tools: Apache Beam pipelines to make weather data accessible and useful.
1.88 stars per week over 68 weeks
128 stars, 27 forks, 14 watches
data category, created 2021-11-22, last commit 2023-03-10, main language Python
apache-beam, weather

python-blosc by blosc

python-blosc: A Python wrapper for the extremely fast Blosc compression library
0.51 stars per week over 649 weeks
330 stars, 75 forks, 14 watches
perf category, created 2010-09-30, last commit 2023-03-02, main language Python
blosc, compression, wrapper

sql-metadata by macbre

sql-metadata: Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata
1.7 stars per week over 300 weeks
510 stars, 87 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2017-06-06, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
database, hive, hiveql, metadata, mysql-query, parser, python-package, python3-library, sql, sql-parser, sqlparse

hypertools by contextlab

hypertools: A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-dimensional data
5.25 stars per week over 336 weeks
1,767 stars, 160 forks, 60 watches
ml category, created 2016-09-27, last commit 2022-02-12, main language Python
data-visualization, data-wrangling, high-dimensional-data, text-vectorization, time-series, topic-modeling, visualization

pyscript-cli by pyscript

pyscript-cli: A CLI for PyScript
3.19 stars per week over 45 weeks
144 stars, 14 forks, 12 watches
web category, created 2022-05-01, last commit 2023-02-25, main language Python

alphalens by quantopian

alphalens: Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
7.27 stars per week over 353 weeks
2,571 stars, 988 forks, 164 watches
finance category, created 2016-06-03, last commit 2020-04-27, main language Jupyter Notebook
algorithmic-trading, finance, jupyter, numpy, pandas

gin-config by google

gin-config: Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python
7.2 stars per week over 245 weeks
1,770 stars, 113 forks, 23 watches
util category, created 2018-06-27, last commit 2022-12-05, main language Python
configuration-management, tensorflow, tensorflow-experiments

rtree by toblerity

Rtree: spatial index for Python GIS ¶
0.87 stars per week over 612 weeks
530 stars, 123 forks, 31 watches
gis category, created 2011-06-19, last commit 2023-03-13, main language Python

long_stable_diffusion by sharonzhou

long_stable_diffusion: Long-form text-to-images generation, using a pipeline of deep generative models (GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion)
22 stars per week over 27 weeks
605 stars, 49 forks, 14 watches
diffusion category, created 2022-09-04, last commit 2022-10-30, main language Python

autotyping by jellezijlstra

1.44 stars per week over 89 weeks
129 stars, 9 forks, 4 watches
typing category, created 2021-06-25, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python

orator by sdispater

orator: The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
3.41 stars per week over 407 weeks
1,389 stars, 165 forks, 46 watches
data category, created 2015-05-24, last commit 2022-03-13, main language Python
database, orm

verde by fatiando

verde: Processing and interpolating spatial data with a twist of machine learning
1.86 stars per week over 254 weeks
474 stars, 60 forks, 21 watches
gis category, created 2018-04-25, last commit 2022-12-09, main language Python
earth-science, fatiando-a-terra, geophysics, geoscience, geospatial, interpolation, scipy, scipy-stack

arch by bashtage

ARCH models in Python
2.41 stars per week over 445 weeks
1,073 stars, 228 forks, 42 watches
time-series category, created 2014-08-29, last commit 2022-11-10, main language Python
adf, arch, bootstrap, df-gls, dickey-fuller, finance, financial-econometrics, forecasting, model-confidence-set, multiple-comparison-procedures, phillips-perron, reality-check, risk, spa, time-series, unit-root, variance, volatility

torchsde by google-research

torchsde: Differentiable SDE solvers with GPU support and efficient sensitivity analysis.
8.73 stars per week over 140 weeks
1,222 stars, 146 forks, 35 watches
math category, created 2020-07-06, last commit 2021-07-26, main language Python
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, differential-equations, dynamical-systems, neural-differential-equations, pytorch, stochastic-differential-equations, stochastic-processes, stochastic-volatility-models

openfisca-core by openfisca

openfisca-core: OpenFisca core engine. See other repositories for countries-specific code & data.
0.29 stars per week over 480 weeks
139 stars, 69 forks, 24 watches
sim category, created 2013-12-29, last commit 2023-01-24, main language Python
better-rules, legislation-as-code, microsimulation, rules-as-code

mrab-regex by mrabarnett

1.79 stars per week over 123 weeks
220 stars, 27 forks, 6 watches
util category, created 2020-11-02, last commit 2022-10-31, main language C

lambeq by cqcl

lambeq: A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
4.41 stars per week over 74 weeks
327 stars, 72 forks, 25 watches
nlp category, created 2021-10-10, last commit 2023-01-09, main language Python

bt by pmorissette

bt - flexible backtesting for Python
3.51 stars per week over 455 weeks
1,597 stars, 357 forks, 79 watches
finance category, created 2014-06-19, last commit 2022-11-22, main language Python

MEDIUM_NoteBook by cerlymarco

MEDIUM_NoteBook: Repository containing notebooks of my posts on Medium
8.61 stars per week over 203 weeks
1,748 stars, 912 forks, 97 watches
study category, created 2019-04-22, last commit 2023-02-22, main language Jupyter Notebook
artificial-intelligence, data-science, deep-learning, machine-learning, notebooks


urwid: Console user interface library for Python (official repo)
3.75 stars per week over 680 weeks
2,552 stars, 311 forks, 63 watches
term category, created 2010-02-25, last commit 2022-07-12, main language Python

P-tuning-v2 by thudm

P-tuning-v2: An optimized deep prompt tuning strategy comparable to fine-tuning across scales and tasks
8.24 stars per week over 73 weeks
606 stars, 72 forks, 26 watches
nlp category, created 2021-10-14, last commit 2022-11-04, main language Python
natural-language-processing, p-tuning, parameter-efficient-learning, pretrained-language-model, prompt-tuning

pycoingecko by man-c

pycoingecko: Python wrapper for the CoinGecko API
4.07 stars per week over 237 weeks
967 stars, 259 forks, 33 watches
crypto category, created 2018-08-24, last commit 2022-10-26, main language Python
api, api-wrapper, coingecko, crypto, cryptocurrency, nft, nfts, wrapper

tfcausalimpact by willianfuks

tfcausalimpact: Python Causal Impact Implementation Based on Google's R Package. Built using TensorFlow Probability.
2.95 stars per week over 134 weeks
395 stars, 54 forks, 10 watches
math category, created 2020-08-17, last commit 2022-12-20, main language Python
causal-inference, causalimpact, tensorflow-probability

gpt-2-output-dataset by openai

gpt-2-output-dataset: Dataset of GPT-2 outputs for research in detection, biases, and more
7.74 stars per week over 201 weeks
1,560 stars, 432 forks, 68 watches
chatgpt category, created 2019-05-03, last commit 2021-02-18, main language Python

cgal-swig-bindings by cgal

cgal-swig-bindings: CGAL bindings using SWIG
0.64 stars per week over 417 weeks
265 stars, 80 forks, 26 watches
gis category, created 2015-03-14, last commit 2023-03-05, main language C++

lexpredict-lexnlp by lexpredict

lexpredict-lexnlp: LexNLP by LexPredict
2.07 stars per week over 284 weeks
589 stars, 161 forks, 49 watches
nlp category, created 2017-09-30, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Jupyter Notebook
analytics, contracts, data, law, legal, legaltech, linguistics, ml, nlp

muffin by klen

Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3
1.48 stars per week over 422 weeks
625 stars, 25 forks, 31 watches
web category, created 2015-02-03, last commit 2023-03-07, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, curio, muffin, trio, webframework

spatialpandas by holoviz

spatialpandas: Pandas extension arrays for spatial/geometric operations
1.47 stars per week over 176 weeks
259 stars, 21 forks, 22 watches
pandas category, created 2019-10-28, last commit 2023-03-06, main language Python
geographic-data, geopandas, holoviz, pandas, spatialpandas

testbook by nteract

testbook: 🧪 📗 Unit test your Jupyter Notebooks the right way
2.19 stars per week over 158 weeks
348 stars, 39 forks, 15 watches
jupyter category, created 2020-02-26, last commit 2022-11-29, main language Python
jupyter-notebook, nteract, pytest, testbook, unit-testing

aws-adfs by venth

aws-adfs: Command line tool to ease aws cli authentication against ADFS (multi factor authentication with active directory)
0.81 stars per week over 350 weeks
282 stars, 91 forks, 11 watches
util category, created 2016-06-25, last commit 2022-12-14, main language Python
adfs, aws, command-line, duo-security, multi-factor-authentication, tools

pandas_market_calendars by rsheftel

pandas_market_calendars: Exchange calendars to use with pandas for trading applications
1.75 stars per week over 326 weeks
571 stars, 124 forks, 30 watches
finance category, created 2016-12-07, last commit 2023-02-04, main language Python
calendar, date, datetime, exchange, pandas

pynacl by pyca

pynacl: Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
1.81 stars per week over 524 weeks
949 stars, 220 forks, 27 watches
util category, created 2013-02-22, last commit 2023-01-19, main language C
cryptography, libsodium, nacl

cogeo-mosaic by developmentseed

cogeo-mosaic: Create and use COG mosaic based on mosaicJSON
0.39 stars per week over 199 weeks
78 stars, 21 forks, 8 watches
gis category, created 2019-05-14, last commit 2023-03-03, main language Python

pytest-sugar by teemu

pytest-sugar: a plugin for py.test that changes the default look and feel of py.test (e.g. progressbar, show tests that fail instantly)
1.98 stars per week over 506 weeks
1,005 stars, 68 forks, 17 watches
testing category, created 2013-06-25, last commit 2022-12-11, main language Python
pytest, pytest-plugin, pytest-sugar, testing

pebble by noxdafox

pebble: Multi threading and processing eye-candy.
0.83 stars per week over 490 weeks
408 stars, 47 forks, 10 watches
perf category, created 2013-10-16, last commit 2023-03-01, main language Python
asyncio, decorators, multiprocessing, pool, threading

osmnx-examples by gboeing

osmnx-examples: Usage examples, demos, and tutorials for OSMnx.
4.18 stars per week over 294 weeks
1,231 stars, 453 forks, 54 watches
gis category, created 2017-07-22, last commit 2023-01-01, main language Jupyter Notebook
accessibility, binder, cities, city, jupyter-notebook, network-analysis, notebooks, openstreetmap, public-transport, street-networks, transit, transport, transportation, urban-analytics, urban-data-science, urban-design, urban-planning
