In this repository, one can find the code for my master's thesis project. The main goal of the project was to study and improve attention mechanisms for trajectory prediction of moving agents.
- AIwuya
- BasharAG
- chenghuang66Xi'an Jiaotong University
- cschoellerArgo AI
- cxc1219
- cywputao
- d-zhBeijing
- DenooVaTehran, IRAN
- h0ngxuanliDuke University
- han1222KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology )
- JiangxinkeTao
- Jingjing-C
- juseraru
- keshuw95University of Wisconsin-Madison
- kharitonov-ivanAutonomous Driving
- ksachdeva
- lamebanana
- laurelyi2020
- luckysouthchouConcordia University
- momo1986
- phmalekUnited Kingdom
- qianxun421
- RahatrezaaaIIT Guwahati
- sizhongyibanhts
- Slm-99
- StephenMaaa
- TheoMoins
- tommy1900
- xaviergobyACTRegTech
- xguangjun505
- xieshuaix
- xurui940902
- yangfu-hit
- Yozh2MIPT
- ziyuey