
slamer2024 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for sharing the code. I encountered an error after running the launch file a few seconds.

@slamer2024 Hi. Can you turn on GDB debugging and show me the output of it?
You can set it by changing this line - https://github.com/engcang/FAST-LIO-SAM-QN/blob/master/fast_lio_sam_qn/launch/run.launch#L12 into

<node pkg="fast_lio_sam_qn" type="fast_lio_sam_qn_node" name="fast_lio_sam_qn_node" output="screen" launch-prefix="gdb -ex run --args"/> 

After the code crashes, type "bt" on the terminal, then you will get the debugging logs.

Thanks for replying. I followed your instruction. here is the result after type "bt" on the terminal.

Hi. Thanks for the sharing the results of debugging. It looks weird, unfortunately. There is no any backtrace of it...

What are your versions of dependencies?
Eigen, GTSAM, Teaser++ and TBB

Especially, how did you install GTSAM? did you follow the instruction as I wrote here? - https://github.com/engcang/FAST-LIO-SAM-QN?tab=readme-ov-file#dependencies