- 790675356
- abjutusTaiwan
- asan-emirsaleh
- cmungallLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- deelaks
- dleehrIBM
- genostack
- GlebZFC
- halsten
- hitzStanford University @ENCODE-DCC
- isanwong
- JonReppDirectOneDesignDirectOneDesign
- justaddcoffeeLawrence Berkeley National Lab
- karolisrChicago, IL
- kimrutherfordUni of Cambridge / @PomBase
- lpalbou
- mdolanme
- nicetone9
- nk23xBerlin
- patrickdloganPortland, Oregon, USA
- sCrewLoUinceptioncollection
- SonjaAitsLund University
- suzialeksander
- tinchogbLa Plata, Buenos Aires - Argentina.
- ValWoodPomBase
- waldennConzept - a 21st century encyclopedia attempt
- wellington1993Hotsoft Informática @hotsoft-desenv2
- wook2014
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha