
SublimeText (highlighting) plugin for working with Xilinx Vivado files (tcl, xdc, etc)

MIT LicenseMIT

SublimeText Vivado plugin

SublimeText (highlighting) plugin for working with Xilinx Vivado files (tcl, xdc, etc)


The installation part, there’s a less hacky way:

  1. Open up the command palette (ctrl+shift+p), and find Package Control: Add Repository.
  2. Then enter the URL of this repo: https://github.com/iDoka/vivado.sublime-package in the input field.
  3. Open up the command palette again and find Package Control: Install Package, and just search for sublimetext-vivado. (just a normal install)


  • Basic
  • Supports XDC keywords and highlighting (SDC extension subset)
  • Supports TCL keywords and highlighting (Vivado extensions for cmds)