- 1
cython is required at build time but not install time
#138 opened by tillea - 2
- 0
Test python 3.10 compatibility
#133 opened by jdidion - 0
Move CI to github actions
#134 opened by jdidion - 1
Install Error
#132 opened by JChristopherEllis - 0
defaults not listed in cli docs
#130 opened by nick-youngblut - 1
detect: --max-reads default
#129 opened by nick-youngblut - 5
- 2
error while running the detect command
#127 opened by manasakaringula - 3
- 1
Bioconda atropos package tied to python 3.6
#123 opened by gabeng - 2
- 1
Cutadapt version
#121 opened by Citteny - 3
N-prefixes / wildcards before an adapter sequence leads to shortening *all* reads at the 3'-end ?
#110 opened by plijnzaad - 2
multiqc support?
#118 opened by plijnzaad - 0
Implement non-internal adapters
#119 opened by jdidion - 2
- 1
atropos crashes all the time
#91 opened by antonkulaga - 1
- 1
Bundle adapters file with atropos wheel
#116 opened by jdidion - 1
- 1
sequencing_adapters.fa : 404 not found
#111 opened by plijnzaad - 1
- 2
- 1
--output-sam sets all SAM flags to 0
#104 opened by plijnzaad - 2
--output-format sam discards all SAM tags !?
#103 opened by plijnzaad - 1
- 4
--output-format sam inserts extra header lines every batch-size output lines ?!
#101 opened by plijnzaad - 2
Trimmed fastq ordering is not deterministic
#106 opened by annamerk - 5
atropos qc multithreads not working ?
#100 opened by aathbt - 3
atropos qc not handling single-end reads ?
#97 opened by aathbt - 10
Add support for output to BAM
#95 opened by plijnzaad - 0
- 6
- 0
Update sequencing_adapters.fa
#92 opened by amizeranschi - 1
Dockerfile is missing pip `wheel` package
#89 opened by nkrumm - 1
Dockerfile for atropos-paper fails to build due to required apt-get upgrade interactivity
#90 opened by nkrumm - 1
Push latest version to DockerHub
#93 opened by jdidion - 10
Error when using BAM file as input
#86 opened by llvisser - 7
- 1
- 1
Replace pysam with bamnostic
#83 opened by jdidion - 2
gzip error code -9, different than issue #62?
#78 opened by pkMyt1 - 1
atropos detect output
#85 opened by nservant - 2
- 2
- 2
Atropos does not output read 2 fastq provided by `-p` argument in paired end mode
#81 opened by jessrosenfield - 2
IndexError: list index out of range
#80 opened by aistBMRG - 3
trim nextera adapters
#77 opened by lmanchon - 1