- 2
Jetson Orin NX
#77 opened by RIchardLee11 - 25
#71 opened by 007fox-bit - 2
Reproduce Training GCNv2
#72 opened by Crazylov3 - 1
#74 opened by ReLesEason - 0
#78 opened by mono0826 - 9
GCN-SLAM runing only use RGB?
#39 opened by jinzhenmu - 0
building error
#76 opened by AyonRRahman - 0
- 4
[libprotobuf FATAL /home/zhoulw/pytorch/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] CHECK failed: file != nullptr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'google::protobuf::FatalException
#63 opened by angiend - 1
- 1
Is GCNv2 fast on low-power embedded systems?
#66 opened by hanb257 - 1
- 1
#73 opened by ReLesEason - 2
some mistake with cmake libtorch
#65 opened by szgy66 - 1
GCN training code
#46 opened by hzfGuardian - 2
- 3
- 9
Problems with model.
#35 opened by Norfo - 2
Can gcnv2 extract feature points on pictures with resolution greater than 640 * 480?
#43 opened by lhanjie - 0
ROS Wrapper for GCNv2_SLAM
#70 opened by CruxDevStuff - 0
Docker container for GCNv2_SLAM
#69 opened by varungiridhar - 0
problem about uninstalling pytorch
#68 opened by flyover-26 - 1
DNN descriptor with DBoW
#64 opened by carlin314 - 1
Using the GCN features independantly
#30 opened by antithing - 1
- 1
building error possibly due to Cuda version
#62 opened by Gpetrak - 0
Cannot load the pt file
#61 opened by antithing - 0
How to run on Gpu
#59 opened by shuiliuliushui - 0
Any operation after heatmap?
#58 opened by luameows - 1
- 0
How to generate pt file?
#56 opened by liubamboo - 2
create_voc error
#41 opened by cumtchenchang - 0
OpenCV Error
#55 opened by liubamboo - 0
libtorch question
#54 opened by liubamboo - 0
Can GCNv2_SLAM can run on TUM entire sequence?
#53 opened by liubamboo - 0
compute descriptor at specified keypoints
#52 opened by TBetterman - 0
- 19
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'torch::jit::script::ErrorReport'
#44 opened by 1171257311 - 8
how to get association file?
#28 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
Build Fail
#45 opened by arBalasquide - 0
- 10
linking errors
#38 opened by 1171257311 - 0
the features are too few
#40 opened - 0
build error
#37 opened by shylockyuan - 1
When will you release the training code?
#32 opened by walkeryu123 - 0
some differences between model and network
#36 opened by ilovekj - 0
Use Monocular
#34 opened by ChangeXuan - 0
PYtorch GPU version or CPU version?
#33 opened by ITking666 - 0
Some operational problems
#31 opened by WuJianXun - 0
Is the matching the same as original orbslam2?
#29 opened by antithing