- 0
Ordering of TSV metadata elements should follow spec
#551 opened by matentzn - 0
- 0
Typo: therfore
#549 opened by joeflack4 - 4
Warnings verbosity
#500 opened by joeflack4 - 1
Make `filter_redundant_rows` resistant to the case that there is an empty `confidence` column
#546 opened by matentzn - 0
Numpy 2.0 compatibility
#543 opened by bgyori - 6
- 11
- 3
- 2
#534 opened by joeflack4 - 5
- 6
`poetry run sssom` fails: `sssom is not a package.`
#528 opened by joeflack4 - 4
`poetry install` `arm64` architecture err
#524 opened by joeflack4 - 0
Grouping issue: FHIR
#523 opened by joeflack4 - 0
Error with curie parsing in `sssom parse`
#519 opened by ehartley - 4
UX: Extra entries in `curie_map` of written TSV
#514 opened by joeflack4 - 3
- 2
- 2
UX: Second empty line break at bottom of file
#515 opened by joeflack4 - 4
sssom invert chokes on `UnboundLocalError`
#493 opened by matentzn - 1
JSON schema validation is broken
#434 opened by cthoyt - 0
Get rid of warning "Downcasting behavior in `replace` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version."
#491 opened by matentzn - 7
Extended prefix map support
#496 opened by joeflack4 - 4
- 2
Add command to expand xrefs section in GFF3 files
#483 opened by cmungall - 1
- 5
- 4
Make explicit SSSOM-py uses zero-versioning
#476 opened by cthoyt - 2
Ensure prefix maps is a true bimap
#469 opened by matentzn - 5
0.4 Release
#441 opened by cthoyt - 10
- 6
Decouple most methods from from LinkML dataclasses, split sssom into multiple packages
#464 opened by matentzn - 1
- 4
- 1
Handle NaN in predicate modifier
#448 opened by cthoyt - 0
What to do when I have a list of `Mapping` objects?
#439 opened by cthoyt - 2
- 0
get_prefixes_used_in_metadata breaks when using URIs in the *_source columns
#419 opened by jmillanacosta - 4
New method: apply-chain-rules
#365 opened by matentzn - 3
- 7
- 1
Duplicate URI prefixes error during sssom parse
#408 opened by ehartley - 1
Make the API layer more conventional
#376 opened by hrshdhgd - 0
- 0
Fix all the other `^` dependencies to '>='.
#392 opened by matentzn - 0
Remove scipy dependency
#393 opened by matentzn - 0
- 3
Adapters for OAEI / LogMap format
#377 opened by cmungall - 2
Installation document lacks pip install
#373 opened by shawntanzk - 1
Make pandas dependency an add-on
#370 opened by cmungall