- 7
Request for Guidance on Using Minimap2 for All-vs-All Read Alignment in Dorado Correct
#1058 opened by sebeier - 1
Question re. basecalling correction
#1056 opened by li-xuyang28 - 0
demuxing with custom dual barcoding
#1092 opened by nr0cinu - 11
dorado 0.8.1 crashes when calling modificaitons
#1070 opened by Kirk3gaard - 2
Dorado Correct Run Using Reads from R9 Flow Cell
#1085 opened by PhDWannaB1030 - 3
I am encountering an ANE evaluation error when running Dorado on macOS.
#1087 opened by GanchimegNamuunbayar - 1
Job Getting Killed After Creating Basecall Pipeline
#1091 opened by pinkfairy57 - 1
How does dorado handle 3D data
#1089 opened by happier21 - 0
Poly(A) Sequence and Subsequent Analysis
#1090 opened by x1han - 3
- 1
Dorado RNA Model training data characteristics
#1078 opened by williamphu - 2
dorado correct outputting empty fasta file
#1088 opened by afaqb2w - 3
Movetable Output for Read that Maps to Reverse Strand
#1083 opened by j-o-song - 2
finalise() not called on a HtsFile. AND CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED during Dorado basecalling
#1086 opened by ebautistas - 6
- 1
--max-reads on dorado duplex
#1084 opened by lucacozzuto - 1
Question about dorado correct
#1079 opened by tbenavi1 - 10
- 4
Unable To Use Automatic Model Selection
#1076 opened by pinkfairy57 - 2
Replacement for the removed -Y option in dorado v0.8.1
#1082 opened by RxLoutre - 3
Demultiplex custom barcode
#1051 opened by Seongmin-Jang-1165 - 2
Dorado Correct Not Finishing
#1081 opened by jp-jong - 2
Epigenetic Analysis Pipeline Issue: "Failed to Get Modbase Info AUX Data Not Found
#1080 opened by priyanagpal25 - 2
- 8
Question Regarding mask1_front and Barcode Demultiplexing in Direct RNA Seq"
#1060 opened by Seongmin-Jang-1165 - 0
Dorado Demux Process Stuck After ~7000 Reads and Incorrect Summary File for --emit-fastq Option
#1075 opened by npanwar25 - 5
Dorado and IBM Power 9 AC922
#1065 opened by HeLi-80 - 1
Dorado customer barcode demultiplex
#1073 opened by GingingYJ - 8
Threshold for methylation detection
#1072 opened by Taylorain - 2
- 5
Recommended chunk and batch sizes for R9 basecalling
#1063 opened by diego-rt - 3
HERRO correction error with dorado 0.8.0 output (qlen from before and after don't match)
#1044 opened by lizakulaeva - 6
[] std::bad_alloc and methylation model
#1068 opened by Taylorain - 5
Too few arguments for '--mm2-opts'
#1048 opened by kir1to455 - 3
Failed to get modification model
#1046 opened by KunFang93 - 1
Cannot find modification model
#1054 opened by KunFang93 - 2
How to disable split reads while using dorado or alternatively split reads within the pod5 files
#1055 opened by davidss101 - 1
Demux pod5s into pod5s
#1066 opened by jorisbalc - 5
Dorado0.8.0 lost lots of reads after rebasecalling
#1047 opened by SimonChen1997 - 2
Dorado v0.8.0 declares empty sequence on basecall where v0.7.2 works fine
#1064 opened by decibel-tom - 4
5mC_5hmC and 5mCG_5hmCG basecallers swapped
#1059 opened by samim21 - 5
- 2
Demux removes alignment positions
#1062 opened by mmb78 - 1
command works on 0.7.0 but error in 0.8.0
#1061 opened by abcdtree - 2
Basecalling on non-NVIDIA GPUs -
#1050 opened by markcharder - 2
is modified base calling from basecalled .fastq possible?
#1057 opened by sahuno - 3
Slow basecaller
#1045 opened by anilchauhanhp9 - 3
Use of Methylation Models and Subsequent Analysis
#1049 opened by Taylorain - 1
Trim intervall termination
#1052 opened by SynBioExplorer - 1