[ECCV 2022] Map-free Visual Relocalization: Metric Pose Relative to a Single Image
- 1
Difference with a SLAM system?
#16 opened by sithu31296 - 2
About correspondences provided
#11 opened by lnexenl - 2
What is the camera convention? What does the camera coordinate system look like?
#10 opened by scy639 - 1
Submission results
#9 opened by Gotta-C - 1
how to use the pipeline on own dataset
#8 opened by Gotta-C - 3
Website Submission Results not Processing
#7 opened by crockwell - 4
- 7
Release reduced testset?
#4 opened by Parskatt - 1
Why are intrinsics not shared in sequence?
#5 opened by Parskatt - 1
Submission server 404
#3 opened by Parskatt - 3
Reproduce the results on 7scenes dataset
#2 opened by MisEty - 4
Validation leaderboard/results
#1 opened by jspenmar