This package performs outdoor GPS waypoint navigation using move_base, robot_localization, gmapping and others. It can navigate while building a map, avoiding obstacles, and can navigate continuously between each goal.
- 1
Transform from base_link to map was unavailable for the time requested. Using latest instead.
#38 opened by NguyenxTran - 1
[ WARN] [1532896174.377645173, 1933.100000000]: Transform from base_link to map was unavailable for the time requested. Using latest instead.
#7 opened by andrestoga - 2
Launch file couldn't be executed
#31 opened by hsaleem1 - 4
how to run the project?
#35 opened by QipiaoZhou - 1
launch file is not working
#24 opened by hsaleem1 - 1
- 6
CMake Error for noetic
#14 opened by zhughesjd - 0
cmake error
#36 opened by YXGuan - 4
undefined reference to `GeographicLib::UTMUPS::Forward(double, double, int&, bool&, double&, double&, double&, double&, int, bool)
#27 opened by sumedhreddy90 - 1
[Spawn_husky_model - 8] Process has died
#12 opened by ArghyaChatterjee - 1
Why does the value of magnetic-declination radiance change by every running of calibrate_heading.cpp file?!!!
#34 opened by Masoumehrahimi - 1
- 0
measuring it or calculating yaw-offset
#33 opened by Masoumehrahimi - 0
- 1
gps-waypoint plot and mapviz issues
#22 opened by Masoumehrahimi - 0
Projekt Waypoint Navigation
#30 opened by Rafanadal2021 - 0
- 0
Integration with real robot
#28 opened by tahir50169 - 0
heading calibration
#26 opened by Masoumehrahimi - 0
- 0
- 0
problem in Heading calibration
#20 opened by Masoumehrahimi - 2
GeographicLib issue
#19 opened by melst33 - 0
- 1
Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors. Husky was unable to reach its goal. GPS Waypoint unreachable.
#11 opened by amjack0 - 1
A little description of the controllers
#16 opened by tahir1069 - 1
Broken tutorial link
#13 opened by tuialexandre - 1
GPS Simulation in Gazebo
#15 opened by melst33 - 6
Cannot Move the Robot in Simulation
#10 opened by boschpradhanshrijal - 1
- 0
- 0
degrees vs radians
#8 opened by zhughesjd - 1
CPU load is very high
#3 opened by AndyZe - 1
The urdf doesn't load
#1 opened by AndyZe - 1
ros_control namespace was causing issues
#2 opened by AndyZe