- 2
mbedTLS on SERV
#133 opened by m42uko - 0
Interrupts not properly masked in Zephyr
#113 opened by olofk - 1
`wfi` instruction unsupported / broken
#131 opened by m42uko - 0
testbench uses unix constructs
#130 opened by Kreijstal - 0
serv irq problem
#125 opened by guillemmmm - 2
Code coverage report
#124 opened by bekbeis - 0
Simulation of the core itself?
#120 opened by YiminGao0113 - 1
SERV cannot run in fusesoc
#115 opened by YiminGao0113 - 0
Debugging SERV
#119 opened by YiminGao0113 - 2
Python package clash
#118 opened by shareefj - 2
- 13
Zephyr: k_msleep() doesn't work
#112 opened by m42uko - 3
Lint error "Unnamed generate block"
#110 opened by monstrous-moonshine - 6
Just a question building Zephyr demos.
#102 opened by hvegh - 1
- 1
problem w/ building reference ?
#101 opened by BradWalker - 1
- 1
- 5
SERV to design a Many-Core ASAP7 ASIC
#96 opened by manili - 4
RV32E configuration
#64 opened by troibe - 0
Accessing memory after simulation
#94 opened by AshvinVaidyanathan - 3
Unable to run Compliance Tests
#93 opened by AshvinVaidyanathan - 1
Failing Compliance tests
#92 opened by Abdulwadoodd - 2
Dockerfile for SERV environment
#87 opened by sbates130272 - 1
Unitialized signals on Modelsim
#65 opened by hakan-demirli - 3
Missing Zero Hardwire of register "x0"
#41 opened - 2
Using wb_intercon for servant
#26 opened by tcmichals - 5
Example code for "8 RISC-V cores and a USB core"?
#21 opened by nalzok - 1
- 5
- 1
fusesoc library add does not detect duplicates
#85 opened by gojimmypi - 1
- 6
- 4
Broken video links
#76 opened by modrobert - 4
Possible incorrect `ret` behaviour using default `serv_rf_top` instantiation
#73 opened by rschlaikjer - 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
Linux compatibility
#66 opened by JOHNTBIJU - 5
Declare variables/nets before referenced
#62 opened by hakan-demirli - 1
No rule to make !!!
#51 opened by KinzaQamar - 2
Verilator Lint Fail - UNUSED
#50 opened by soumilheble - 1
Compressed instruction support for SERV
#47 opened by elisauhura - 3
- 1
Porting Servant to Terasic's DECA Max 10 board
#45 opened by somhi - 4
- 4
RISCV Compliance fails
#30 opened by ion-concepts - 3
- 10
Zephyr hello world in Alhambra board
#22 opened by imuguruza - 3