
Mimic Joint velocity command interface is not getting two consecutive commands

BarisYazici opened this issue · 2 comments

I can't send two consecutive velocity commands to the mimic joint gripper. I prepared a minimal reproducible version of the demo code difference

After I start the mimic gripper example with this command:
ros2 launch ign_ros2_control_demos

I send positive velocity which closes the gripper with the following command.
ros2 topic pub /gripper_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data: [1.0]"

When I send negative velocity there is no change in the gripper position.
ros2 topic pub /gripper_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data: [-1.0]"

I was able to reproduce your issue with humble+gazebo fortress, I was even able to reproduce it with position interface and set data: [1.0]. It seems that it gets stuck in the end stop (1.0 is beyond the limit).

btw: This does not happen on rolling+harmonic.

See #165, where this was already reported.