- 3
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when running perturbation_space
#669 opened by ernesto-iacucci - 3
possible to compute distances on a subset of genes?
#640 opened by aterceros - 7
Reproducibility of mixscape
#671 opened by jesswhitts - 11
MIXSCAPE - ms.plot_barplot(mdata["rna"], guide_rna_column="NT") shows no graph output with papalexi_2021 provided data
#659 opened by VittoriaDBocchi - 7
Import Error: cannot import name 'AlignedViewMixin' from 'anndata._core.aligned_mapping'
#650 opened by LJZYaaa - 3
- 3
Version mismatch
#678 opened by HelloWorldLTY - 1
- 2
- 7
CompositionalModel2's plot_effects_barplot() shows the wrong covariate in the title in certain situations.
#674 opened by reemagit - 1
Implement other CRISPR guide assignment methods
#657 opened by stefanpeidli - 0
target col naming
#673 opened by Zethson - 3
AttributeError: jax.core.Shape is deprecated. Use Shape = Sequence[int | Any].
#663 opened by muntajihad - 1
Dialogue feature space
#668 opened by Nusob888 - 12
- 1
Feature pertpy use-cases in our tutorial
#642 opened by Zethson - 0
Improve UX for metadata module
#664 opened by Lilly-May - 3
Python 3.12 support
#643 opened by Zethson - 2
Problem with R packages
#662 opened by VladimirShitov - 1
- 3
Pertpy Plot Coda Module Gone?
#656 opened by alexjimenez99 - 2
- 1
More/better guide assignment methods
#628 opened by Zethson - 9
Bootstrap not running
#641 opened by aterceros - 0
Remove anndata pin after pydeseq2 bug fix
#652 opened by Zethson - 3
Import fail due to missing optional dependencies
#645 opened by andr-kun - 10
scCODA convergence issue for continous covairables
#597 opened by Marwansha - 0
- 11
- 3
- 0
- 2
NaNs or infs in array
#633 opened by ShreyParikh07 - 5
Unable to import pertpy due to SymPy error
#593 opened by dmj6288 - 7
Can't import pertpy owing to NameError!!!
#595 opened by kakkboy - 2
Unable to import package.
#632 opened by thomasgaudelet - 6
import error pertpy 0.6.0
#631 opened by m21camby - 1
test_drug_dgidb - KeyError: 'drug_claim_name'
#624 opened by Zethson - 0
Update docs with new comparison metrics
#630 opened by wxicu - 0
- 1
FindConservedMarkers implementaion
#629 opened by SNOL2 - 1
Improve DE tutorial
#615 opened by grst - 0
Add Hagai dataset loader
#626 opened by Zethson - 1
Fixing incorrect y-axis in volcano plot
#621 opened by pakiessling - 2
OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer with ms.perturbation_signature Method in Mixscape
#605 opened by Zethson - 1
- 0
Add linear mixed effects model to DE interface
#614 opened by grst - 0
Parallelize DE methods that support it
#613 opened by grst - 0
Add diagnostic output for `model.cond`
#612 opened by grst - 0
HTML widget for DE Model classes
#611 opened by grst - 4