
Request for additional performance metrics

jxmmy7777 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello @stepankonev ,
Thank you for sharing your code on Github. I have been reviewing the technical report and have noticed that only the mAP on the test results is reported. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to share other performance metrics such as minADE, minFDE, etc. Additionally, I was wondering if the performance of the model seems to be consistent with the validation set/test set.

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Hello @jxmmy7777 ,
Thank you for your attention to the repository. Test results can be found at the official competition website under MPA name and currently are the following:

Object Type Measurement Time (s) Soft mAP mAP Min ADE Min FDE Miss Rate Overlap Rate
Vehicle 3 0.5656 0.5497 0.2914 0.5332 0.0931 0.0226
Vehicle 5 0.4469 0.4408 0.6099 1.2239 0.1429 0.0491
Vehicle 8 0.3276 0.3242 1.2022 2.7640 0.2256 0.1064
Vehicle Avg 0.4467 0.4382 0.7012 1.5070 0.1539 0.0594
Pedestrian 3 0.4704 0.4606 0.1697 0.3122 0.0716 0.2405
Pedestrian 5 0.3708 0.3646 0.3246 0.6584 0.1040 0.2641
Pedestrian 8 0.3081 0.3023 0.5771 1.2843 0.1359 0.2948
Pedestrian Avg 0.3831 0.3758 0.3572 0.7516 0.1038 0.2665
Cyclist 3 0.4265 0.4216 0.3370 0.6292 0.1919 0.0460
Cyclist 5 0.3629 0.3596 0.6459 1.2922 0.2135 0.0880
Cyclist 8 0.2585 0.2563 1.1636 2.5588 0.2640 0.1401
Cyclist Avg 0.3493 0.3458 0.7155 1.4934 0.2231 0.0914
Avg 3 0.4875 0.4773 0.2660 0.4915 0.1189 0.1030
Avg 5 0.3935 0.3883 0.5268 1.0582 0.1534 0.1338
Avg 8 0.2981 0.2943 0.9810 2.2024 0.2085 0.1804
Avg Avg 0.3930 0.3866 0.5913 1.2507 0.1603 0.1391

No significant divergence between test and val metrics was observed if using same dataset version