"save_area_map" feature not working with Positional Tracking Mode GEN 2 :sob:
boardd opened this issue · 4 comments
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When trying to save the area map using GEN_2 Positional tracking mode using the python SDK, the "print(repr(zed.get_area_export_state()))" prints SUCCESS, but the area file is not actually saved in the directory specified. When I use GEN_1 positional tracking mode, the area map is saved properly in the specified directory. Note: I am playing back a recorded SVO file when doing the positional tracking.
Steps to Reproduce
- Start Playback of SVO File
- Start Positional Tracking
- Save Area Map
Expected Result
Area Map is saved in the specified directory
Actual Result
Area Map is not saved despite SUCCESS printed from print(repr(zed.get_area_export_state()))
ZED Camera model
ZED Mini
Zed SDK 4.2 (using the python SDK)
Python Version = Python 3.10.12
Ubuntu 22.04
Anything else?
Thank you in advance for helping!
def process_svo(file_path):
# Create a ZED camera object
zed = sl.Camera()
# Initialize the parameters for opening the SVO file
init_params = sl.InitParameters()
init_params.svo_real_time_mode = False # Disable real-time mode for better processing
init_params.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER
init_params.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Z_UP # Set a coordinate system for tracking
init_params.depth_mode = sl.DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA
# Open the SVO file
status = zed.open(init_params)
if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
print(f"Failed to open SVO file: {status}")
# Enable positional tracking
tracking_params = sl.PositionalTrackingParameters()
tracking_params.set_gravity_as_origin = False
tracking_params.enable_area_memory = True
tracking_params.enable_pose_smoothing = False
tracking_params.enable_imu_fusion = True
tracking_params.mode = sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_MODE.GEN_2
# tracking_params.area_file_path = "test.area"
status = zed.enable_positional_tracking(tracking_params)
if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
print(f"Failed to enable positional tracking: {status}")
tracked_pose = []
trans_pose = []
camera_info = zed.get_camera_information()
viewer = gl.GLViewer()
# Loop through frames in the SVO file
while viewer.is_available():
zed_pose = sl.Pose()
if zed.grab() == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
# Get the pose of the camera relative to the world frame
state = zed.get_position(zed_pose, sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD)
tracking_status = zed.get_positional_tracking_status()
translation_left_to_center = zed.get_camera_information().camera_configuration.calibration_parameters.get_camera_baseline() / 2
# Retrieve and transform the pose data into a new frame located at the center of the camera
transformation = [translation_left_to_center, -0.085, -0.11, np.pi, 0, 0]
transformed_pose = transform_pose(zed_pose.pose_data(sl.Transform()), transformation)
# Display translation and timestamp
py_translation = sl.Translation()
tx = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[0]
ty = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[1]
tz = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[2]
trans_tx = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[0]
trans_ty = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[1]
trans_tz = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[2]
# print("Translation: tx: {0}, ty: {1}, tz: {2}, timestamp: {3}\n".format(tx, ty, tz, zed_pose.timestamp))
#Display orientation quaternion
py_orientation = sl.Orientation()
ox = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[0]
oy = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[1]
oz = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[2]
ow = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[3]
trans_ox = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[0]
trans_oy = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[1]
trans_oz = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[2]
trans_ow = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[3]
# print("Orientation: ox: {0}, oy: {1}, oz: {2}, ow: {3}\n".format(ox, oy, oz, ow))
timestamp = zed_pose.timestamp.get_nanoseconds()
rotation = zed_pose.get_rotation_vector()
translation = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation)
text_rotation = str((round(rotation[0], 2), round(rotation[1], 2), round(rotation[2], 2)))
text_translation = str((round(translation.get()[0], 2), round(translation.get()[1], 2), round(translation.get()[2], 2)))
tracked_pose.append([timestamp, tx, ty, tz, ox, oy, oz, ow])
trans_pose.append([timestamp, trans_tx, trans_ty, trans_tz, trans_ox, trans_oy, trans_oz, trans_ow])
viewer.updateData(zed_pose.pose_data(sl.Transform()), text_translation, text_rotation, tracking_status)
print("Tracking Failed")
tracked_pose = np.array(tracked_pose)
trans_pose = np.array(trans_pose)
code = zed.save_area_map('test.area')
if code == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
print("Area map saved")
# Close the camera and release resources
return tracked_pose, trans_pose
Hi, thank you for your report. This issue has been identified, and we’re working on a fix. It will be included in an upcoming version of the ZED SDK (though not necessarily the very next release).