- angshine
- bdseal
- bfortunerAmbience Healthcare
- BobbleLawHKUST RI, SUSTech, MM
- bygreencnChina
- celesius
- chinakook
- daiszh
- Daiver
- Dene33
- DeriZSYImage Derivative Inc.
- dtiarksCambrion
- Eagleflag88
- eborboihucNTHU VSLab
- EchoAmor
- fly51flyPRIS
- GuptajakalaImperial College London
- Hub-Tian
- hyaihjq
- IamWangYunKaiZhejiang University
- inocsinNVIDIA Corporation
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- kemficsf
- kumujiRWTH Aachen University
- lidongyvNIO Autonomous Algorithm
- madebyollinRedmond, WA
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- mzahran001@udacity
- patrickpoirson
- phongphuhanam
- splinter21
- TotalVariationAIRC, Ulster University
- yang3kui
- YaoLing13
- ymingxieNortheastern University
- zxlzrearth