- 6
- 4
- 2
Navigation not working correctly on already mapped file [Humble - Tb4 Standard]
#505 opened by HevCuesta - 1
Not able to connect the Controller with TB4
#510 opened by UdayWaveMark - 6
- 2
altering settings for rplidar
#508 opened by mdxtinkernick - 2
- 4
Not seeing ros2 topics on pc
#493 opened by rohanchandra-cpe - 6
Can't drive TurtleBot4
#490 opened by kylechen357 - 4
LiDAR data can not be seen from User PC
#486 opened by myamo1 - 8
Lidar hardware issues
#476 opened by alexswerner - 0
/odom can't echo from PC
#509 opened by pvg6 - 1
Create3 misconfiured? no movement
#503 opened by jsantore - 4
- 3
- 3
Get Depth Image and topics
#484 opened by AncientGrey - 0
[Notice] Nav2 Migrated to TwistStamped to replace Twist for cmd_vel Topics
#504 opened by SteveMacenski - 4
RTPS error when using SLAM with discovery server and Nav2 timeout errors
#479 opened by FishDentistry - 11
Can't teleoperate TB4 with remote PC
#494 opened by ValentinLeglise - 11
Nav2 does not work on Jazzy
#501 opened by aharshac - 13
Drive unit malfunctioning
#477 opened by alexswerner - 3
- 3
Network Issue
#499 opened by Tauhid-Tanjim13 - 1
- 16
Navigation stack having problem starting up (Smoother server and localization server sometimes giving trouble when trying to launch navigation)
#466 opened by xylhal - 0
- 4
ROS2 Jazzy Bluetooth doesn't work
#496 opened by UdayWaveMark - 5
Ask for WiFi connection
#480 opened by Lynn-hh - 0
Enabling depth/stereo topics
#495 opened by swapchal - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
I can't set up the robot initial location in rviz, when I launch
#465 opened by orangelee89 - 2
COMM are constantly Off
#478 opened by CurtinRobotAI - 8
- 2
- 5
- 2
/cmd_vel no subscribers
#481 opened by dmorris0 - 2
starting TF4, the Wi-Fi is not available.
#464 opened by taara67 - 2
Unable to do navigation - Timesync, create3 CPU
#463 opened by swapchal - 6
Impossible to control TB4 with my PC
#458 opened by ValentinLeglise - 6
- 2
Create3 republisher node not running
#468 opened by mbergman257 - 2
[Generate a map] tutorial error - no map
#457 opened by twintwin0243 - 6
Create3 ros2 issues after attempting update
#462 opened by mbergman257 - 3
User PC ros2topic list issues - discovery mode
#460 opened by swapchal - 3
rviz launch doesnt work
#455 opened by taara67 - 1
Cannot Publish nor Subscribe to topics on the Create3 from the RPI4 or the desktop
#461 opened by ParadoxRobotics - 1
Create3 issues
#459 opened by swapchal - 2
Rviz2 Generating a Map Issue
#456 opened by tharukakk1