[ECCV2020 Oral] Learning Lane Graph Representations for Motion Forecasting
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Cannot download the pretrained model
#33 opened by JunyongYun-SPA - 0
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I used the pretrained model you provided, but the accuracy is much worse than that in Table 1
#40 opened by huanmanlou - 4
Can you tell me the reason for randomness?
#30 opened by noparkee - 2
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How can I get the results about test dataset
#28 opened by noparkee - 2
#37 opened by Alreall - 0
Learning Rate Drop
#22 opened by ziqipang - 2
IndexError: list index out of range
#39 opened by tiansiyuan - 1
Getting data Forbidden
#38 opened by tiansiyuan - 2
RuntimeError: Internal error. Requested ReadyEvent with GPU device but not compiled with CUDA.
#20 opened by hzzzzjzyq - 5
how to visualization
#5 opened by mumian0822 - 1
How were graph["left_pairs"] and graph["left_pairs"] defined in the lane graph? Is there a bug of these keys?
#18 opened by LaLaLailalai - 0
left and right in the lane graph
#35 opened by mpourkeshavarz - 0
"left" and "right" not in gragh
#34 opened by hello-big-world - 3
- 0
Prediction error
#32 opened by WhoAmI-kai - 1
Does it really generate graph['node_idcs']?
#25 opened by HMTJYQS - 0
get someting wrong in training
#31 opened by MichaelH717 - 5
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run preprocess_data.py raise EOFError
#19 opened by hzzzzjzyq - 0
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- 0
Meet error when installing mpi4py
#23 opened by reeddotaer - 1
Pretrain Model
#21 opened by ziqipang - 3
dilated_nbrs bug
#14 opened by strongdeer - 1
preprocess pickle data download fail
#16 opened by MeiHuanshan - 1
Cannot download the data
#15 opened by Ha0Tang - 3
inference time
#12 opened by weidezhang - 1
Preprocessed data download link
#6 opened by Kay1794 - 11
Evaluation results mismatch raw source file
#4 opened by zhaone - 6
Training details
#3 opened by os1a - 0
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multi agent trajectory prediction?
#9 opened by pjw1 - 0
Hello, I'm very interested in your research. Now I want to put my own trajectory coordinate point data and map Lane coordinate data into the model for prediction. What style should I process my data into?
#11 opened by Anunnaki-Panda - 2
Preprocessed data is very slow
#7 opened by walterchenchn - 2
Memory issue for multi-gpu training
#2 opened by os1a