- anhquancaoInria
- bdxuyidong
- BJHYZJBeihang University
- c7wTsinghua University
- colum2131
- EricLee0224AIR, Tsinghua Univ. @AIR-DISCOVER
- Forrest-110
- Fromandto
- GasaiYUInstitue of Computer Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS)
- getterupper清华大学
- haiphamcseVinAI Research
- huixianchengInnovusion Inc.
- IfanYF
- JieqianyuZhejiang University
- jmwang0117
- Joeless
- LeoZhihengNortheastern University (NEU)
- liangyongshi
- LiuJingCheng6
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- MillX2021
- OYgreat-river
- qhtxj
- RayTang88
- rujiawang329
- SiruiXieBeijing
- tan-t2001Tsinghua University SIGS
- tiancan8486
- ucaszyp
- weiaiF
- wolf943134497
- zhang-zk21t
- zhongcl-thuTsinghua University
- zhouxiqin2017
- zhyzhyzhy123
- ZZongzheng0918