- 12
Segmentation fault - code 11?
#16 opened by sagrudd - 1
- 1
bam output compatible with pacbio arrow ?
#15 opened by gdczoller - 6
- 5
lordfast installation issue
#12 opened by bbalog87 - 3
junk at end of sequence
#11 opened by mchaisso - 7
segfault w/2500 reads in fastq
#8 opened by calkan - 7
SAM format screwup
#9 opened by calkan - 1
- 2
High memory usage for some reads
#3 opened by haghshenas - 1
Soft clipping when using edlib alignment
#1 opened by haghshenas - 0
- 1
fasta query not supported, or gzip not supported, or reads all input to mem, and crashes
#7 opened by calkan - 0
- 0
Select SEQ_MAX_LENGTH based on data
#2 opened by haghshenas