
Curated list of resources related to the Serverless project

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Awesome Serverless Awesome

A curated list of resources regarding the Serverless framework (formerly JAWS) and the serverless architecture.

Inspired by the awesome list project.

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Table of contents



Blog posts



Amazon AWS resources

Projects / Services

Related projects

  • DataFire - Open Integration Framework.
  • AWS log parser - Make sense of Lambda and API Gateway CloudWatch log files.
  • IronFunctions - The Serverless Microservices Platform.
  • Dromedary Serverless - Project which deploys dromedary in AWS Lambda and also demonstrates the use of CodePipeline.
  • Building Scikit-Learn For AWS Lambda - Using The Amazon Linux Image To Build Lambda Packages.
  • Fission - Serverless functions for Kubernetes.
  • AWS profile manager - GUI tool to manage your AWS profiles.
  • Crop - Cloudformation'd Repeatable Operator Packages.
  • Microcule - Think of it as serverless functions meets Unix Philosophy.
  • Azure Functions Introduction - Sample Code for Azure Functions.
  • Hands-On serverless guide - A hands-on guide for building serverless applications.
  • Serverless Z - Unofficial development repository for the abandoned 0.x versions of Serverless.
  • Dawson - A Serverless framework for Node.js on AWS.
  • Kubeless - Serverless framework for Kubernetes.
  • Funktion - Open source event based Lambda programming for Kubernetes.
  • Localstack - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack.
  • Azure functions pack - Easily package your Node.js Functions for Azure Functions.
  • Azure Functions - Overview repository about Azure Functions.
  • Buildserverless - Serverless build system which runs on Google Cloud Functions.
  • Serverless fax - A serverless fax system built with Webtask.
  • Clay - Create cloud hosted microservices.
  • Endless commerce - Serverless e-commerce platform.
  • Cerberus components - A collection of AWS Serverless components for Cerberus.
  • Face recognition - Perform deep neural network based face detection and recognition in the cloud.
  • NPM doc Serverless - API documentation for the Serverless Framework.
  • Gcdt - Glomex cloud deployment tools to use infrastructure as code (IaC) on AWS.
  • NoDB - Serverless database built atop of S3.
  • BitTorrent tracker - An experimental server-less BitTorrent tracker.
  • Back& - One platform to develop and run complete serverless applications.
  • Concierge - Source code for an IBM Watson-powered serverless chatbot.
  • SlicingDice - Serverless data warehouse and analytics database.
  • Serverless examples - Repository with different serverless example projects.
  • Lambda Framework - Build serverless REST API's with Java.
  • Node dash - Serverless setup using Node.js.
  • FaaSlang - FaaSlang defines FaaS execution semantics and type-safety mechanisms.
  • FDK - The serverless function development kit (FDK).
  • Funcatron - Cloud-provider-neutral mechanism for developing, testing, and deploying auto-scalable functions.
  • Gestalt - High performance, low latency, cross platform Lambda server for Kubernetes, DCOS and other platforms.
  • Open Lambda - Serverless computing project, written in Go and based on Linux containers.
  • Serverless patterns - Repo with a collection of common serverless design patterns.
  • Serverless transceiver - Plugin to support better inter-service communication.
  • Docker Serverless - Minimal image for deploying Serverless Framework projects.
  • Local Lambda debug - Example setup for vscode for debugging AWS Lambda functions locally.
  • Sencha Microservices Framework - Sencha Microservices Framework project.
  • Node Lambda - Command line tool to locally run and deploy your Node.js application to AWS Lambda.


  • Webpack - Plugin to add webpack to Serverless.
  • Scriptable - Make Serverless scriptable without writing a Plugin.
  • Build plugin - Optimizes your Node.js functions before they're deployed.
  • Write env vars - Access environment variables in Lambda functions.
  • Alexa plugin - Support Alexa Lambda events.
  • Multi responses - Allow multiple content types in response templates.
  • Run function - Plugin to run your Serverless functions locally.
  • Stage variables - Add stage variables for Serverless 1.x to ApiGateway, so you can use variables in your Lambda's.
  • DynamoDB local - Allows to run dynamodb locally for Serverless.
  • Stack outputs - Plugin that outputs all stack outputs.
  • Command line event args - Inline event.json for the invoke plugin.
  • WSGI - Helps you to deploy Python WSGI applications (Flask/Django etc.).
  • External SNS events - Let you use an already existent SNS topic as the event source.
  • CloudWatch Sumologic - Plugin which auto-subscribes a log delivery Lambda function to lambda log groups created by Serverless.
  • Browserify - Add browserify to speedup Lambdas.
  • Optimize - Optimize plugin for Serverless.
  • Include dependencies - Explicitly include packages in your node_modules folder.
  • Subscription filter - Register subscription filter for Lambda logs.
  • Snyk plugin - Plugin for securing your dependencies with Snyk.
  • CloudWatch logging subscriptions - Adds CloudWatch log subscriptions for each function in a Serverless service.
  • Crypt - Securing Serverless secrets by AWS KMS encryption.
  • Diff - Compares your local AWS CloudFormation templates against deployed ones.
  • Rollback function - Rollback a single function.
  • CloudFormation Authorizer - Define your own API Gateway Authorizers as the Serverless CloudFormation resources and apply them to HTTP endpoints.
  • Babel - Plugin to compile your JavaScript code with Babel before deployment.
  • External S3 event - Overcomes the CloudFormation limitation on attaching an event to an uncontrolled bucket.
  • Inspect - Get AWS stack info in JSON.
  • IBM OpenWhisk - Adds IBM OpenWhisk support to the Serverless Framework.
  • Google Cloud Functions - Adds Google Cloud Functions support to the Serverless Framework.
  • Azure Functions - Add Azure Functions support to the Serverless Framework.
  • Remove CF Outputs - Remove CloudFormation outputs from the CloudFormation template before deployment.
  • AWS Models - Add models to API Gateway generated for your Serverless functions.
  • SWAG - Adds enterprise support for API Gateway and Lambda.
  • Alexa - Adds Alexa as a possible event source.
  • RAML - Work with RAML documentation for Serverless v1.0 projects.
  • AWS documentation - Add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway.
  • Dotnet - A Serverless plugin to run 'dotnet' commands as part of the deploy process.
  • Python requirements - Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages.
  • Subscription filter - Extend subscription filter events.
  • Step Functions - AWS Step Functions support for Serverless.
  • Python individually - Install multiple lambda functions written in Python.
  • Enable API logs - Enables Coudwatch logging for API Gateway events.
  • Containerless - Plugin for configuring ECS deployment.
  • Swagger - Configure serverless functions from swagger definition.
  • Plugin scripts - Adds scripting capabilities to the Serverless Framework.
  • Bind deployment id - Bind the randomly generated deployment resource to your custom resources.
  • CoffeeScript - Quick and dirty plugin to compile CoffeeScript files.
  • GraphiQL - Plugin to run a local HTTP server for GraphiQL and your GraphQL handler.
  • Jest - Adds support for test-driven development using Jest.
  • Postgraphql - GraphQL endpoint for PostgreSQL using postgraphql.
  • Lambda dead letter - Configure a Lambda with a dead letter queue or topic.
  • Delete log groups - Delete all AWS log groups.
  • Dir config - EXPERIMENTAL - Plugin to load function and resource definitions from a directory.
  • AWS alerts - Easily add CloudWatch alarms to functions.
  • Crypt - Encrypt and decrypt environment variables.
  • CLJS - Enables Clojurescript as an implementation language for Lambda handlers.
  • Encode env var objects - Encode any environment variable objects.
  • Additional stacks - Support for managing multiple AWS CloudFormation stacks.
  • Prune - Deletes old versions of functions from AWS, preserving recent and aliased versions.
  • Offline scheduler - Runs scheduled functions offline while integrating with serverless-offline.
  • Simulate - Simulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally using Docker.
  • Alias - Alias support for Serverless 1.6+.
  • Package .env file - Plugin to copy a .env file into the Serverless deployment package.
  • CI / CD - CI / CD support for Serverless v1.x.
  • Select - Select which functions are to be deployed based on region and stage.
  • Webpack - Plugin to automatically bundle your functions individually with Webpack.
  • OpenWhisk - Add OpenWhisk support to the Serverless Framework.
  • Warmup - Keep Lambdas warm so to avoid slow cold starts.
  • ReasonML - Use ReasonML with Serverless.
  • Gulp - A thin task wrapper around Serverless.
  • .env - Plugin to fetch environment variables and write it to a .env file.
  • Common excludes - Exclude common things from your Serverless package.
  • Existing CloudWatch rule - Existing CloudWatch Rule plugin.
  • Shared vars - Share variables between your serverless.yml config and your codebase.
  • Import swagger - Import functions from swagger spec file to serverless.yml.
  • RDS trigger - Allows Lambda functions to be triggered by AWS RDS triggers.
  • SQS alarms - Wrapper to setup CloudWatch Alarms on SQS queue length.
  • SQS fifo - Plugin to handle creation of SQS fifo queue's in aws (stop-gap).
  • Wavefront rollback - Plugin for doing a Lambda rollback when Wavefront alert fires.
  • Models - Plugin for API models.
  • Userpool - Plugin for interacting with AWS userpools.
  • Hooks - Run arbitrary commands pre-deploy in Serverless.
  • GS enable API logs - Enables CoudWatch logging for API Gateway events.
  • Enable API logs - Enables CoudWatch logs for API Gateway events.
  • Git variables - Expose git variables to Serverless.
  • Dynalite - Run dynalite locally (no JVM, all JS) to simulate DynamoDB.
  • TypeScript - Zero-config TypeScript support.
  • APIG S3 - Automates the process of both configuring AWS to serve static front-end content and deploying your client-side bundle.
  • IOpipe - Automatically wrap your serverless framework functions with IOpipe.
  • API Gateway - Replaces API Gateway resources.
  • Parameters - Add parameters to the generated CloudFormation templates.
  • Pseudo parameters - Use ${AWS::AccountId} and other CloudFormation pseudo parameters in your serverless.yml values.
  • DynamoDB TTL - Configure DynamoDB TTL in serverless.yml (until CloudFormation supports this).
  • API stage - Enables stage variables and logging for AWS API Gateway.
  • API Gateway auth - Plugin supporting AWS_IAM authorizer on API Gateway method.
  • Api Gateway auth - Fork of the API Gateway auth plugin with some enhancements.
  • Export env - Export environment variables into a .env file with automatic AWS CloudFormation reference resolution.
  • Split stacks - Generates nested stacks to get around the 200 resource CloudFormation limit.
  • FaaS - Provider plugin for the FaaS project.
  • Package Python functions - Packaging Python Lambda functions with only the dependencies/requirements they need.
  • Swagger to Serverless - Convert swagger.yml to serverless.yml.
  • Custom domain - Custom domain support.
  • Stack config - Manage configurations for a stack across micro-services.
  • SAM - Exports an AWS SAM template for a service created with the Serverless Framework.
  • ElasticBeanstalk - Deploy applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk.
  • VPC discovery - Serverless plugin for discovering VPC / Subnet / Security Group configuration by name.
  • Kubeless - Kubeless provider plugin.


Professional services


Deprecated stuff. Kept for completeness.


Projects (v0.5)

Plugins (v0.5)

