[ECCV 2024] Street Gaussians: Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes with Gaussian Splatting
- bxh1NIO
- cxzhou35Hangzhou, China
- domingocd
- feixue94Cambridge University
- FengyuGuoChangchun, Jilin, China
- fishfishsonHongKong
- freemtyHangzhou
- gcgengStanford University
- ghy0324State Key Lab of CAD&CG, ZJU
- Haian-JinCornell University
- haotonglZhejiang University
- heiheishuangTsinghua SIGS.
- hwan0806Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- hwfan@hyperplane-lab @MVIG-SJTU @BUPT
- hxy-123Zhejiang University
- Jay-YeUniversity of Southern California
- jcliu0428
- jokester-zzzZhejiang University
- kyleleeyPalo Alto
- LegendBCHuazhong Uni. of Sci. and Tec.
- mancevd
- penghui-yangNanyang Technological University
- PointsCoder
- Promethe-us
- RubyhuiGitbaidu
- Taeyoung96Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- ventusffNVIDIA Toronto AI Lab
- VincentqywTHU
- wenxy68深圳大学
- whuhangzhang
- xbillowyZhejiang University
- y-u-a-n-l-iZhejiang University
- ymingxieNortheastern University
- zhan994City University of Hong Kong
- zhouilu
- zjwzcxThe Chinese University of Hong Kong