A quickstart tool for AmpliconArchitect. Performs all preliminary steps (alignment, CNV calling, seed interval detection) required prior to running AmpliconArchitect. Previously called PrepareAA.
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How do i create a `mm10_viral` reference?
#69 opened by kopardev - 5
Tumor-only vs Normal-paired
#63 opened by yaosichao0915 - 5
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Analysis of long-read sequencing data
#68 opened by stephchid - 7
mosek.Error: (1001) The license has expired.
#67 opened by jingydz - 1
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No eccDNA detection yet
#65 opened by talhamufeed - 3
What happens if you use a smaller Seed?
#64 opened by newpest - 12
- 2
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An error with MOSEK call in
#59 opened by carrie1s - 4
Pipeline stalling at plotting SV view
#60 opened by at10101 - 8
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- 0
- 2
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run Ampliconsuite-pipeline on WGBS data
#51 opened by QLZhouBio - 2
AttributeError: module 'pomegranate' has no attribute 'NormalDistribution'
#52 opened by Tina04021997 - 5
Amplicon Classifier error in grouped analysis mode using mamba installed pipeline
#50 opened by bweasels - 4
Request for benchmarking dataset
#43 opened by aarthi-mohan - 1
cycle view
#47 opened by eesiribloom - 4
Support for non-human species
#45 opened by Chao-Guo-hub - 2
Handling BAMs aligned with BWA-MEM -m flag
#44 opened by tjbencomo - 2
#42 opened by uretaj - 18
Docker permissions
#25 opened by MrDotOne - 4
Long run time with *_CNV_CALLS_pre_filtered.bed
#35 opened by WeijiaSu - 1
Suggestions for arguments to AA to tweak?
#39 opened by tischfis - 7
In most runs AA_CNV_SEEDS.bed files are empty
#30 opened by Yumo-Xie - 6
Directory issue
#40 opened by uretaj - 9
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reference genome path
#21 opened by gneedle1 - 2
Missing in the scripts directory
#36 opened by solo7773 - 12
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
#34 opened by WeijiaSu - 4
empty AA_CNV_SEEDS.bed file
#24 opened by gneedle1 - 5
b37 reference genome
#33 opened by yliu34 - 7
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IndexError: list index out of range
#29 opened by Cathy94 - 6
Always stuck at "Plotting SV View"
#17 opened by notchw - 4
AA error in insert_sdevs
#27 opened by Tina04021997 - 2
some suggestions
#26 opened by panxiaoguang - 2
less number break points
#23 opened by sarmadmehmood89 - 7
mm10 files in data_repo are missing
#19 opened by danielagerovska - 1
broken scripts
#18 opened by davidhoover - 1
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TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
#16 opened by zhangheng43 - 1
Parameter for cnvkit in Readme need change
#14 opened by Si-Nan - 1
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[AmpliconArchitect] MD tag not present
#12 opened by zhang919 - 8
some question about PrepareAA
#11 opened by zhang919