- adamjohnwright
- bicycle1885Karolinska Institute
- BioTurboNickXGenomes
- bryan-luntDepartment of Computer Science, UC San Diego
- caigh02
- carlfahlBozeman, MT
- dcjonesFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- dmitripStanford, CA
- forschnixSan Francisco
- hidewon
- jgreener64MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- jhcloos
- kdm9Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen
- kescoboWellesley College
- kevin-de-grantaCambridge, UK
- lmmx@beatchain
- ltnetcaseGenePlus
- mcanthonyDΞFCONCΞPTS
- mdhe1248
- mitrojoUnited States
- nw11
- okxyTemporary Job
- PallHaraldssonWorking remotely for a UK company
- phavertyZymergen, Inc.
- prcastroNubank
- pwl@ardigen
- quxiaofengTsinghua University
- renzhonglu
- S-YOUTokyo
- ScottPJonesGandalf Software, Inc.
- ShadrackOdikara
- SimonABUniversity of Glasgow
- timbitz@Genentech
- TransGirlCodesMilky Way
- wgreenr
- xwang62