Container class to represent genomic locations and support genomic analysis
- 4
Is GenomicRanges object open-ended?
#132 opened by kijiy - 2
Wrong dtypes used for seqnames in `GenomicRanges._sanitize_seqnames` and should use max value not len of unique values as `num_uniq`
#120 opened by DiDeoxy - 4
8 bits is too little to store all contigs of hg38
#127 opened by balwierz - 2
`_combine_GenomicRanges` and `_fast_combine_GenomicRanges` return wrong results
#129 opened by balwierz - 0
`setdiff` fails on `reduce`d ranges
#126 opened by balwierz - 2
`IRanges.to_pandas` fails if there are mcols
#125 opened by balwierz - 0
Wrong value passed to `_validate_optional_attrs` when setting names in `GenomicRangesList`
#119 opened by DiDeoxy - 4
Should `GenomicRanges` and `GenomicRangesList` check that the row_names of `mcols` is the same as the name of the ranges in the parent object?
#121 opened by DiDeoxy - 0
when num of sequences > np.int8
#117 opened by jkanche - 0
subtract doesn't work as expected
#116 opened by jkanche - 0
Implement `psetdiff`
#115 opened by jkanche - 0
- 0
Add `Hits` class
#111 opened by jkanche - 1
split `GenomicRanges` by a factor
#108 opened by jkanche - 9
"All objects to combine must have the same number of columns" should not be forced for intersect.
#98 opened by ghuls - 1
Add `distance` method
#66 opened by jkanche - 1
- 2
- 0
coerce grangeslist to granges
#19 opened by jkanche - 0
missing option `equal` for `query_type` in `find_overlaps` and other associated methods
#79 opened by jkanche - 8
`read_gtf` function works slowly
#84 opened by abearab - 1
reduce function does not support hg19 seqnames
#85 opened by maayanamid - 1
`to_pandas()` coerces `seqnames` to integers
#81 opened by tkoomar - 8
Create more realistic examples
#77 opened by mmokrejs - 2
Add missing dependency on joblib
#75 opened by mmokrejs - 1
- 1
Improve performance of `find_overlaps`
#67 opened by jkanche - 1
Fix printing method for empty GRL's
#54 opened by jkanche - 1
Documentation for version 0.4.1 is outdated
#46 opened by nsheff - 3
- 3
- 1
Reading Gencode GTF failed
#43 opened by Snowymint - 2
Store strand as a NumPy array or Factor (probably)
#39 opened by LTLA - 1
Store the seqnames as indices into the Seqinfo
#38 opened by LTLA - 1
mcols should always be a `BiocFrame`
#33 opened by LTLA - 1
auto generate seqinfo object.
#32 opened by jkanche - 1
- 1
Don't store the `seqinfo` in the `metadata`
#36 opened by LTLA - 2
- 0
GRangesList should extend `biocframe`
#20 opened by jkanche - 0
- 0
Incorrect type hinting?
#17 opened by DiDeoxy - 0
GRangesList class
#3 opened by jkanche - 1
Can't import `genomicranges` with Python 3.11
#11 opened by nleroy917 - 1