- 4
search not working
#268 opened by mtmorgan - 6
- 1
Broken links in course materials
#264 opened by LiNk-NY - 2
- 2
sort arrow missing from package biocviews page
#259 opened by lshep - 2
New website: low res image
#257 opened by PeteHaitch - 1
reported issue with package level rss feed
#235 opened by lshep - 1
Add a license
#173 opened by logankilpatrick - 3
https:// pages sometimes redirect to http://
#223 opened by mtmorgan - 1
Bad link redirect
#250 opened by jwokaty - 2
R CMD check hangs due to links to 3.16 unreacheable
#251 opened by courtiol - 1
XSS Vulnerability in
#88 opened by Pranyub - 4
- 2
bad link in citation on landing page
#245 opened by jwokaty - 1
Update to recommend .Rmd over .Rnw
#217 opened by jwokaty - 4
Remove `master` from Bioc Package Browser link
#234 opened by jwokaty - 4
Building package landing pages locally
#184 opened by grimbough - 1
- 2
Rank badges link to non-existing pages
#209 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 2
update code of conduct
#188 opened by lshep - 2
Download stats data missing
#191 opened by bschilder - 3
Add Mac arm64 binaries to package landing pages
#175 opened by hpages - 0
Add link to the Bioconductor Git Credentials app in
#174 opened by LiNk-NY - 0
Fill in education and training
#141 opened by lshep - 3
Is there a packages.rds file like CRAN's
#162 opened by urisohn - 3
Bioc devel landing pages: NEWS missing
#152 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 5
- 1
- 5
badge accessibility effort
#133 opened by vjcitn - 3
Mention more time zones for the build reports
#73 opened by sneumann - 3
broken link
#114 opened by vjcitn - 0
can you change my website URL
#102 opened by vjcitn - 1
Update website dynamically in docker
#100 opened by LiNk-NY - 0
Add `Edit on GitHub` buttons to every page
#101 opened by LiNk-NY - 3
- 3
Question badge link should be updated
#94 opened by llrs - 1
"docker run -v /<full_path>/... " fails
#81 opened by kozo2 - 1
update support site / post link
#77 opened by lshep - 1
- 1
- 3
- 6
broken sitemap.xml
#57 opened by sneumann - 1
GitHub actions and styler suggestions
#54 opened by lcolladotor - 1
Error in Biostrings
#52 opened by heleendelbeke - 6
#37 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 5
Text on labels is wider than the image
#33 opened by llrs - 2
SSL peer certificate or SSH key is not OK
#36 opened by llrs - 2
package short URL without https
#34 opened by sneumann - 1
Advertising closed positions
#23 opened by llrs - 1
Watched tags overruns character limit
#22 opened by LTLA