- 0
- 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::program_options::invalid_option_value> >' ') for option '--input-file' is invalid
#65 opened by pameyaw - 0
I have two files that are not created when the command is restarting ( , portcullis.junctions.bed )
#64 opened by sashulkaSh - 1
ResolvePackageNotFound: python=3.1
#63 opened by margaretwoodhouse - 0
- 0
Compilation error with python 3.10
#61 opened by dpryan79 - 0
Portcullis junc detects no junctions if bam index file already present in bam dir
#60 opened by OXB-DC - 2
make fails
#59 opened by francicco - 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<portcullis::bam::BamException>'
#58 opened by mezarque - 1
JunctionException using portcullis junc
#57 opened by cc-prolix - 6
#49 opened by Xiaofei-git - 8
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with the existing python installation in your environment
#55 opened by chnych - 3
- 1 autoreconf ERROR
#56 opened by francicco - 9
- 4
Handling differences between short and long reads
#54 opened by LehmannN - 0
could not open script file as a python file, any help with this error would be greatly appreciated. after brew install, portcullis full used
#53 opened by trjojack - 17
Using Portcullis on RHEL7
#33 opened by beechwood13 - 0
missed junction
#52 opened by gorliver - 7
more incorrect number of column errors
#51 opened by adamfreedman - 4
#39 opened by lstxmu - 0
Read counts
#48 opened by KMgoo - 12
Exon is not exactly recognized
#47 opened by KMgoo - 12
An error during Filtering junctions
#46 opened by KMgoo - 1
- 1
- 6
High Novel Splicce Junction Rate
#44 opened by jgockley62 - 13
error in portcullis bamfilt
#42 opened by wenbinmei - 3
[BUG] make check fails with conda python
#38 opened by lucventurini - 12
Make portcullis work with long reads: ideas
#41 opened by lucventurini - 1
- 1
Streamline boost subset
#32 opened by maplesond - 1
Parsing Command Line: too many positional options have been specified on the command line
#37 opened by dfermin - 1
how does portcullis handle antisense reads?
#40 opened by mparker2 - 2
[Singularity] Installation fails, even following instructions in the recipe in the Repo
#36 opened by lucventurini - 2
conda conflicts with enum34?
#34 opened by maximilianh - 10
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<portcullis::JunctionException>' what(): std::exception**
#25 opened by fcamara7 - 0
- 0
Ensure unique id after junctools set union
#29 opened by maplesond - 2
Speed up rule based filtering
#26 opened by maplesond - 2
- 1
Counts of R1 and R2 for each strand
#30 opened by maplesond - 13
Configure with python3
#21 opened by colindaven - 2
- 2
Improve performance of rule-based filtering
#23 opened by maplesond - 4
Trouble starting with non-standard python3
#22 opened by IanSudbery - 0
Define primary junctions
#20 opened by lucventurini - 2
- 5
- 1
Personalise GFF source field in the output
#17 opened by lucventurini