
receiving different imu data after migrating to ros2-4.1.0 from ros2-4.0.0

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I have been using version ros2-4.0.0 and everything was looking fine. However, after upgrading this repository to the latest ros2 version, I am getting different results out of the topic /imu/data. To show this I attached my 3DMCV7-AR imu sensor to the table as shown in this picture


using the ros2-4.0.0 version I am getting the following result out of /imu/data topic

    sec: 1720224322
    nanosec: 200006693
  frame_id: imu_link
  x: -0.005650007861061779
  y: -0.7082052530777803
  z: 0.003674360537011858
  w: 0.7059744301310432

However after switching to the latest ros2 version, I am getting the following result from /imu/data

    sec: 1720224065
    nanosec: 469269517
  frame_id: imu_link
  x: 0.002467643210590281
  y: 0.707826070436809
  z: -0.008047244426263075
  w: 0.7063366099843013

Why am I getting two different results and how can I get the same result as ros2-4.0.0 out of newer versions? (Note that this problem can be even observed after migrating to ros2-4.1.0)

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Architecture: x86_64
  • ROS Version: humble
  • Version: ros2-4.1.0
  • Sensor(s): 3DMCV7-AR
  • Firmware: 1.0.07