Python bindings to some optimization benchmarks (robotics problems), in order to constrained optimization solvers. Includes also an interface to the solvers within rai. See the jupyter notebocks in 'tutorials'.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- amsksLeibniz Universität Hannover
- bhomaidan1990somewhere
- buzemTUM
- gfadiniLAAS CNRS
- hanyasAalto University
- HolgerEntenmann
- jaytxrx
- lhoenigBerlin
- luis-muellerAachen
- michaelchi08MCKC
- mutual-ai
- odellus@phytomech
- pnicklUniversity of Geneva
- rrufatTampere, Finland
- study0098
- techperfect
- ulrikSebastienR
- wbthomason@bdaiinstitute
- wnsrl970219Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University
- YuXHe15