- AdamtarantoThe University of Melbourne
- baozgMax Planck Institue for Biology Tübingen
- BigNianNGSBeiJing Grandomics BioTech Co. , LTD
- bsipos@nanoporetech
- cangfengzheGrandomics Biosciences
- colindavenGermany
- dduchen
- dpfliegerInstitute of Plant Molecular Biology
- edawson@nvidia
- eernstCSHL/HHMI
- ekgUniversity of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)
- endrebakNTNU
- evanbiederstedt
- fritzsedlazeckBaylor College of Medicine
- geocarvalho@uclanelsonlab
- hannespetur@DecodeGenetics
- Jie-Ren-CSHL
- Kmanjorno company
- kokyriakidisUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
- linzhi2013ZFMK
- Musketeer-DAnchorage
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- proteinosome
- quanc1989Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
- sinamajidianJohns Hopkins University
- suyananBeijing
- timp0
- tjiangHITHarbin Institute of Technology
- touala
- tuannguyen8390Agriculture Victoria
- Vikash84University of Minnesota
- wdecosterVIB-UAntwerp
- williamrowell@PacificBiosciences
- YTLogosHunan Agricultural University, China
- zhengzhenxianThe University of Hong Kong
- zhliUU