A collection of unexpected challenges and learnings with nextflow and nf-core.
- abhi18av@biosharp-dotnet
- antortjimVIB-KU Leuven
- armishBedford, MA
- chriswyatt1London
- combizLondon, UK
- da-iCyclomics
- darked89Barcelona, Spain
- davidmaspUW
- edmundmiller@Functional-Genomics-Lab
- fellen31
- fmalmeidaUniversity of Brasilia @compgenunb
- GeertvanGeestSIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
- goja288@kinzbio
- grstBoehringer Ingelheim
- humbleflowers
- jca-hdai
- JoseEspinosaCRG
- JosephLalliWerling Lab
- ljmesiCTMR/NPC
- lxhuang7
- lynnlangitLynn Langit Consulting LLC
- maxiborMax Planck institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
- mciprianoCDC
- mibyarsUniversity of British Columbia
- mribeirodantasSeqera
- MxrconUFPA - Universidade Federal do Pará
- pditommasoSeqera Labs
- Reindertvc
- rhagensonWashington University School of Medicine
- sateeshperiPeriMatrix IT Consultancy
- SusiJo
- tarensss
- tomraulet
- yesimonCambridge, MA