
Unable to launch pick and place example using Gazebo

cybernetchi opened this issue · 2 comments


Ubuntu 16.04
ROS Kinetic

I am trying to follow
to launch the pick and place using Gazebo.

  • When I am at this step
    roslaunch open_manipulator_ar_markers ar_pose.launch camera_model:=realsense_d435 use_platform:=false
    the robot model is not properly loaded


  • There is also no image received from the camera

  • Therefore I can't reach open_manipulator_pick_and_place.launch

Thank you

Hi @cybernetchi
I'm sorry about the confusion.
It looks like undeveloped test code had been accidentally uploaded on the eManual.
AR simulation is currently not supported, but I'll review this after the update that I'm currently working on.

Aayli commented

Is it possible to get any information about when simulation for ROS2 will be ready?