[Simulation, Humble] Joint 'gripper_right_joint_mimic' not found in model 'turtlebot3_manipulation'
goekce opened this issue · 7 comments
I want to simulate TB3-manipulation and followed the Humble instructions. I used:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup gazebo.launch.py
If I additionally:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config servo.launch.py
Then I get lot of:
[moveit_robot_model.robot_model]: Joint 'gripper_right_joint_mimic' not found in model 'turtlebot3_manipulation'
I can move the arm using _teleop
however the control buttons seem to be wrongly mapped. For example pressing joint1+
and then joint1-
does not return the arm to the original position.
Is this a bug or feature?
Probably related to ros-controls/gazebo_ros2_control#173
(Update: see my next comment below)gripper_right_joint
=> gripper_right_joint_mimic
gets rid of the errors. I can create a PR if a maintainer acknowledges that this is the right fix.
Regarding the teleop issue: The described behavior still exists after the fix. Probably another issue.
My workaround led to a static right grip in Gazebo, so I added a dummy joint like shown in ros-controls/gazebo_ros2_control#173:
<joint name="${prefix}gripper_right_joint_mimic" type="fixed">
<parent link="${prefix}link5" />
<child link="dummy_mimic_fix" />
<link name="dummy_mimic_fix"/>
Also related: ros-controls/gz_ros2_control#96. Probably better to wait for the resolution of this issue.
The source of the error is explained here in detail: https://robotics.stackexchange.com/questions/25107/ros2-moveit-cant-find-mimic-joint
Thank @goekce so much for the solution. For anyone need help with this issue
To edit turtlebot3_manipulation/turtlebot3_manipulation_description/urdf/open_manipulator_x.urdf.xacro
<joint name="${prefix}gripper_right_joint" type="prismatic">
<joint name="${prefix}gripper_right_joint_mimic" type="fixed">
<parent link="${prefix}link5" />
<child link="dummy_mimic_fix" />
<link name="dummy_mimic_fix"/>
This is the git link
Can any one just let me know from which file this error is coming?