- 3
- 1
- 1
compile for Noetic on 20.04 Ubuntu
#49 opened by MikeHallettUK - 1
Turtlebot3 with manipulator issue
#46 opened by BENBEY-I - 1
Lidar position not adjusted
#47 opened by Vitus012 - 5
- 3
Turtlebot3: Open Manipulator Bringup Fails: DynamixelSDKWrapper: No status packet! Proces died: stack smashing detected.
#58 opened by perrombouts2322 - 2
- 5
- 12
Open Manipulator Fails BringUP
#63 opened by gandradeng - 1
Metapackage `ros-humble-turtlebot3-manipulation-*.deb` cannot be found on ``
#65 opened by goekce - 7
[Simulation, Humble] Joint 'gripper_right_joint_mimic' not found in model 'turtlebot3_manipulation'
#66 opened by goekce - 9
FAIL to start "moveit_servo" (ROS2 Foxy)
#71 opened by eRobotclub - 3
[Simulation, Humble] abrupt arm movement due to `open_loop_control` in `joint_trajectory_controller`
#70 opened by goekce - 1
Jerked Arm movements vs. roadmap
#57 opened by lmendyk - 3
Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upper bound for the trajectory execution was 1.639534 seconds). Stopping trajectory.
#60 opened by nicholashojunhui - 1
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- 1
- 1
Error while launching '' from turtlebot3_maniputaion_bringup for ros foxy
#56 opened by ShrutiPatankar9 - 0
- 2
- 0
Install packages for TurtleBot3 Manipulation failure
#54 opened by UniBot50 - 0
Firmware bug for ROS2 Foxy
#53 opened by JBVAkshaya - 0
- 1
ROS 2 update required
#39 opened by ROBOTIS-Will - 4
#6 opened by Fred159 - 34
- 1
- 2
om_with_tb3_remote.launch is missing
#31 opened by skRoh - 3
Unsure of which service messages to use to move joints and gripper using rospy
#37 opened by nicholashojunhui - 2
OpenManipulator catkin_make error
#38 opened by The3Designer - 1
I suggest to modify the map.pgm file.
#20 opened by minwoominwoominwoo7 - 2
- 1
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- 6
- 4
launch error
#14 opened by liusanchuan - 6
control gripper from Python
#13 opened by jbeysens - 3
- 1
- 10
#5 opened by dltmdwls25