[ECCV2024] Gaussian Splatting on the Move: Blur and Rolling Shutter Compensation for Natural Camera Motion
- Alakia
- alexeyda
- antimatter15San Francisco, CA
- arvrschool
- aW4KeNiNGBerlin, Germany
- DavidRecasensUniversity of Zaragoza
- hdvrai
- henrypearce4DInfinite Realities
- hiyyg
- kansterUniversity of Technology, Sydney
- kennethlynnePanoptiq AS
- koktavy@Aircards
- lanxinger@Plinth-it
- LingzheZhaoWestlake University
- LongxiaozeTokyo
- maturk
- maxgillettSan Francisco
- mosureMadison, WI
- mpizenbergFittingbox
- MrNeRFBasel, Switzerland
- murcje
- oseiskarFinland
- paolo-moldovanCluj-Napoca, Romania
- pavelf200205
- pfxuanAtlanta, GA
- RCJacHBeijing, China
- robeasthamLondon
- TouchDeeperSouth China University of Technology
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- Wendy-Yang-89
- wzy-99huazhong university of science and technology
- xiaohulihutu
- xyIsHere
- YanhaoZhangUniversity of Technology Sydney
- yejun688PhD Candidate
- YiChenCityUCity University HK