This repo contains ROS nodes that implement a relative Monte-Carlo multi-robot localization method by fusing UWB range measurements with odometry estimations and cooperative spatial detections.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- astronaunt
- DioBakery
- dz306271098University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- IacopomC@daavch
- Jackson898China
- janeyaalplsplsaplplspalsp
- jellyhaochi
- KYH04444Department of Eletrical Engineering, Inha Univertisy
- lingduSustech_RLLAB
- NingZKCardiff University
- QMonteCarloherrganz@163.com
- Song0y
- Starfall-0128
- talking-toasterNanjing,China
- ThouTCheng
- TongxingJin
- ToushineZhejiang University of Technology
- wnsrl970219Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University
- xinkunzheng
- zhh8689
- zyinxiang
- zzz99-aaaaa