
jog_arm package with FRI

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,
I am running grl_kuka_ros_driver to run KUKA lbr iiwa in FRI mode. However, I am only be able to send joint_position commands to the arm. To be able to control it in Cartesian velocity mode, I am trying to run move_it with jog_arm packages, and send Cartesian velocity commands to the end-effector through grl_driver in FRI mode. Do you know that jog_arm package is suitable with FRI? Have you used this package before? This is my problem I have encountered UTNuclearRoboticsPublic/jog_arm#89

I've not tried cartesian velocity mode, so I don't know the answer. However, if you do find out please post the details here for future users!