- 0
To speed up post review you can use this script
#190 opened by Isoris - 8
error when run the, the final.fasta was too small
#179 opened by Jiangjiangzhang6 - 0
Incorrect information about the option "--gap-size"
#189 opened by shelkmike - 2
- 0
Error reading datasetnull
#188 opened by fisisi - 0
- 0
No FINAL* files created.
#186 opened by Yang-xia13 - 9
No FINAL* files created.
#159 opened by Jung19911124 - 0
some question about parameters
#185 opened by oddguyeee - 4
- 0
No result file is generated
#184 opened by zhangyuxin1012 - 1
:( Annotations span several contigs. Exiting!
#183 opened by ZKYthli - 0
Enhancement Request: Handling Telomeric Segments During 3D-DNA Correction and Potential Strategies to Prevent Trimming
#182 opened by Hanjiangna - 0
What is the difference between 0.hic, 0.assembly and rawchrom.hic, rawchrom.assembly?
#168 opened by XXH123a - 5
- 3
Not including fragment map and not geneated the final fasta file use the run-asm-pipeline-post-review
#178 opened by Jiangjiangzhang6 - 0
syntax error with
#181 opened by MY0NEMA - 3
- 5
Abnormal size of *.0.hic
#173 opened by linshengnan09 - 6
- 0
.Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space and GC overhead limit exceeded
#177 opened by zhangna123-ux - 0
- 0
Unknown error: ERROR [2023-11-15 12:16:26,414] [] [main] Error reading dataset
#175 opened by SwenDiepstraten - 0
error with
#174 opened by yangyyhh - 2
- 0
very fragmented draft genome
#171 opened by sqwwww - 5
error: java not available
#167 opened by dandanWang2019 - 6
How to obtain a temporary
#166 opened by XXH123a - 4
I have a hap_ctg.fa file with 4.5G, used juicer I got 52.31G merged_nodups_txt,then I used 3D-DNA, I only got 55.72M final.hic file
#169 opened by wyl1219 - 2
current 3D-DNA version
#170 opened by dustin-cram - 1
- 1
HiC resolution issue: Unable to dump
#161 opened by AzumaSerenThePatriot - 1
- 0
No hic output
#163 opened by Donbbit - 1
sort: write failed: /home/sdc/3ddna/HIC_tmp/sorty4gvbq: Input/output error
#162 opened by Biscuite-wzy - 1
link coverage file extraction
#160 opened by chklopp - 0
- 4
- 1
Fragmented scaffolds - large and repetitive genome
#157 opened by sighe - 0
- 0
lift-input-annotations-to-asm-annotations.awk: line 108: regular expression compile failed (syntax error ^* or ^+)
#154 opened by chun-he-316 - 0
overlong scaffold
#153 opened by wangyzh - 5
No final.hic file generated
#151 opened by ithacajing - 4
- 4
- 0
Extract contig to contig link counts from Hi-C file
#148 opened by chklopp - 3
Syntax error - awk
#147 opened by ddelgadillod - 2
MERGING step seems not using GNU parallel?
#145 opened by wangc1106 - 1
HiFi and Nanopore behave differently in 3D DNA (due to different draft assembly sizes)
#141 opened by kuangzhuoran - 1
I have assembled three genomes at the same time, and they have stayed in one place for a long time
#142 opened by kuangzhuoran