Tensorflow and PyTorch implementation of Unsupervised Depth Completion from Visual Inertial Odometry (in RA-L January 2020 & ICRA 2020)
- anshulrai
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- brunoeducsantosCapgemini Engineering
- ClementPinardOnfido
- dontLoveBugsBeijing, China
- eborboihucNTHU VSLab
- FangGetBUPT
- feixhgraduated from UCLA Vision Lab
- fly51flyPRIS
- Hansry
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- HeYijiaCASIA
- jb892Imperial College London
- KuangHaofei
- Lishen1
- longyangqiZhejiang University
- lullabee
- manila95Mila - Quebec AI Institute
- marknabilFrance
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- mikkeljakobsen
- minygd
- nynygTechnical University of Munich
- RubyhuiGitbaidu
- SaixiaomaChongqing University
- sgr-gpt
- SimonsRoad
- TimingSpaceTongji University
- TopGun666
- ujasmandavia@northeasternuniversity
- VincentqywTHU
- wanyc-rt
- weblucasETH Zurich
- Xuechun-Hu
- youmi-zymPhD Student at University of Bologna
- zhangzheng0131