Pixel-Perfect Structure-from-Motion with Featuremetric Refinement (ICCV 2021, Best Student Paper Award)
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Error building pixsfm
#150 opened by joseTWD - 4
Type Error with reconstruction object
#105 opened by bdxuyidong - 2
- 1
Refinement of unoptimized camera poses
#121 opened by bkhanal-11 - 5
- 1
- 0
- 0
refine model error
#146 opened by Bin-ze - 6
How to avoid resulting in multiple models?
#125 opened by linhanwang - 0
How to run Spatial Matching in PixSFM
#144 opened by paidiakileswar - 2
- 0
How can we consider geo-positions during feature matching in reconstruction
#145 opened by paidiakileswar - 2
- 5
- 1
Error about boost
#139 opened by empty-spacebar - 2
- 12
- 2
Pyceres requires colmap == 3.9.1
#136 opened by DabblerGISer - 0
refine_keypoints_from_db used up 384GB of memory
#135 opened by xiemeilong - 2
Inference time on sparse frames
#134 opened by jytime - 0
- 0
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#129 opened by junfish - 0
sfm from street images
#130 opened by inuex3 - 0
Using pixel-perfect-sfm for aerial photography
#128 opened by apii - 1
Error: importing pixsfm
#126 opened by ronly2460 - 2
#108 opened by ThomasParistech - 2
About feature-reference bundle adjustment.
#123 opened by leo-frank - 1
how to speed up sequential dataset
#124 opened by ericufatass - 1
TooMuch Time on Reconstruction block in Demo
#104 opened by bdxuyidong - 3
Running entirely from c++?
#98 opened by antithing - 1
Bug: Need to remove ANTIALIAS
#119 opened by catid - 2
Feature: Parallelize dense feature extraction
#120 opened by catid - 1
Working with distorted images?
#118 opened by catid - 1
Debug Procedure
#117 opened by ItaloFan - 2
My version of ceres is 2.1.0, colmap is 3.8, and pycolmap is 0.4.0. What version of pyceres should I use to solve the errors in the main text?
#114 opened by XLionXL - 1
NameError: name '_C' is not defined
#116 opened by linqingfan - 2
Inquiry about the possibility of minimizing the noise in Point Cloud for low-textured objects
#109 opened by amughrabi - 1
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Crash on M1
#113 opened by ducha-aiki - 2
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Import error
#112 opened by Krasner - 5
- 0
undefined symbol: H5Literate2
#107 opened by MuseumMage - 7
- 1
Installation failed
#102 opened by jhzgjhzg - 2
I would like to ask which file in hloc should be run to get the input keypoints.h5 in the End-to-end SfM with hloc method?
#94 opened by newforests - 1
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Running dense matching from scratch in demo
#97 opened by sidk99 - 1
Localization of real images with respect to a textured scan using QueryLocalizer
#95 opened by makmary