This is an example of a modern ROS2 development environment which utilises a devcontainer and integrated with VS Code debug, linting and testing.
- abdulahad01Bangalore
- andrejGolovskisBisingen
- avcuenes
- bmrocamoraWest Virginia University
- corusmBosch Security and Safety Systems
- dagarGainesville, Florida
- DevenLu
- incebellipipoNTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- juandpenanSpain
- ljaniecWrocław University of Science and Technology
- maxpolzinEPF Lausanne
- michaelchi08MCKC
- mjshigginsMountain View, CA
- rfzegThe Construct
- rosterlohRichard Osterloh Engineering Ltd
- samuk@transitionnetwork
- sutyum@TechnocultureResearch
- woudieNorthern Hemisphere
- yapbenzetKocaeli Üniversitesi
- ygao9795