- AlgomorphSoftware Engineering, 3D Computer Vision
- Andyzzz
- arnoldn1Lancaster United Kingdom
- buddyhsXidian University
- cafeNanyang Technological University
- CanCanZeng
- capability-limited
- catree
- cdcseacave3Dnovator
- elliottzheng
- FishHe
- ihpdepEast China Normal University
- JilocHoley srl
- kzampogNVIDIA
- LiuXinqi12
- Mad-Thanos
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- minxuanjunNortheastern University
- natowi
- njzhangyifeiGoogle
- PascalYIN
- raiscui
- RothLuo
- s-trinh
- saurabheightsTechnical University of Munich
- soldatjiangCASIA
- swarth100London, United Kingdom
- threedlife
- walsvidByteDance
- willfu
- YiChenCityUCity University HK
- ymgcmstkTokyo, Japan
- zhangxaochen
- zhekaiTong
- zhl8223
- ziruiw-dev