A collection of high-quality models for the MuJoCo physics engine, curated by Google DeepMind.
- AndrejOrsula@snt-spacer | University of Luxembourg
- btabaGoogle Deepmind
- curieuxjyRobotics Innovatory at SKKU
- eemailme
- erikfreyPalo Alto, CA
- gergondet
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- keenlMarjord
- kevinzakka
- Magnus6803MJ Kontorsservice
- Mehtapozkan
- nico-bohlinger
- robodreamerBoston Dynamics AI Institute
- rodrigodelazcano@Farama-Foundation
- SamimAB
- saran-t@google-deepmind
- sherwin0402
- stephane-caronInria
- tkelestemur-bdaiBoston Dynamics AI Institute
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan
- wx-bRIOS
- yoann-fleytouxNantes
- yuvaltassaDeepMind
- zivzoneNational Chaio tung univeristy