- 9
- 1
Methylation data disappears from bigwig tracks
#306 opened by dvl-romero - 3
IGV Web App: No Longer Recognizes Gene Names
#305 opened by jvanbelzen - 5
Google Drive access is blocked by IGV web app
#304 opened by mcruicks - 1
- 0
Track gene name for v2.15.13
#302 opened by ozlem-sevri - 2
Nested Genome options or Genome searchable table
#255 opened by lacoak21 - 3
- 2
- 18
Add URL token to session file when loading
#299 opened by r78v10a07 - 2
mm39 genome unable to load
#300 opened by siddharthab - 2
Feature Request - Move to next BED entry
#293 opened by engreitz - 9
Read files not shown in IGV web browser
#277 opened by michellescribner - 3
Translation of transcripts
#213 opened by dasnellings - 3
- 2
Group autoscale on web app
#298 opened by SLundregan - 5
No login prompt
#292 opened by OumaimaHamza - 2
Split-screen URL
#288 opened by OumaimaHamza - 2
issue with web igv
#285 opened by mooniaammari - 5
open igv-webapp site (, but this web is not displayed correctly.
#284 opened by sunhuaibo - 3
Cannot change the color of coverage track
#264 opened by 92w7 - 2
- 4
Quickly locate a gene through a URL
#282 opened by jmzhang1911 - 5
Genome -> URL: Error accessing resource
#269 opened by Epannec - 3
To upoad in IGV it says Genome requires either a single JSON file or a FASTA file & index file
#263 opened by susheelskuast - 3
- 2
Question of the maintenance of igv-webapp
#262 opened by JosephLaiC - 0
- 14
Cannot upload data to the IGV Web app
#254 opened by cgrunau - 14
Error accessing resource on Dropbox cram
#238 opened by aardes - 3
Throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('set')
#242 opened by lacoak21 - 2
Double sequence track
#245 opened by helgathorv - 5
error accessing repeat tracks for chm13v2
#248 opened by jo-mc - 8
Gencode v36
#244 opened by s-paquette - 2
RefSeq mRNA track for T2T-CHM13v2.0 reference works on IGV web app but not downloaded versions?
#243 opened by KL-Cardiff - 2
- 5
"error when loading a custom genome [mobx-state-tree] Instance identifier 'trackId' for type 'ReferenceSequenceTrackConfigurationSchema' must be a string or a number"
#240 opened by nettanetta - 5
Support for macFas5
#236 opened by dany-fu - 1
hg38 CpG Islands annotation track has a link to hg19
#237 opened by dany-fu - 2
Incompatible module with yarn install
#235 opened by antonylebechec - 1
Error on startup if missing session registry file
#226 opened by jrobinso - 4
Google sign out button
#224 opened by jrobinso - 5
igv-webapp hangs waiting for dropbox
#223 opened by jjgao - 2
- 9
No default genome files seen
#219 opened by philge - 10
Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module igv-widgets.js:1
#214 opened by feedlord18 - 4
- 4
Directory on a Server into an accessible?
#210 opened by gpcr - 1
- 1