kaaninan's Following
- 0xferit@butterygg
- 4ntoineEkaterinburg, Russia
- AccurexIstanbul, Turkey
- ayyucedemirbasDeep Space Nine
- azer@swaydotso
- bar61arosTurkish Technology
- baransomakli@baseworkstudio
- bdaylik
- ceyhunBerlin
- costashatzElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras
- davetcolemanPickNik Robotics
- DerelictRobotDerelict Robot Industries
- DL7ADBerlin, Germany
- DLu@MetroRobots
- dotyigitmatrix
- emreonOttawa, ON, Canada
- enesozturk
- erhansenUBIT
- ezgihekimmBAU Innovation and Consultancy Inc.
- halilbMersin, Turkey
- HasibeZaferrİstanbul / Turkey
- helvacibBAUSTEM
- ironturkishCodeFiti
- joshuagruensteinTutor Intelligence
- kbirandKoray Birand Photography
- LSTSPorto, Portugal
- makcakocaSTM
- mbanziArduino
- Monte9Los Angeles, CA
- ozancaglayanImperial College London
- r3n33Houston, TX
- rakyllGoogle
- robotpilotROBOTIS
- truell20
- vmayoralAcceleration Robotics
- YusufKISIKTurkey